Search results

  1. Daniel Duffy

    MT19937 Confused and loose post: what is the goal? There is no point trying to write your own RNG (and this holds for 95% of quants).
  2. Daniel Duffy

    Stochastic Calculus Book for Actuaries

    stochastic process is nothing more than just a a sum of random variable (as increments). That description is not even wrong.
  3. Daniel Duffy

    Thread: Partial Differential Equations PDEs and their numerical approximation

    A bit of a preview of some topics Several chapters are devoted to FDM for 2-factor European/American options We tested the relatrve performance on spread options for the same level of accuracy: 1 Saulyev ADE : 1 second 2 Barakat and Clark 2.2 3 Yanenko 4.2 4 "Classic" ADI 4.0 (4 times slower!)...
  4. Daniel Duffy

    Frustrated with derivatives pricing. Where else can I use my pricing skills?

    What about energy markets? a lot of pricing, hedging and optimisation of high-factor American spread options and much more. (real optons as they are called). I imagine a lot of opportunity here, based on anecdotal evidence.
  5. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

    APL is is very powerful and influential language. The last time I used it was when I was teaching numerical methods to senior undetgrads at Maynooth University in 1980. It's a pity that C++ does not support its n-d data structures. APL kind of reminds me of Python Pandas. The APL keyboard was...
  6. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    One-liners in OOP 1. Multiple inheritance was not a good idea. C++ does not support interface keyword. The AI community used MI a lot in the 90s. 2. Not evertyhing is an object. Behavioural commonality is not structural commonality.This messes up class hierarchies. 3. Deep class hierarchies...
  7. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    Anyways, fiddle-faddle language skirmishes in the last 40 years are of no consequence in the bigger scheme of things. A major blunder in the 1990s leading to the current software legacy crisis was: 1. Structured Analysis bad, OOP good (actually, I use the two since 1995 in my From Chaos to...
  8. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    Back to the Future Contect Diagram very important.
  9. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    Absolutely! I have been waiting on this feature since 1996 but it has taken some time for the industry to realise that pure OOP is not enough!! The related analysis is called Functional Decompositon in combination with my Domain Architectures. In order to use C++ modules (I discuss them in the...
  10. Daniel Duffy

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    Some book updates from my own pen // PDE/FDM 2022 eBooks will publish on March 11, 2022. In store date (the date books are available at retail) is March 17, 2022...
  11. Daniel Duffy

    Suitable roles for a PhD graduate (in computational fluid dynamics)

    Last but not least, like Toyota and Carlsberg , the two Quantnet C++ courses are probably the best on the planet I have been told :cool:
  12. Daniel Duffy

    Suitable roles for a PhD graduate (in computational fluid dynamics)

    Thanks. I started maths in 1971 LOL. I got my 1st FEM course in 1974. I would say major blocks in my Pure maths course (analysis) are vital. Regarding numerical analysis, it is not necessary to know the theoretical stuff but more a good hands-on feeliing on how to use the methods and after...
  13. Daniel Duffy

    Suitable roles for a PhD graduate (in computational fluid dynamics)

    Hi alovya, I was planning to writing up a small response offline indeed. I am not in IB or a headhunter but my focus is on learning important stuff in maths, C++,. Python. My online courses are on and I do much of everything. Have a look at your convenience and let me know if you...
  14. Daniel Duffy

    Suitable roles for a PhD graduate (in computational fluid dynamics)

    It's not every day one comes across someone with FEM and computational fluid dynamics. It was an area I worked in both in academia and industry It turns out that my PhD research in 1980 could be direct;ly applied to PDE in finance. I have written up here for FDM...
  15. Daniel Duffy

    Should I get take this course based on my circumstances?

    Tbe best course is QN C++ but maybe wait a few year before doing it.
  16. Daniel Duffy

    Certificate on Linkedin

    I get quite a few invitations in LI and sometimes when I scrolled down I can see a copy of the certiicate. That was a while back so maybe things have changed in this regard.
  17. Daniel Duffy

    CQF vs CFA?

