Search results

  1. Tom Maloney

    I'm an old student, need some career advice

    I don't think you'll face age discrimination at 30, I was 31 when I joined a hedge fund after graduating from an MFE program. But you will have to explain a career switch. Programming is a skill that underscores all the job titles that you mention, and it is a pretty valuable skill. As long as...
  2. Tom Maloney

    Looking for Good Headhunters

    Headhunters get paid by the employer. Do not pay a headhunter, ever. They do not work for you.
  3. Tom Maloney

    Moving Over From Top Tech

    I would walk away from that place and not think twice about it. Do you want to work for a guy who doesn't know how to interview?
  4. Tom Maloney

    Moving Over From Top Tech

    How do you know it's the brainteaser questions that are your roadblock? Maybe if we all show the interviewers the error in their ways, they'll stop asking these types of questions: Google's infamous brain-teaser interview questions don't predict performance
  5. Tom Maloney

    Course selection, Data science

    It will be useful.
  6. Tom Maloney

    What I love most is Learning

    If you push yourself, of course, you'll learn new things. But don't expect the work environment to be conducive to learning. You are going to be the driver of your own education, no one else.
  7. Tom Maloney

    What I love most is Learning

    Generally the latter more than the former. You'll find some companies / groups / bosses that are the exception. Unfortunately, sorry.
  8. Tom Maloney

    Introduction to Calculating Risk

    I think it's important to emphasize that while CSPV01, PV1%, PV10% are different analytics they all represent the same concept - what is the change of my asset's value when I wiggle the credit spread a little bit. Mathematically you can express a wiggle in different ways, but the concept is the...
  9. Tom Maloney

    20 year old undergrad in need of career path advice

    As far as what you want to do and what you can pick up in school, I'd recommend you have a solid understanding of probability and statistics and being familiar with modern software engineering practices. Sure, if you're working in a bank with a head count of 10000 people, it might be the case...
  10. Tom Maloney

    Career Path Anxiety

    I've not heard of Tampa as a place where there is a lot of finance going on, but I could be wrong. I'd start arranging meetings (informational, you're still in school) with people in your area who work in the field you want to work in. That's the best and most direct way to set yourself up for...
  11. Tom Maloney

    How do bank trading desks actually work?

    You can create synthetic forwards through loans.
  12. Tom Maloney

    Quant Reference for Pricing Models

    Principles of Financial Engineering
  13. Tom Maloney

    How to identify a good Quant...if you aren't a Quant?

    Communicating is one thing. Being smart, knowing how to get work done with minimal supervision, is another. They may be correlated.
  14. Tom Maloney

    Continue as Software Engineer or apply for MFE?

    Why do you want to work in finance?
  15. Tom Maloney

    Advice Needed: Market Risk FT or FO trading internship for breaking into AM

    When you say you want to break into asset management, what does that really mean, because there are risk jobs at asset management companies. Maybe not at smaller companies where there are less than say 10 people, but certainly at larger ones. If the risk role at GS gives you exposure to a wide...
  16. Tom Maloney

    Biggest growth areas in Risk?

    Is your question about risk, or VaR? VaR is only one measure of risk. In particular, it is an order statistic. There are various sources of error in estimates of the statistic from (1) the valuation model(s) used for the asset(s), and (2) the data used as input to the valuations. If you...
  17. Tom Maloney

    FinTech (Financial Technology)

    Wall Street Is Trying to Beat Silicon Valley at Its Own Game
  18. Tom Maloney


    Aaron Brown has written some great stuff. I would, however, check out the site.
  19. Tom Maloney

    Accounting for Quants

    Any agent (bank, hedge fund, mutual fund, etc.) in the market needs to keep track of their liabilities to other agents in the market (and vice versa). Accounting / reconciliation is largely operational but getting the numbers right is important for knowing your counter-party risk. When your...
  20. Tom Maloney

    Is it relatively difficult to become an MD as a quant developer?

