Search results

  1. ExSan

    C++ and Eclipse

    CodeBlocks ?
  2. ExSan

    Pointer declaration

    at compiler time blanks are eliminated, token Type is identified in advance, so it makes no difference
  3. ExSan

    Do you want to learn Stat Arb/Quant Trading?

    what about 2013 schedule ? many of us my arrange our plans in advance
  4. ExSan

    Real Caltech course in Machine Learning

    live 2nd session going on right now
  5. ExSan

    Real Caltech course in Machine Learning

    got it, thanks ! Is there any way to save/download video of the lecture ?
  6. ExSan

    Real Caltech course in Machine Learning

    how to remove cookie Caltech ? only, I am using chrome ?? cheers
  7. ExSan

    Real Caltech course in Machine Learning

    I can not log in, the first time worked well, now I get only this: User Login Error Account not found.
  8. ExSan

    Real Caltech course in Machine Learning

    Roberto Santander
  9. ExSan

    Real Caltech course in Machine Learning

    thanks Shantanu Kumar I am in, lets see ... Lecture 1: The Learning Problem (Tuesday, April 3)
  10. ExSan

    PhD advice

    can you point the links to the programs, it might help to evaluate them
  11. ExSan

    Everyone.......suggest me a safe University for MFE??

    I am not sure what you mean with "safe university", but if you are talking about your integrity, then there is no place in the world were you can be 100% safe not even your home or your dorm, in any case I just read Washington U has an online program a Master in Math Finance + Risk. This is the...
  12. ExSan

    Should I take Real Analysis?

    Consider Terence Tao's books
  13. ExSan

    quick question everyone

    Learn the hard way SQL
  14. ExSan

    Online math courses for MFE applicants

  15. ExSan

    Best book for self-learning C++?

    would you share those "conflicting stories" ?
  16. ExSan

    Courses for trading and risk management

    how can this help ? :)
  17. ExSan

    2012 Resolution: Start Coding Again

    as for Jan 06 - 2012 // 189,120 people have decided to learn to code in 2012.
  18. ExSan

    JP Morgan supercomputer offers risk analysis in near real-time

    no wonder why C is the most important language, though Cuda should be seriously considered from now on 12 / 238 = 0.05 ---- 5%
  19. ExSan

    How to build Quantlib 1.1 on Visual Studio 2010

  20. ExSan

    Does where you do your PhD matter?

    we are all talking about Applied Mathematics this is all around here
  21. ExSan

    Decisions about graduate education

    bigbadwolf Applied Math In your opinion which are the best schools ?
  22. ExSan

    Best book for self-learning C++?

    I just read what I need or what I think will help me to improve my current knowledge or what would correct my programming manners
  23. ExSan

    Best book for self-learning C++?

    link ?...
  24. ExSan

    solving system of equations in matlab

    can you latex them :)
  25. ExSan

    Ph.D in Pure Math or Masters in Quantitative Finance?

    any one ? I am interested in Applied Math NYU / Columbia/MIT ???? other options ?
  26. ExSan

    Ph.D in Pure Math or Masters in Quantitative Finance?

    Applied Math Could you please point the BEST ON LINE programs/schools,
  27. ExSan

    Historical stock quotes in excel

    You might consider consider coding this problem in C/C++ , it would be quite simple
  28. ExSan


    I just met a Norwegian quant girl, but she seems to be more interested in learning Castellano (spanish) than teaching Norwegian . BTW is Norwegian easier than Swedish ?
  29. ExSan


    Thank you ! :) now I have a reazon to learn Swedish ;)
  30. ExSan


    is your thesis available online ? can you share the link that points to it ?
  31. ExSan

    Black Friday wishlist

    From God's Laptop Thread I want one of this, or at least the instructions how to build a simmilar one
  32. ExSan

    Trading Systems - Putting it all together

    what about the operating system, Windows / Linux (Unix) environment ? IMHO this is the main issue to start from
  33. ExSan

    Black Friday wishlist

    porsche boxster !
  34. ExSan

    The World according to Americans

    I am American too .... :)
  35. ExSan


  36. ExSan

    Occupy Wall St.