    I second Quasar. Forking out 15K is a lot. set up a plan and a timespan and execute it.
  18. Daniel Duffy

    MFE Profile Evaluation-2022 / Turkish Girl with Econ background

    Regading ODE/PDE courses, this course does all the ODE and PDE stuff in other generic engineering-style courses as well as finance-related topics such as popular Black Scholes, CIR, HW PDE + FDM, as well as my own research on resolving a number of misconceptions on how PDE is used in finance...
  19. Daniel Duffy

    Frustrated with derivatives pricing. Where else can I use my pricing skills?

    A possibility is to upgrade or learn new skills. e.g. become a professional programmer or data science. Do you use Slang etc.?
  20. Daniel Duffy

    MFE Profile Evaluation-2022 / Turkish Girl with Econ background

    Some general remarks 1. Strengthening of maths skills is a good idea, in partricular more focus on analysis type stuff beyond linear algebra and its applications in Econometrics Some universities have ODE/PDE as prerequisite probably because they are important in their own right as well as...
  21. Daniel Duffy

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    "I definitely agree that the Advanced C++ course would be a great way to hone your skills. The prerequisites for the advanced course are as follows: · Proficiency in OOP, inheritance, polymorphism. · Proficiency in generic programming (C++ templates). · Deep understanding of C/C++ memory...
  22. Daniel Duffy

    Does the prestige of the university for untaken pre-requisite classes matter?

    Out of curiosity ... are names like Calculus (1 to n) and their contents standardised in the States?
  23. Daniel Duffy

    Does the prestige of the university for untaken pre-requisite classes matter?

    Calculus III/Vector Calculus Has the title changed on the fly? :LOL: It's Vector Calculus/Vector Analysis. Anyways, what's in a name? BTW in which courses do people learn real and complex analysis?
  24. Daniel Duffy

    Does the prestige of the university for untaken pre-requisite classes matter?

    In my days the above Calculus III would be desribed as Mathematical Methods 231. Useful course but it is not hard analysis and I don't see it used much. Just saying. Other maths for say ML is needed.
  25. Daniel Duffy

    Which company is better?

    'better' when comparing X and Y 'best' when comparing X,Y,Z, ...
  26. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

    C++ is a skill and this course has evolved to its current streamlined form down all those years, It is a big skill.
  27. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

    Succes! Ik heb deze cursus ontwikkeld! De eerste C++ cursus ooit in NL was in Amsterdam 1990, georganiseerd door miijn bedrijf Datasim. (Hotel Americain, Amsterdam)
  28. Daniel Duffy

    Studying Quantitative Finance as a law graduate

    remember, OP has a degree in LAW. And the top US/UK MFE coursee are very quantitative. I think your post is not very accurate.
  29. Daniel Duffy

    Five ways to improve quantitative finance curricula

    Any updates, Aaron? what's the landscape in 2022? @Aaron Brown
  30. Daniel Duffy

    Thread: Partial Differential Equations PDEs and their numerical approximation

    Gil Strang is probably the best maths educator around. His focus is mostly linear algebra and his videos are excellent, especially his linear algebra videos. Actually, he was PhD supervisor of my PhD supervisor, so he is my academic grandfather :) I usually write all my own stuff. My...
  31. Daniel Duffy

    ARPM Quant Marathon

    Here are some <<detailed>> testimonials fron real students on the QN C++ Course. It would not be rocket science/neuro-surgery to standardise course review processes.
  32. Daniel Duffy

    Expected value of the stock price BS model

    Then you are not looking hard enough.
  33. Daniel Duffy

    Expected value of the stock price BS model

    Which book? Have you tried Wikipedia?
  34. Daniel Duffy

    Expected value of the stock price BS model

    Is this homework? Do you read books?
  35. Daniel Duffy

    Prop Trading or PhD

    Yeah, maybe waiit 10 years to see how that ML pans out. Then you can do a PhD for fun.
  36. Daniel Duffy

    Prop Trading or PhD

    You do a PhD not for the money, but because you REALLY want to. You are on your own and don't expect supervisor to be alwaay accessible. And Pay <<< prop shop. topic of deep learning/machine learning in Finance. Bleeding edge, what will ML look like in 2025?
  37. Daniel Duffy

    Which book is best for my self-study of stochastic calculus?

    This book is good and maybe a precursor to Shreve.
  38. Daniel Duffy

    Which book is best for my self-study of stochastic calculus?