    Why not do both (research and development)? To me, bridging the gap between creating an idea and executing it is the essence of being a quant: being able to understand the math, models, how to hedge in your model, etc. AND being able to code it up. You may enjoy and be more talented at...
  21. Tom Maloney

    Trading Algorithm implementation help

    You can also try:
  22. Tom Maloney

    Trading Algorithm implementation help

    What have you promised him up to this point? Perhaps he is not properly incentivized.
  23. Tom Maloney

    How useful are combinatorics?

    Combinatorics useful in finance? Maybe not, but fun, absolutely. It's one of the few courses where you can think through a proof without lifting a pencil.
  24. Tom Maloney

    Salary comparison btw Baruch and olin.wustl

    Correlation != Causation
  25. Tom Maloney

    What are the Age ranges for the top MFE programs

    Yes, there are. I am ~30, and full-time. There exists full-time students older than me.
  26. Tom Maloney

    What are the Age ranges for the top MFE programs

    It might depend on the program, and if they have a part-time option. There are older people at Baruch, where I study. Some are married, have kids, and take classes part-time. However, (I think as expected) most are 20 somethings.
  27. Tom Maloney

    Randomly generated math papers

    Null ideals... great stuff.
  28. Tom Maloney

    Rolling a die

    Look at what you have me doing Rados... on a Friday night! Let (Y) be the number of rolls it takes until the sum equals a multiple of (n). Let (X_i) be the results of the rolls. Let's think about (P(Y=k)). The first roll is a multiple of (n) only when it lands on (n), so (P(Y=1) =...
  29. Tom Maloney

    Rolling a die

    Jing Chen just knows. I think it involves a derivative of a geometric series. But I'm too lazy to TeX it out...
  30. Tom Maloney

    Best Programming first language

    Great discussion here. Had to weigh win / rant. Note: I am still a student, and by no means an expert. My experience: I first started learning C and then C++ (started, but haven't finished...) I had a great time learning, up until I hit the subject of Classes (aka OO). What a pain. Why would...
  31. Tom Maloney

    Baruch MFE Student

    Baruch MFE Student
  32. Tom Maloney

    Matrix Classes in 2012

    I ended up using a custom Matrix class for my Numerical Methods class in my MFE Program. It was mostly because I was familiar with it, having been assigned to create a Matrix class in a previous intro C++ class. But I could have used Eigen, or boost uBlas. In the Numerical Methods class we went...
  33. Tom Maloney

    Open Source Financial Software for project

  34. Tom Maloney

    Where to buy a SUIT

    Just curious, where have you shopped previously? If you go to a place like Brooks Brothers, they have tailors on staff who you can ask for their opinion, so that is a plus. Sometimes it's just good to see what a suit that fits feels and looks like, even if you don't buy it (although I don't...
  35. Tom Maloney

    Ubuntu vs. Linux Mint

    Forget about committing to one OS. Install both using VirtualBox, and try both out before you install one on your second machine. Here's a guide to install Xubuntu with VirtualBox:
  36. Tom Maloney

    Google's Olympic Homepage

    Thanks, Ross :coffee: Thank you, addiction...
  37. Tom Maloney

    Yahoo Fantasy Baseball program

    Familiarize yourself with REST ( Learn Python and then use the requests module (
  38. Tom Maloney

    VBA Question

    I think the VLOOKUP suggestion is your best bet. Leave VBA to number crunching, and prettify your worksheet manually.
  39. Tom Maloney

    Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" Bill passes the House

    An economic decision based on politics is a bad one. Just witness: Governments can't even balance a budget...
  40. Tom Maloney


  41. Tom Maloney

    HMM applied to stationary VS non-stationary data In short: stationary
  42. Tom Maloney

    Rotman International Trading Competition 2012

    Kevin, thanks for organizing a great event!
  43. Tom Maloney

    Columbia University 18th Annual Workshop On Financial Engineering -- Friday October 21st

    It was pretty similar to a previous presentation he made at Princeton:
  44. Tom Maloney

    Columbia University 18th Annual Workshop On Financial Engineering -- Friday October 21st

    Going in I didn't know anything about microstructure, so it was good introduction and a good motivation to learn more. A lot of the things I've been thinking about (with regard to the Rotman trading competition) was discussed, like optimal order execution, micro-price, market making, etc.
  45. Tom Maloney

    @18th Annual Workshop on Financial Engineering: High Frequency Trading and Market Microstructure

    @18th Annual Workshop on Financial Engineering: High Frequency Trading and Market Microstructure
  46. Tom Maloney

    Clamping Down on Rapid Trades in Stock Market

    A reader response to the article
  47. Tom Maloney

    Use headhunders vs. apply by ourselves?

