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US regulators ask for HF algo data + code

Just wondering - would their coders be as competent (for the lack of a better word) and well paid as the ones in the financial industry?
Just wondering - would their coders be as competent (for the lack of a better word) and well paid as the ones in the financial industry?
competent coders in the financial industry? there are not as many as you might think.
Is this really necessary? I feel like 99% of people don't actually know how any sort of trading works, let alone HFT, so they overreact when the markets dip and blame the losses on Wall Street. This just seems like the SEC is giving in to peer pressure (which is coming from people who know nothing).
competent coders in the financial industry? there are not as many as you might think.
As in those who made the HF code. Perhaps they too, are incompetent? I don't know.