could you rank the following courses, regarding how valuable they are for becoming an excellent financial mathematician (and for getting into an internship next year ;-) )
1. Algorithmic mathematics (based on Cormen et al. - "introduction to algorithms" and Korte/Vygen - "Combinatorial Optimization")
2. Advanced course in calculus (featuring Lebesgue-integration over n-dimensional Lebesgue measure, Fubini Theorem, Stoke's Theorem,...)
3. A course on partial differential equations and functional calculus (Lax-Milgram Theorem, Theory of L2-regularity, Hanarck's Inequality...)
4. Introduction to stochastic calculus (martingales, ruinproblem, regularity for time-continous martingales, ito-representation of brownian motion, ito integration, feynman-kac-formel, girsanovtransformation, solving the heat equation
5. An introductory course on coding (using either MatLab, C or C++ , depends on the lecturer)
I bet that most of you will favor the stochastic calculus course which I will definitely take. However, I would like to know how many and which other courses I should take.
Thanks in advance!
could you rank the following courses, regarding how valuable they are for becoming an excellent financial mathematician (and for getting into an internship next year ;-) )
1. Algorithmic mathematics (based on Cormen et al. - "introduction to algorithms" and Korte/Vygen - "Combinatorial Optimization")
2. Advanced course in calculus (featuring Lebesgue-integration over n-dimensional Lebesgue measure, Fubini Theorem, Stoke's Theorem,...)
3. A course on partial differential equations and functional calculus (Lax-Milgram Theorem, Theory of L2-regularity, Hanarck's Inequality...)
4. Introduction to stochastic calculus (martingales, ruinproblem, regularity for time-continous martingales, ito-representation of brownian motion, ito integration, feynman-kac-formel, girsanovtransformation, solving the heat equation
5. An introductory course on coding (using either MatLab, C or C++ , depends on the lecturer)
I bet that most of you will favor the stochastic calculus course which I will definitely take. However, I would like to know how many and which other courses I should take.
Thanks in advance!