    The best site I've found on headhunters is written by a headhunter: Everything you could ever want to know is there.
  48. Tom Maloney

    Use headhunders vs. apply by ourselves?

    It's always better to be your own headhunter.
  49. Tom Maloney

    List of sample questions for Quant Interviews

    #47 is the gambler's ruin problem. Consider starting with $2, and let p be the probability of winning $1, and let q be the probability of losing $1. Then the question becomes: what is the probability that that gambler goes bust before he hits his goal of $5. The answer is 3/5 if p = q, or...
  50. Tom Maloney

    Clamping Down on Rapid Trades in Stock Market
  51. Tom Maloney

    Boost: Banded Matrix - Vector Multiplication
  52. Tom Maloney

    Matlab vs Mathematica Eigenvectors Calculation

  53. Tom Maloney

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Hershey's is a great brand, but it is a poor quality chocolate.
  54. Tom Maloney

    Verbal Job Offer

    Reiterate your interest in the position, and ask them for a written offer that includes salary information, etc. It's a good sign someone says they want to hire you, now you want to negotiate salary.
  55. Tom Maloney

    Good Book for Advanced Calculus

    Try Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms: A Unified Approach (; it's used in the honors calculus sequence at Cornell and written by the professor who teaches it.
  56. Tom Maloney

    Hurricane Irene

    5 days of non-perishable foods? Seriously?
  57. Tom Maloney

    How to get around the city

    The bike looks cool, it looks fine for easy riding. But the weight distribution must be skewed to the back.
  58. Tom Maloney

    NYC Drinks - QuantNet meet up?

    Count for... admission?
  59. Tom Maloney

    School Codes for GRE That's about $80 or so you could save.
  60. Tom Maloney

    School Codes for GRE

    It'll cost you extra to send after the exam. When you send scores at the exam place, I think it's free to send scores to three schools. If you do well, you might as well have some school codes on hand.
  61. Tom Maloney

    Advice on advertising for math tutoring...

  62. Tom Maloney

    New in NYC..

    The other interesting thing about the F line: It has an express track in Brooklyn, part of which goes underneath Prospect Park from 7th Avenue to Church Avenue. Sometimes construction will happen on the local track in the direction you want to take, forcing you to go backward to catch the...
  63. Tom Maloney

    New in NYC..

    As having grown up in Brooklyn on the F line, I know that pain of having to switch at Hoyt-Schermerhorn. It is one of the more confusing detours.
  64. Tom Maloney

    New in NYC..

    I prefer Google Maps to get around:
  65. Tom Maloney

    Who are you voting for in 2012?

    Some states have open primaries where you don't need to be a party member.
  66. Tom Maloney

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    There has always been slight differences between Excel on a Mac vs. Windows, and interoperability has always been an annoyance. Mac Office 2008 didn't even have VBA (what was Microsoft thinking?!). The point is on your next job you will probably be using Excel on Windows.
  67. Tom Maloney

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    Andrew, what's the ETA from Lenovo?
  68. Tom Maloney

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    The link Andrew posted no longer works, I was in the middle of configuring the setup, and it pooped out about 30 minutes ago. (I think they just upped the price, too, bummer.) IPS was available as an upgrade. Edit: Nevermind, it works, I was just bumped for inactivity...
  69. Tom Maloney

    Dark Secrets of 'Prestigious' Programs: Caveat Emptor

    In conclusion: Stony Brook has a new program, and needs to get it more organized. Ok, fine. Separately, some 'stars' burned out. Happens all the time. Doesn't matter what program you come from or with what company you end up. So, 'whatever' and 'who cares'.
  70. Tom Maloney

    Dark Secrets of 'Prestigious' Programs: Caveat Emptor

    From That's a pretty weird question/answer.
  71. Tom Maloney

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    From costcentral?
  72. Tom Maloney

    How did you know about Quantnet

    Browser cache has all the answers: I googled "math finance nyu columbia"; although that may be the last search query I used to get over here among others...
  73. Tom Maloney

    Various Questions

    You probably have a good chance. It's anyone's guess, really. Besides doing well in math, you'll need a good essay and recommendations. How close are you to graduating? If you have time left, take C++ and stochastic processes. Check out the books listed here...
  74. Tom Maloney

    GRE Test. Tips?

