Recent content by Tom Maloney

  1. Tom Maloney

    I'm an old student, need some career advice

    I don't think you'll face age discrimination at 30, I was 31 when I joined a hedge fund after graduating from an MFE program. But you will have to explain a career switch. Programming is a skill that underscores all the job titles that you mention, and it is a pretty valuable skill. As long as...
  2. Tom Maloney

    Looking for Good Headhunters

    Headhunters get paid by the employer. Do not pay a headhunter, ever. They do not work for you.
  3. Tom Maloney

    Moving Over From Top Tech

    I would walk away from that place and not think twice about it. Do you want to work for a guy who doesn't know how to interview?
  4. Tom Maloney

    Moving Over From Top Tech

    How do you know it's the brainteaser questions that are your roadblock? Maybe if we all show the interviewers the error in their ways, they'll stop asking these types of questions: Google's infamous brain-teaser interview questions don't predict performance
  5. Tom Maloney

    Course selection, Data science

    It will be useful.
  6. Tom Maloney

    What I love most is Learning

    If you push yourself, of course, you'll learn new things. But don't expect the work environment to be conducive to learning. You are going to be the driver of your own education, no one else.
  7. Tom Maloney

    What I love most is Learning

    Generally the latter more than the former. You'll find some companies / groups / bosses that are the exception. Unfortunately, sorry.
  8. Tom Maloney

    Introduction to Calculating Risk

    I think it's important to emphasize that while CSPV01, PV1%, PV10% are different analytics they all represent the same concept - what is the change of my asset's value when I wiggle the credit spread a little bit. Mathematically you can express a wiggle in different ways, but the concept is the...
  9. Tom Maloney

    20 year old undergrad in need of career path advice

    As far as what you want to do and what you can pick up in school, I'd recommend you have a solid understanding of probability and statistics and being familiar with modern software engineering practices. Sure, if you're working in a bank with a head count of 10000 people, it might be the case...
  10. Tom Maloney

    Career Path Anxiety

    I've not heard of Tampa as a place where there is a lot of finance going on, but I could be wrong. I'd start arranging meetings (informational, you're still in school) with people in your area who work in the field you want to work in. That's the best and most direct way to set yourself up for...
  11. Tom Maloney

    How do bank trading desks actually work?

    You can create synthetic forwards through loans.
  12. Tom Maloney

    Quant Reference for Pricing Models

    Principles of Financial Engineering
  13. Tom Maloney

    How to identify a good Quant...if you aren't a Quant?

    Communicating is one thing. Being smart, knowing how to get work done with minimal supervision, is another. They may be correlated.
  14. Tom Maloney

    Continue as Software Engineer or apply for MFE?

    Why do you want to work in finance?
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