    That's why I prefer Glasserman .. he integrates the two approaches. Horses for courses.
  39. Daniel Duffy

    Which book is best for my self-study of stochastic calculus?

    Depends how you define stochastic calculus. Because you will only half understand stochastic calculus by studying theoretical SDEs. It is too one-sided; besides most SDEs don't have analytic solutions. Ideally, you need to learn Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integration as foundation. How in...
  40. Daniel Duffy

    Which book is best for my self-study of stochastic calculus?

    It has no numerics. Even Euler method only gets a one-line mention.
  41. Daniel Duffy

    Which book is best for my self-study of stochastic calculus?

    Why has no one mentioned Glasserman (2004)?
  42. Daniel Duffy

    Explanation of financial engineering

    Content aside, I hate the writing style, tone, random topics. It's all over the place. It is a Molly Bloom soliloquy internal monologue but with punctuation.
  43. Daniel Duffy

    How do you explain your job to your family?

    It's not rocket science.
  44. Daniel Duffy

    Good Ph.D. programs after MS in financial engineering?

    Undergraduates nor MSc don't do "research".
  45. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    I studied analisi numerica in Pavia some years ago. And I did 5 years of private lessons the hard-core way. Knowing Latin is useful. I would say it is never too late as such altho' I would recommnend to hurry up. Festina lente.
  46. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    No problem. It's just native English screechers might get confused. severe lack of programming and data science/ML knowledge. These days you won't get far without them. This should be clear at this stage. I definitely need to study after my PhD. Probably too late. IMHO Why not try to embed...
  47. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    small question: in the title, by "Academy" you probably mean "academia"? Academy is a highly overloaded word. Some people mighy confuse it with Hollywood.
  48. Daniel Duffy

    How can you improve the prediction of asset returns with Machine Learning ?

    Count me in! I can give an advanced C++ course on the way there to keep people sharp. We need a good internet connection with the TAs.
  49. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    ODE Gradient Systems for Optimisation in Finance and Machine Learning, new Perspectives
  50. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    Here's an interesting approach: using ODEs to solve optimisation problems. High potential. // TestExp5.cpp // // Using ODEs for optimisation. The very very simplest example to show how it works in the scalar // case. // DJD // Systems? this is an execise. // // //...
  51. Daniel Duffy

    How to design a correct learning path if the school curriculum cannot meet my requirements?

    非常感谢你,达菲博士。看来我应该专注于更基础的数学和统计学知识。 Thank you very much, Dr. Duffy. It seems that I should focus on more basic mathematics and statistics. Wow! Did I say that? :)
  52. Daniel Duffy

    How to design a correct learning path if the school curriculum cannot meet my requirements?

    Technology changes very quickly, so keep an eye on fundamental skills. semper discendum
  53. Daniel Duffy

    How to design a correct learning path if the school curriculum cannot meet my requirements?

    "Data Science" means different things to different people..
  54. Daniel Duffy

    Hi All, New to this community, can somebody pls judge my chances of getting into Baruch/UCB? Tks!

    Apart from anything else, C++ is a real skill to learn. If you master it you learn _any_ programming language, for sure. For UCB, you need ODE/PDE AFAIK.
  55. Daniel Duffy

    The changing face of New York

    Too difficult for the average newscaster :-)
  56. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

    C# is great. It has a lot of similarities with C++. Good luck.
  57. Daniel Duffy

    Breaking into quant finance with a CS degree?

    A very general remark: most CS curricula don't have the kind of maths that is needed. They probably weren't built for that. And the maths in CS tend to be discrete data structures; little pure or applied analysis. Just saying.
  58. Daniel Duffy

    The changing face of New York

    we need a Greek letter \nu ??
  59. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    I can imagine they are fast :-)
  60. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    Some random remarks I suppose the world is changing. A while back traders would have quant developers helping them with Excel addins, coffee etc. I wrote a book on C# in 2013 with Andrea Germani (Lodi, Milano) who at the time was a trader and wrote his own code. I know several traders who have...
  61. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    In my book this does not prove programming ability. It is however better than multiple choice questions. Do traders need to be able to write their own (production) C++ code?
  62. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    The best way to get a good grounding in programming is C++. All the other languages might be OK in places, but thy don't cut the mustard. And that's the way it is.
  63. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    , C++ is often not a key aspect that is assessed in the interviews and PDE pricing even less. General programming aptitude is. What is "general programming aptitude"? Sounds fuzzy. Is it just to write prototype proof-of-concept code or at the other extreme multithreaded event-driven frameworks...
  64. Daniel Duffy