    I have some 2011 PR and Kaplan GRE books and flashcards lying around that I'd like to sell. PM me for my info.
  75. Tom Maloney

    GRE Test. Tips?

    Sometimes the problems really are ridiculously easy. But I remember making mistakes caused by reading comprehension. It's not just a math test, it's a reading test! They can't test you on anything complicated, so they have to come up with ways to make it seem complicated.
  76. Tom Maloney

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    How do the PC laptops break down? I have never owned one myself, so I am just curious. I've used Apple laptops since 1995, and on my fourth one..
  77. Tom Maloney

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    Don't know, I guess that's why AAPL is so high. Did your laptop ship? I might buy it.
  78. Tom Maloney

    GRE Test. Tips?

    I think powerprep should be the most accurate in terms of scoring.
  79. Tom Maloney

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    Current situation: MacBook 13", 120 GB hard drive with ~2GB of space, 2 GB memory Options: 1. Upgrade memory to 4 GB, ~$200 && (clear out hard drive space (doable), $0 || upgrade hard drive, ~$250 to at least double up to 250 GB) 2. Buy a new laptop Opinions?
  80. Tom Maloney

    Maths a mystery after 10 years....

    You can take classes at CUNY, Columbia, and maybe NYU as a non-matriculant/postbac student
  81. Tom Maloney

    GRE Test. Tips?

    Can you be more specific? What formulas? What questions? #1 suggestion is take practice tests (Kaplan or Princeton Review are fine) and learn your pacing.
  82. Tom Maloney

    Uh oh Mac users...

    Macs have always had viruses, just much much fewer than Windows. I agree Macs will become more of a target as marketshare increases.
  83. Tom Maloney

    NROTC to PHD

    He'll have to be discharged after the mandatory service, though, so he can avoid being called up after. EDIT: Looks like it's 3 years Active Duty, and 5 years on reserve. Yikes!
  84. Tom Maloney

    Cornell FE Housing in Ithaca

    Are you going to get a car? Bus pass? Both options will cost you. The ideal situation is to make friends with someone with a car. I lived in a cooperative building, close to campus, but I had roommates. Contact house officers and see if there are openings. I never rented myself.
  85. Tom Maloney

    Texas Hold'm Odds of set on flop

    We want to find out the odds of being ahead on the flop. Consider flops that give us trips or a boat without having an ace; if we hit quads, we can allow an ace. Let's modify your calculations for "exactly trips" and "boat" and "quads", taking into account AA and 44 are out of the deck...
  86. Tom Maloney

    Texas Hold'm Odds of set on flop

    Also four of a kind...
  87. Tom Maloney

    another die question

    One specific pitfall is specifying the length of the array. It's possible to have an infinite sequence of rolls without having a repeated consecutive number. So I set the length really big, to 1,000,000.
  88. Tom Maloney

    another die question

    I put comments into the code, but I just wrote it now so I may have missed some parts. It's hard for me to explain the algorithm without pointing to the code itself. The basic idea is to simulate the rolling of the die using a random number generator (the RNG is provided by C++). I record the...
  89. Tom Maloney

    another die question

    Here's a C++ simulation /* * main.cpp * * Created on: May 14, 2011 * Author: tmaloney */ #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> bool simulate_sum(); // A fair, six–sided die is rolled repeatedly and the rolls recorded. // When two consecutive rolls are identical, the...
  90. Tom Maloney

    Need advice!

