• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
    Highly recommended by thousands of MFE students. Covers essential C++ topics with applications to financial engineering. Learn more Join!
    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
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Who else is Applying? Do you want to work together?

I am applying for 2012 Admission for FE. I currently keep a spreadsheet of 25 target schools with key information: including their admissions deadlines, program start dates, admissions contact names and emails, Program's next Info Session, etc.

Does anybody who does the same want to corroborate to fill in missing blanks and verify info together, as well as help each other thru the admissions possible to any extent possible? Please message me.

Hi I am Sandeep, a B.Tech from IIT Delhi with 2+years of work ex. I am considering a MFE degree and wish to keep in touch.
Todd, I also have a similar spreadsheet. I am considering sending applications to about 12 schools all things being equal. I think this is a very good idea. The document can be uploaded somewhere to make populating it with information much easier.