    CMU Pittsburgh vs NYC campus

    I have been to NYC but never to Pittsburgh. It probably has changed a lot since my day. All I knew is that song by Pete Seeger, BTW wasn't CMU ranked #3 for 2022?
  65. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    You were probably in a "real" pure maths department..
  66. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    While on the 'bathwater' analogy ... In ML PDE/FDM with C++ is often used in the training for several reasons and researchers are working on new methods such as RKHS and nd PDE for ML algos. Here is a recent thesis with interesting conclusions...
  67. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    The "elephant in the room" is the issue of how to write maintainable Python programs. No one talks about it... Sapir-Whorf strikes again. I'm talking about programming as a discipline and not ad-hoc "coding" as it is sometimes called. Maybe people just accept undocumented unmaintainable code...
  68. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    Yes, I know. From a career viewpoint, knowing just Python may not be enough; it is a very useful tool, like Matlab. C++ is a skill and will be here forever. If you know C++ you can get the hang of Python in a few weeks, but not the other way around. Just saying.
  69. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    While the production implementation is often in C++ and written by developers, prototyping is typically done in Python. Each organisation is different but some scenarios are (let's take a pricing library) A Quant 1 creates prototype in Python Quant 2 creates production version in C++ B Quant...
  70. Daniel Duffy

    2022 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    yeah; rent cost 3 punt (about 5 Euro) a week and a pint of Guinness cost 18 pence.
  71. Daniel Duffy

    2022 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    I do, but I did my Masters in 1975 (it cost 300 punt). And in those days there was no Quantnet C++ course.
  72. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    Who is 'they'?
  73. Daniel Duffy

    Transitioning From Software Developer To Quant Developer

    What does a 2-year degree in maths entail? It used to be 3 or 4 years?? Maybe I'm out of touch.
  74. Daniel Duffy

    Are Numerical Methods and Numerical Analysis the same courses?

    AFAIR Andy has written quite a bit Even then, it is possible to do LATEX stuff, bung it into a pdf and then attach that pdf in your post.
  75. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    My favourite subject was FA. It has _many_ applications . Numerical analysis A-Z . Finite Element Method (FEM) with Sobolev Spaces etc. . New advances in ML w.g. RKHS
  76. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    I suppose many people are more comfortable with linear algebra than with Cauchy sequences and real/functional analysis. This state of affairs is prevalent in current mainstream ML.
  77. Daniel Duffy

    Are Numerical Methods and Numerical Analysis the same courses?

    IMHO better to discuss NA and NM without code (code here just diverts attention). and maybe attachment >> insert code. tip #2 use LATEX.
  78. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    Are the Olympiads mostly discrete maths/CS stuff? Many algos work in continuous space. e.g. PDE, SDE Just a random sample Random example: 'pure' maths with applications...
  79. Daniel Duffy

    Are Numerical Methods and Numerical Analysis the same courses?

    I have MSc and Phd in Numercal Analysis. It is highly mathematical and you do things from first principles. Numerical Methods entails using the results of Numerical Analysis and apply them to real life (without necessarily knowing 100% how they work.) NM is a black box I/O function call thing...
  80. Daniel Duffy

    From Academy to Quant research

    what's 'pure mathematics'? e.g. Lie Algebras, Group Theoty or a wee bit more applied? Out of curiosity 1. How many pure mathemagicians can program in C++? 2. Can pure mathemagicians make the transition to algorithm? The "software" you learn in university is nothing like what you need later on...
  81. Daniel Duffy

    Can I get Job as Quant without degree? if I am genuinely good at Mathematics, Statistics and Computer science with proven record.