    This is similar to ROTC scholarships here in the United States, where the Army pays your full tuition in exchange for serving for some amount of years. During your time in college, if you don't keep in shape, they'll kick you out, and owe the Army the money. Will you need to maintain a minimum...
  91. Tom Maloney

    Getting into a Top Tier MFE program

    It's just such a 180. Going the doctor route is a long road compared with MFE. Do you want to become a doctor, or do clinical research, or... ?
  92. Tom Maloney

    Need for needles

    I'm guessing so, otherwise probability would definitely vary as a function of thickness. And then the definition of overlap should include "cross", where the needles are not necessarily parallel.
  93. Tom Maloney

    Getting into a Top Tier MFE program

    :confused: :eek::confused:
  94. Tom Maloney

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    The MSOR reply deadline is tomorrow, so you'll know soon enough.
  95. Tom Maloney

    Baruch MFE Baruch problem: anything I can do?

    Embark does email applicants confirmation emails, so you should have known he did not send it. You can also login to the Embark system to check of the status of each recommender. I have had some trouble too with recommenders. Just remember, professors can be very busy people, always working on...
  96. Tom Maloney

    Why aren't there a lot of girls pursuing a MFE degree?

    Once there is a critical mass of women/men/martians in any field, there more women/men/martians will start entering those fields. It's just a matter getting that critical mass...
  97. Tom Maloney

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    Go to and uncheck "and receive email notifications of replies". Then go to, check off all them, then select Disable email notification at the menu at the bottom.
  98. Tom Maloney

    part time/research opportunities

    Are you in school now? If so you could talk to your advisor and he could recommend people to talk to. If not, go to the University web pages and the department pages you're interested. Most professors have web pages discussing their research. Find a professor/project that interests you, email...
  99. Tom Maloney

    Which MFE program is your "Final Destination"?

    Hey Roni, enjoy Cornell and Ithaca! Check out the farmer's market and the brownie ala mode at Moosewood Restaurant.
  100. Tom Maloney

    What would be an expected compensation for an mfe graduate after 10 years?

    Here is a website for all your acronym needs: Or google "FX acronym".
  101. Tom Maloney

    What would be an expected compensation for an mfe graduate after 10 years?

    If you google "FX", you'll find results related to Forex, or "foreign exchange". The fourth listing is "Forex @ DailyFX - Currency Trading News, Forex Trading News, FX ..." -- big hint. A crucial skill in finance is figuring out stuff by yourself, and knowing when you should be able to solve a...
  102. Tom Maloney

    The perils of deskwork

    I questioned the research too when I first heard it. It seems like this kind of research has been going on for some time, though, see for instance the related publications at Given the large size of this...
  103. Tom Maloney

    Quants love poker?

    I read the first chapter and couldn't read the rest. It's so fictionalized.
  104. Tom Maloney

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    Wow, huge news. Think of how much player money is frozen now.. some people have millions in their account.
  105. Tom Maloney

    Medicine vs. Finance

    MD requires more training and $ (med school, intern year, residency, fellowship), so that's maybe 10 years of training. MFE is 1.5 years, PhD let's say 5 years. So the question is how much can you expect to make 10 years out, 15 years out, 20 years out? For MD, I expect income progression to be...
  106. Tom Maloney

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    Interesting history:
  107. Tom Maloney

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Facebook Contest

    Made a typo, last range in the equations should be (50<S(T)).
  108. Tom Maloney

    Half-way through undergrad; not sure how to plan things out from here

    A couple of things -- as a Cornell grad I know Prof Strichartz. Very smart guy and I'm sure you will have fun in Ithaca. If Ramakrishna or Hubbard gives a lecture, go. If you don't want to sacrifice Summer 2012 for an internship instead of research try shadowing at place like DE Shaw during...
  109. Tom Maloney

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Facebook Contest

    I'll try. (i) The value at maturity of the butterfly spread is (V(T) = \max(0,S(T)-40)+\max(0,S(T)-50)-2 \max(0,S(T)-45)). Consider the following ranges of the underlying asset at maturity: ( S(T) < 40, 40 \leq S(T) < 45, 45 \leq S(T) \leq 50, 50 < S(T)). Then ( V(T) = \left\{...
  110. Tom Maloney

    How important is CS ?