    NS - The capitalist network that runs the world AS PROTESTS against financial power sweep the world this week, science may have confirmed the protesters' worst fears. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies...
  37. ExSan

    Mac laptop

    MrRoss opinion is worth
  38. ExSan

    Traders’ brains

    TI - Why nerds are inheriting the earth
  39. ExSan

    nullptrs are NULL

    nullptrs are NULL
  40. ExSan

    Traders’ brains

    ok :( I have changed my status :)
  41. ExSan

    Traders’ brains

    More About Brains
  42. ExSan

    All pointers lead to NULL sooner or later

    All pointers lead to NULL sooner or later
  43. ExSan

    IBM to buy Algorithmics for $387M

    What is the best known product of Algorithmics ?
  44. ExSan

    The Worlds First Ultraportable 15.6" Laptop!!??

    Great ! But still I need a laptop for note taking, Sony / Toshiba ? will come out with something worth ? Lenovo ???
  45. ExSan

    all pointers lead to NULL at the end ... or at the begining

    all pointers lead to NULL at the end ... or at the begining
  46. ExSan

    Matlab online course

    @amanda.jayne Thanks AJ !
  47. ExSan

    Matlab online course

    what about free videos/tutorial ? does any one know ?
  48. ExSan

    God's laptop

    MRoss I would like to know your comments about this product Digital Notepad Tablet Pad Pen does the latest Lenovo make better note taking ? Thnks in advance
  49. ExSan

    God's laptop

    Does any one knows what COOLING system he is using ????? mark time 50s of video maybe a website ? twiter ? Thanks in advance !
  50. ExSan


  51. ExSan


  52. ExSan


    There should be no problem at all, I've some experience with 6.9 Earthquake, some broken windows at most. 7.0 is scary, do not forget this is not linear scale
  53. ExSan

    Errata for Steve Shreve books Stochastic Calculus

    yea, Thanks Andy!
  54. ExSan

    New in NYC..

    could be Dnovak Djokovic ;), I used to work on a convinience store in Brooklyn some moons ago, too .
  55. ExSan

    New in NYC..

    This may be very helpful
  56. ExSan

    Which books will you recommend to cover the following subjects?

    I am interested in Random Matrix Theory, what are the " must" books ? Thnks
  57. ExSan

    C++ online certificate for MFE applicants

    Baruch MFE online certificate are there any plans for the future ? That would be great !
  58. ExSan

    10 websites I visit every day and 5 more
  59. ExSan

    Do you want to learn Stat Arb/Quant Trading?

    I am also interested, my location South America...
  60. ExSan

    2011 Gadgets Wishlist

    what about ??? Samsung's new Galaxy Tab 10.1 opinions please.
  61. ExSan


    it doesn't need to be old to be a classic
  62. ExSan


    Ubuntu Desktop and Server editions will be available for download on April 28. Ubuntu Server 11.04
  63. ExSan

    How many programmers are on Quantnet?

    CS - Algo/C++ teacher
  64. ExSan

    Black Scholes PDE

    ... and the book is :
  65. ExSan

    Markowitz Portfolio (n, m)

    I previously request Admin permission
  66. ExSan

    Markowitz Portfolio (n, m)

    Markowitz_Portfolio around 500 lines of C/C++ source code - very few will be interested the whole ExSan platform, around 35K lines,
  67. ExSan

    Markowitz Portfolio (n, m)

    it seems that that my post bothers you,
  68. ExSan

    Markowitz Portfolio (n, m)

    Modern portfolio theory (MPT) is a theory of investment which attempts to maximize portfolio expected return for a given amount of portfolio risk, or equivalently minimize risk for a given level of expected return, by carefully choosing the proportions of various assets. Exsan Markowitz...
  69. ExSan

    Bieber avatar

    mine looks much better :)
  70. ExSan

    Why can't I debug wxDev C++

    is there going to be a 2011 version ?
  71. ExSan

    Stochastic Calculus

    Which book would you recommend for a beginer ? some links ? Thanks
  72. ExSan

    Matrix Multiplication: C++ Multithreading Without Thread Synchronization (With Source Code) particularly take a look at: Using Pointers to Speed Up Array Access pp 18
  73. ExSan

