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When to apply for jobs as a grad student?

I am getting my master's in Statistics and was wondering when should I start applying for jobs. I work full time which is prolonging the degree completion and I won't graduate until this December. From some of the suggested reading (Paul & Dominic's guide to getting a Quant job) they say to apply 'now'. I have my resume and cover letters for different roles already queued up, so filling the applications won't be hard.

My question really is: Am I doing myself a disservice by applying too early and looking like a fool, and thus maybe hurting my chances once I am closer to graduation?
There’s no right answer. It depends on your risk appetite with respect to employment. I’m risk averse. I’d take the first good offer I got. Others will wait until they think they’ve found the “best” offer. I know people who’ve turned down great jobs in hope of getting better ones, only to be disappointed.

I also have a master’s in statistics (NYU 1994). PM me if you want to chat.