    As an actuary you get promoted and paid more as you pass exams. But the exams are worthless if you're not an actuary.
  111. Tom Maloney

    How important is CS ?

    Just a comment on actuarial exams - it's probably not worth taking any more unless you are damn sure you want to be an actuary.
  112. Tom Maloney

    7.7 Jane Street Phone Interview

    I disagree with AI_DD's answer: it doesn't make sense to subtract $5*1/(2^5) because you can't win $5.
  113. Tom Maloney

    India's educational system

    There is nothing inappropriate here. We could equally be discussing the many faults of the US's primary and secondary education system. In summary, don't be so defensive, or misinterpret what people are saying.
  114. Tom Maloney

    7.7 Jane Street Phone Interview

    The order matters in terms of calculating the probability. So for instance, let's say the problem was this: flip two fair coins, what's the probability that you get 1 head? Well you can get HT (first coin is head, second is tail) or TH. There are four equally probable events TT, TH, HT, HH. So...
  115. Tom Maloney

    7.7 Jane Street Phone Interview

    I like it. Note this result agrees with my answer above.
  116. Tom Maloney

    7.7 Jane Street Phone Interview

    It's kind of like flipping 5 coins, except you can't get 5 heads. If you could, the expected value would equal $2.50. For instance if the outcome is HHTH, you can clip again to either get HHTHH or HHTHT, with respective payoffs $4 or $3, with respective probabilities both (1/2)^5. So you can...
  117. Tom Maloney

    2011 Baruch College - Accepted

  118. Tom Maloney

    Markowitz Portfolio (n, m)

    I think his point is: how do we know your program isn't some kind of Trojan/virus/etc?
  119. Tom Maloney

    Read This and Tell me what it Says
  120. Tom Maloney

    Applications of Linear Algebra

    Look at the financial applications in
  121. Tom Maloney

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    I thought this article was interesting:
  122. Tom Maloney

    Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Into Finance

    I tend to disagree. What is the objective value of gold, soil, or water? Is it possible to know? Is there still objective value if Earth had no living creatures? In any case, this is all very philosophical and getting away from the main point of the thread.
  123. Tom Maloney

    Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Into Finance

    "Value is in the eye of the beholder." In other words, value is subjective. When you sell your boss, you're trying to increase his evaluation of you. When you sell an asset to your client, you're trying to increase his evaluation of your asset. There is no "objective" value.
  124. Tom Maloney

    2011 Columbia University - Accepted

  125. Tom Maloney

    Baruch MFE or Cornell FE

    It depends on what you want to do, what do you want to do after MFE? I went to undergrad at Cornell, and if you want quantitative, you can find it. Cornell FE info is here: I like that the 3rd semester puts you in Manhattan.
  126. Tom Maloney

    2011 Columbia University

    Redirected from MSFE, previous tracker: Phone interview: Why MSOR? Applied to what other schools? Top choice? Career? Admissions decisions will be made by March 31, 2011. 2011-03-28: Checked status online, says accepted to MSOR...
  127. Tom Maloney

    2011 Columbia University - Interview

  128. Tom Maloney

    Heard on the Street question #1

    Step 0. Jug1: volume V of alcohol, concentration 1 Jug2: volume V of water, concentration 1 Step 1. Pour Q of Jug2 into Jug1. Jug1: volume V of alcohol, concentration V/(V+Q) volume Q of water, concentration Q/(V+Q) Jug2: volume V - Q of water, concentration 1 Step 2. Pour Q of Jug1...
  129. Tom Maloney

    2011 Baruch College

    GRE 790Q, 630V, 5.0AWA
  130. Tom Maloney

    2011 Baruch College - Pending

  131. Tom Maloney

    2011 Columbia University

    2011-03-11 Received email saying I've been declined. "However, your application is now being considered for the M.S. program in Operations Research." 2011-03-01 Called for update. Said I was waitlisted, and that they are making decisions today. Received email stating I am waitlisted.
  132. Tom Maloney

    2011 Columbia University - Pending

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