    Matrix Multiplication: C++ Multithreading Without Thread Synchronization (With Source Code)

    attached report in my previous post, the execution time for n = 3000 8449 seconds, which makes me so happy ...:( couldn't wait for the n = 4000, but I would extrapolate results later, and work out my algorith to see if I can improve it
  74. ExSan

    Matrix Multiplication: C++ Multithreading Without Thread Synchronization (With Source Code)

    yes, C++ is my choice have you benchmarked your matrix mult algorithm? what is the biggest 3 matrices you can alocate ? my machine 3 Gb Ram allows me to do C(4000, 4000) = A(4000, 4000) * B(4000, 4000) double declaration
  75. ExSan

    Matrix Multiplication: C++ Multithreading Without Thread Synchronization (With Source Code)

    just to quote "What is the maximum dimensions of a matrix" ... you can allocate ???; I have benchmark Matrix Mult for "big" matrices, unfortunately my numbers are not so good C(n,n) = A(n, n)*B(n,n) my machine Pentium Dual Core 2.7GHz RAM 3GBYTES Attached zip file, it contains executable...
  76. ExSan

    Matrix Multiplication: C++ Multithreading Without Thread Synchronization (With Source Code)
  77. ExSan

    What are your computer's specs ?

    what are the best components for a linux / ubuntu machine ? motherboard ? CPU ? etc ... is Ubuntu the best option ? is multiple core by any means a good choice for linux ? need to build my home made HFT machine
  78. ExSan

    Differential Equations Question
  79. ExSan

    Quantnet migrated to new SERVER

    can you tell us a litle bit about the new hardware/server yes I noticed, its faster
  80. ExSan

    New Quantnet forum software

    T H A N K S, great job
  81. ExSan

    Matrix Inverse Algorithm

    it is not only available RAM and/or HDD space, there is something else you should consider
  82. ExSan

    at the moment I am not in NYC, in the mean time this is my tech assessment. Google Docs ExSan

    at the moment I am not in NYC, in the mean time this is my tech assessment. Google Docs ExSan
  83. ExSan

    What laptop do you have?

    I wonder, why nobody talks about tablets
  84. ExSan

    What laptop do you have?

    have you consider a tablet ? if not, why ? -Toshiba Portege-
  85. ExSan

    Greed is good

    Gordon Gekko "Greed is Good" Money Never Sleeps (2010) Money Never Sleeps - Trailer
  86. ExSan

    2 simultaneous equations related to the Merton model

    My two cents. From the Downloadable File extract program ExSan_4.00.Z_Merton_Eq to your desktop and execute. d Merton Equations sigma_e ---> 0.698799 r ---> 0.578974 E European call option ---> 99 F strike K---> 100 T ---> 15 (V)...
  87. ExSan

    Who are you guys/gals???

    I am in South America
  88. ExSan

    Really basic calculus book

    what about not so basic books - Advanced ?
  89. ExSan

    Interview with Dominic Connor

    ... indeed, this is not only in finance ...
  90. ExSan

    Adjusting from cookbook math

    it is: NO HABLO ESPAÑOL which is not precise, should be NO HABLO CASTELLANO
  91. ExSan

    Data Structure for Matrix Implementation

    consider this too O-Matrix: High Performance Data Analysis and Modeling
  92. ExSan

    The SEC Can't Keep Up With High-Tech Trading

    Dear Quants Do you really think that QUANTS play any role in this "new" world ? also ref: High-Frequency Trading May Destabilize Market
  93. ExSan

    which book to read after "C++ how to program, 5th edition"?

    Abstract Data Structures = Data Structures - just to be more precise- yes, it does
  94. ExSan

    which book to read after "C++ how to program, 5th edition"?