    Ok random question Do you know C++11, 14, 17, 20? I don't do interviews but if I did.... Compare your knowledge with the syllabus here or here Without a degree, your background would be an unknown variable. Just saying. // If...
  82. Daniel Duffy

    Why banks need C++ developers more than ever

    It comes from uni, and self studies, which all came before smart pointers where a thing. In general, I am not at all impressed with how in general many universities do C++ training. Self-study is not always optimal e.g. plucking silly examples from internet. The QN course has 10 well-defined...
  83. Daniel Duffy

    Why banks need C++ developers more than ever

    BTW do you know that I provide C++ code for purchasers of the book? BTW I have an upcoming PDE/FDM book laying the foundations for the maths part of the C++ book...
  84. Daniel Duffy

    Why banks need C++ developers more than ever

    financial firms going wild to hire C++ developers yes? edit: If I were in your role/position in general, I would have C++ and Python in my toolbox.
  85. Daniel Duffy

    Why banks need C++ developers more than ever

    I am not able to say if C++ will get you a job in London, Maybe, it depends. Do you know finance? some C++ experience Can you quantify that? My 2nd edition may or may not be too advanced. A C++ programmer has no problems learning Java. The other way around is trickier (Java protects you from...
  86. Daniel Duffy

    Passion and Communication

    The Tory Brexiters are great ones for meaningless buzzwords World-class scientists Trading nation We was tricked by those EU negotiators etc.
  87. Daniel Duffy

    2014 World Cup

  88. Daniel Duffy


    How to? BitMatrix, ByteMatrix std::{bitset, byte} Advantages?
  89. Daniel Duffy

    The changing face of New York

    NYC $2200 p/m... cheaper than Dublin or Amsterdam..
  90. Daniel Duffy


    Always good to think of problems up front. Otherwise it's a solution looking for a problem.
  91. Daniel Duffy


    What are the applications in finance for fixed-size matrices?
  92. Daniel Duffy


    C++ header files are .hpp
  93. Daniel Duffy

    Top UK undergrad to Top MFE (and a few quanty MSF)

    You're welcome. I have no idea of what GRE is :) We didn't have it in my day. Will you watch the rugby match IRL-NZ this weekend. (kiwi?)
  94. Daniel Duffy

    Top UK undergrad to Top MFE (and a few quanty MSF)

    C++ is important. Baruch for example has it as a prerequisite AFAIK. Apart from anything else, it is a useful skill to have and it kind of proves programming ability. You never know what the future brings. For UCB, one course needed is ODE/PDE, for example this...
  95. Daniel Duffy


    the notation m << .. is kinda non-standard and a bit weird. See how Python does it. And Boost uBLAS. C++ initialisation
  96. Daniel Duffy

  97. Daniel Duffy


    Is there not a standard STL algorithm? A while loop with nested if else might be 1) slow, 2) shaky/flaky, 3) difficult to maintain. e.g. arrays of length 1'000'000, exception handling etc. It looks like reinvention of wheel. It means less time for 'bigger' stuff. BTW what's a good rationale...
  98. Daniel Duffy


    Exsan, how does your work compare to similar stuff in Boost Intrusive
  99. Daniel Duffy

    FAQ: Advanced C++ and Modern Design Online Course

    Concepts are the heaviest addition, and are really a paradigm shift. Indeed, but once you get the hang of it it becomes easier. I have lots of practical examples. Really exciting. It's all got to do with deciding at which (meta) level to define and subsequently, use "things". // Interface...
  100. Daniel Duffy

    Choice of courses, computational methods for SDE or machine learning

    Apart from anything else, I suppose programming skills in C++ and Python would do no harm.
  101. Daniel Duffy

    Choice of courses, computational methods for SDE or machine learning

    Hard to say. The requirements are not precise enough. It's a huge area. Try looking 1. Glasserman 2004 Monte Carlo Methods 2. Duffy and Kienitz 2009 Monte Carlo Frameworks in C++. These kinds of questions have been on QN for years now, some would say ad nauseam.
  102. Daniel Duffy

    Choice of courses, computational methods for SDE or machine learning

    I took a random sample "formulate, use and analyze the main numerical methods for stochastic differential equations, based on Monte Carlo stochastics and partial differential equations," Wow. It could mean anything. It is not specific enough. "The second one is computational methods for...
  103. Daniel Duffy


    That's wasn't my question, really. Github is basically a disk. