What could I do as a prefrosh to improve my chances of getting into competitive quant/finance clubs next year?

I got into a T20 and am planning to pursue a CS-ORIE major there. However, most of the quant-related clubs are extremely competitive and I did not do any olympiads in high school.

What project do you recommend?
Should I get certifications of some sort?
Learn topics independently?
I would start here. There are tons of free reading materials that you can use to get a better understanding of the industry. Then, you can start networking with people to learn more. It's never ending so it does not matter which channels you use to pursue the knowledge.
I would start here. There are tons of free reading materials that you can use to get a better understanding of the industry. Then, you can start networking with people to learn more. It's never ending so it does not matter which channels you use to pursue the knowledge.
Thank you! I'll be sure to read that.
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