    Learning "How to Code" is one "small" part of the problem solution you pretend to find/give. Algorithms / Abstract Data Structures are very important as well and I would add something that from my experience that is quite important also when you want to transmit your ideas ---> PSEUDOCODING...
  95. ExSan

    My first C++ Black-Scholes-Merton program

    Black-Sholes Calculator / Just plug-in numbers Black-Sholes Calculator / Just plug-in numbers From the Downloadable File extract program BLACK_SHOLES to your desktop and execute. added value : Graphs + Greeks - 0 EXIT- Price of the Stock St ---> 110 exercise price K...
  96. ExSan

    Bank of Curves

    CURVE BANK MENU 1 Normal Distribution 2 Gamma Distribution 3 Rayleigh distribution 4 Step Response 5 Bessel First Kind 6 Bessel Second Kind 7 Black-Scholes - Call 8 Spherical Bessel First Kind 9 Spherical Bessel Second Kind 12 The Fourier Series...
  97. ExSan

    Arbitrage any takers? C++/Java solutions Only

    UVa 104 - Algorithmist
  98. ExSan

    SOLUTIONS ONLY - ComputingChallenge C++/Java - Any Takers?

    ----sorry--- my mistake
  99. ExSan


    From the Attached Zip File extract program FIREWORK_FRACTAL to your desktop and execute. It will display the Fireworks Fractals For the attached images, input parameters: 0 Exit - [3..12] Parameter ---> 7 0 Exit - [60...120] Radii Recursive Limit ---> 99 This version...
  100. ExSan


    It began as a hobby, years ago +12 , at this point it is more mature, it is not comercially available but it may be in the future :tiphat: ExSan is a spreadsheet tool built on a novel data structure, coded in C/C++, console based and capable of handling large matrices, for instance in...
  101. ExSan


    Hi Alain, Sorry it took me a while to get back to this. The ACTUAL code is attached, it uses ExSan as platform in the background which significantly simplifies the coding. It may look not exactly as the actual code or maybe as a pseudo-code, but it is the compiled code in fact. I will...
  102. ExSan

    Will "Thinking in C++ Vol 1+ Vol 2" help me create a good base ?

    This will also may help Introduction to C++
  103. ExSan

    multi-threaded semaphore C++

    I will follow Alain's advice.
  104. ExSan


    More Fractals, or the beauty of recursivity From the Attached Zip File extract program FRACTAL_Basics to your desktop and execute. It will display the Elemental Basic Fractals Actual Code /***********START***************/ void basic_fractal(void){ double theta, angle, shift, delta...
  105. ExSan


    From the Attached Zip File extract program FRACTAL to your desktop and execute, It will display the Koch Curve Fractal Actual Code /***********START***************/ // elementary fractal void fractal_Koch_curve(void){ char file_name [60] =...
  106. ExSan

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    m-gon, n-gon, doggone it! quantyst wrote: From the Attached Zip File extract program POLYGON_polygon to your desktop and execute, It will display n-gon inscribed into N-Gon, the higher the n , the circle approaches /********* start **************/ void POLYGON_polygon(void){...
  107. ExSan

    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers Version 2.0 Now Available

    you will find him on
  108. ExSan

    How to generate a random number in C++?

    Numerical Recipes in C++ Teukolsky/Vetterling/Flannery has some good algorithms to generate random numbers
  109. ExSan

    Frame Layout

    Frame Layout Download Link QuantNet EXSAN Thu Jan 29 07:20:26 2009 EXSAN v.0.3.18.U - E X S A N M E N U c Frame Layout In order to run this option, you must extract the...
  110. ExSan

    The party's not over yet -- for some

    NYT - Op-Ed Contributor: Money for Nothing Op-Ed Contributor: Money for Nothing By DAVE KRASNE What's been lost in the uproar over Wall Street bonuses is how completely the culture of executive compensation has permeated the financial industry.
  111. ExSan

    My first C++ Black-Scholes-Merton program

    Greeks maybe considered later: Download Black-Scholes: Just plug-in the numbers Wed Jan 21 16:32:10 2009 EXSAN v.0.3.18.S - E X S A N M E N U 6 Quantitative Finance Room a...
  112. ExSan

    Image Superposition

    Image Superposition Wed Jan 14 08:15:16 2009 EXSAN v.0.3.18.Q - E X S A N M E N U b Image Superposition In order to run this option, you must extract all ffhxx.jpg files that are included in the...
  113. ExSan

    Random Member Photo Thread

    Mr. Madoff Mr. Madoff
  114. ExSan

    Crop Circles

    From the download-able file extract executable EXSAN to your desktop, The very first time ExSan is executed it will create the default input/output directory c:\exsan In order to access this directory START / RUN and type-in c:\exsan All data files included must be extracted to c:\exsan more...
  115. ExSan

    DISCUSSION on second rated MFE programs

    which ones are still alive ?
  116. ExSan

    So, no one saw this coming eh?

