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What is the reputation of Stony Brook?

Just as a follow up to my last post - I got my undergrad degree at Stony Brook, which is in the NY State school system. It has a strong reputation for math and physics, and since it's a state school the tuition is WAY below other programs. What is it's reputation in the financial world? Anyone know?
My uneducated impression is that SUNY Stony Brook is in the 'good state school' bracket. You won't wow anyone with that name but people will know the score on why you went there (solid education, low tuition) and usually won't hold it against you.
I've researched stony brook. There is not much information about it but from what I can tell its pretty good university and stacks up against other top tier schools. It does have its quantitative finance program which they barely started a few years back, and i'm quite sure its quite compeitive. Plus you have Renaissance Technologies which is very close to the campus and its a renowned hedgefund. From what I can tell it has a good reputation in the financial world.