
I may have to learn UNIX as part of my work. Can anyone with experience let me know what UNIX I should install etc.?

If you want to use Linux, then download and install Ubuntu. (www.ubuntu.com).
To download Ubuntu latest version (6.10), use this link http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download#currentrelease
Try to run the LiveCD first. It will give you a chance to see if everything works without actually installing anything on your HD.
You will have to be extra careful not to install them on a computer that has other info. My best bet will be to install them in a separate HD.
RussianMike said:

I may have to learn UNIX as part of my work. Can anyone with experience let me know what UNIX I should install etc.?

Mike, I have some Ubuntu CDs at home. Send me an email to remind me and I will bring it tomorrow. We can talk more in class.
Alain, I may need that Ubuntu CDs too. Just about to learn how to use Linix.
Thanks a lot.
I'll admit, Cywin doesn't have the most elegant installer.

You could get a Mac :)
RussianMike said:
Everybody loves them, no one in the industry uses them

ppl use Linux, which is the same os family as Mac OS. It has all the tools that you'd need for classes, PLUS other cool apps :D
Mike and anyone else who want to have a taste of Unixish sytle computation.
I will suggest to start with RedHat (or now called Fedora).
Note: for a RedHat WS (student price is like $20 or 30)
Why Redhat? it is the most popular one and have been around for a couple years, so if you encounter any problem,
you can quickly find out the solution online.

Mac is very cool, but the OS is based on BSD, personally, I think it is not that easy to play with.
Once again, the standard Unix in Wall Street should be Sun Solaris (some said it is AIX).

Anyway, if you guys need those OS and don't want to download, just let me know.
I have some copies of those Unix/Linux OS.
If you want to try Linux... try Ubuntu. Hands down the easiest to deal with.
alain said:
If you want to try Linux... try Ubuntu. Hands down the easiest to deal with.
That's why Ubuntu is called Linux for Human beings :D
Also, Ubuntu is voted the most popular Linux desktop. I'll probably format and reinstall the 6.10 again soon.
Caution on Ubuntu 6.10 (as opposed to 6.06)


Just an FYI for people who are installing Ubuntu... the previous version 6.06 may be of interest to you. That particular version is under something which I believe is called "long term maintenance". What that means is that particular version will be community-supported for years going forward. So if you believe you will be using your Linux box for a while, and don't want to get caught up in endless upgrade cycles, that may be the version for you. I suspect it is also a bit more stable.

I have installed 6.10 at home here and there are quite a few nits with it... it won't recognize my card reader, won't configure dual-monitor, etc.; basically, a bunch of little things. 6.10 is one month old, and has the code name of "edgy", which is a good example of truth in advertising. I can't help but wonder if my experience would have been better under 6.06.

OTOH, I can definitely recommend Ubuntu whole-heartedly as a platform of choice. It is much easier to configure than SUSE Linux 10.1, which I was running previously.

Hi Joe,
Glad to see another Ubuntu fan here \:D/
I'm currently have 6.06 on my Thinkpad T60 and the only things not working out of the box is fingerprint reader, wireless card. I was able to get the card working and the FP scanner is just a matter of finding some time to config it.

I downloaded the 6.10 the other day but haven't given it a run yet. I'll do it soon and let you know how it turns out. Yes, 6.06 is the recommended version for Ubuntu now but since Edgy is bleeding edge technology, I'd like to play with it :D
If things break, I'll go back to 6.06 and keep apt-get updating ;)

By the way, what is your kernel version? Everytime I'm updating to a new kernel version, I have to recompile my wifi card code.
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