    February 21, 2007 Crashing to Earth The Second Great Depression By MIKE WHITNEY "The US economy is in danger of a recession that will prove unusually long and severe. By any measure it is in far worse shape than in 2001-02 and the unraveling of the housing bubble is clearly at hand. It seems...
  117. ExSan

    Back to India?

  118. ExSan

    So, no one saw this coming eh?

    Some One did !
  119. ExSan

    Arbitrage any takers? C++/Java solutions Only

    Quantyst, what would be the output of your algorithm applied to the sample input data ? ARBITRAGE - Currency Trader Matrix WORKSHEET A[4, 4] <----------------------------> A B C D 1: 1 3.1 0.0023 0.35 2: 0.21 1...
  120. ExSan

    SOLUTIONS ONLY - ComputingChallenge C++/Java - Any Takers?

    r150 Fri Nov 14 16:23:11 2008 EXSAN v3.18.L - E X S A N M E N U f Forum Solver d Merton Equations sigma_e ---> 0.09 r ---> 0.11 E European call option ---> 100 F strike K---> 97 T ---> 3 This Input Data does not lead to a Solution of the Merton Equations...
  121. ExSan

    Arbitrage any takers? C++/Java solutions Only

    think different ? ? Tue Nov 18 13:50:54 2008 EXSAN v3.18.kk - E X S A N M E N U 9 Forum Solver Forum Solver Menu k Arbitrage INPUT DATA: 2 From Keyboard Rows ---> 0 Forum Solver...
  122. ExSan

    Arbitrage any takers? C++/Java solutions Only

    ref:1380 Code Improvement Real Data market is provided by in a different format Updated: New York, Nov 17 05:02 London, Nov 17 10:02 Tokyo, Nov 17 19:02 "Arbitrage" matrix looks like: Updated: New York, Nov 17 05:04London, Nov 17 10:04Tokyo, Nov 17 19:04...
  123. ExSan

    SOLUTIONS ONLY - ComputingChallenge C++/Java - Any Takers?

    Hi Alain These are some of my ouputs: I Fri Nov 14 14:15:46 2008 EXSAN v3.18.kk - E X S A N M E N U F Forum Solver d Merton Equations sigma_e ---> 0.698799 r --->...
  124. ExSan

    SOLUTIONS ONLY - ComputingChallenge C++/Java - Any Takers?

    MERTON EQUATIONS attached document All values are known, except V and sigma v. -sv- Find the values of V and sigma v? What kind of methods you will suggest? E = V N(d1) - exp(-rT)*F*N(d2) d1 =[ ln(V/F) + (r+0.5(sv)(sv))T ] / [ sv * sqrt(T)] d2 = d1 - sv sqrt(T) sE = (V/E) N(d1) sv N(.) is the...
  125. ExSan

    is anyone building an automated trading system?

    I have developed a raw simulator of Automata Trading System that reads data from a txt file, in this format asset_name price at the time every asset is read it is computed the Markowitz Portfolio My aim is to use this in the future to implement more complicated Trading Algorithm and finally a...
  126. ExSan

    Arbitrage any takers? C++/Java solutions Only

    1250 No Thu Nov 13 06:11:49 2008 EXSAN v3.18.kk - E X S A N M E N U Forum Solver Menu k Arbitrage INPUT DATA: 1 0 ---> exit Your Data File in c:\exsan\ Data...
  127. ExSan

    Arbitrage any takers? C++/Java solutions Only

    ref views 1200 .............. working out SOAR ARBITRAGE data Wed Nov 12 14:38:16 2008 EXSAN v3.18.kk - E X S A N M E N U Forum Solver Menu k Arbitrage INPUT DATA: 1 0...
  128. ExSan

    Hi there Wallstyouth, I have posted my solution, does it look fine? I will appreciate your...

