What is the most natural transition to a Desk Quant position?

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Nonono. Definitely not. Those are completely different roles. Well, the TA and Trading Analyst are basically the same thing sometimes in S&T. Sometimes TA is going towards Trading and Trading analyst might be more support doing pricing and research.

You do NOT rotate through professions. You rotate through desks. So most banks have a 3 rotation program. You might be on a mortgage trading desk, credit and then delta one, depending on your preference and strengths.
Thank you for the answer. You rotate between desks, fine. But what is your role on the desk? Trading assistant calculating P&L and pricing?
Why is that? Also, I don't think I can become a trader without a few years in some role in trading....

How many years of experience is essential to become a HFT??? I know this has been asked several times bu I still get different answers
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