    Hi there Wallstyouth, I have posted my solution, does it look fine? I will appreciate your comments Regards Robert
  129. ExSan

    Arbitrage any takers? C++/Java solutions Only

    ARBITRAGE Mon Nov 10 20:37:45 2008 EXSAN v3.18.kk - E X S A N M E N U Forum Solver Menu k Arbitrage INPUT DATA: 1 0 ---> exit Your Data File in c:\exsan\ Data...
  130. ExSan

    Arbitrage any takers? C++/Java solutions Only

    track arbitrage index loop - this case 6.4%
  131. ExSan

    Arbitrage any takers? C++/Java solutions Only

    more arbitrage data matrix Challenging your code: k Arbitrage Currency Trader Matrix WORKSHEET A[5, 5] <-----------------------------------> A B C D E 1: 1 1.3 2.3 0.14 0.17 2: 0.94 1 0.42 2.6...
  132. ExSan

    Arbitrage any takers? C++/Java solutions Only

    My Output k Arbitrage max 25 n -> 3 Conversion Rate_ Currency 1 vs. Currency 2 -> 1.2 Conversion Rate_ Currency 1 vs. Currency 3 -> 0.89 Conversion Rate_ Currency 2 vs. Currency 1 -> 0.88 Conversion Rate_ Currency 2 vs. Currency 3 -> 5.1 Conversion Rate_ Currency 3 vs. Currency 1 -> 1.1...
  133. ExSan

    The party's not over yet -- for some

    Banks Owe Billions To Executives
  134. ExSan

    Another Bloody Round of Financial Sector Plunge

    what if the DOW-N goes below the 7999 next week?
  135. ExSan

    What is in the Future now???

    Finance Students Keep Their Job Hopes Alive
  136. ExSan

    DOW is under 10,000 today

    in a hurry !?!?! what is yours forecast for tomorrow ---> Oct 07 - 2008 bearish market?
  137. ExSan

    Does Quant MS/PhD Make Sense?

    if I would have the option to change my career direction, other than Quant FE, but someway keep on the same business, what would it be your advice? I'll appreciate your clever comments !
  138. ExSan

    Solver and random output

    try to generate not only 12 random numbers, but maybe more than 40, then filter the repeated numbers as well as the negative outcomes if that is the case
  139. ExSan

    Cost of living in NYC- a break down

    They Love (the New) Brooklyn - NY cost of living Regards
  140. ExSan

    Markowitz Portfolio Automata Handler

    Markowitz Portfolio Handler for n-assets Attached exsan, place it on your desktop and execute Main Menu: 1 ExSan ExSan Menu: 6 Quant Finance Room Quant Menu: p Markowitz Portfolio Data File ---> stock //attached file must be placed in c:\exsan -------------- Regards / ExSan
  141. ExSan

    C++ Online Course?

    There is a very interesting resource at MIT OCW
  142. ExSan


    My two cents contribution RANDOM NUMBERS generator. Extract attached ExSan to your desktop and execute it MAIN MENU: 1 Exsan rows = 10 cols = 10 EXSAN MENU: 1 Generate Random Numbers RANDOM NUMBERS MENU: 5 Gamma alpha ---> 2 beta ---> 3
  143. ExSan


    Hi Quants Attached ExSan, there may be some of you who would find it useful, hopefully:-) The BlackSholes eq. can be access through the following menu sequence greetings to all of you Main Menu: 1 ExSan EXSAN MENU: 6 Quant Finance Room QUANT MENU: b BlackSholes Price of the Stock St...
  144. ExSan

    Hedge Funds

    Hi Quants wish to learn as much as possible about HEDGE FUNDS, if it is possible from the basics NYT - Wall Street Winners Get Billion-Dollar Paydays kind regards exsan
  145. ExSan

    New Kid in Town

    let me rank it 7.5 / 10 regards rbrt
  146. ExSan

    New Kid in Town

    Good Morning Dear all QuantNet - NYC Community of Quants- I have just became a member of QuantNet and I would like to introduce my self. My name is Robert, I have a Ms. Sc. degree in C.S. from Poly NY :: Polytechnic University :: New York's major educational resource in science and...
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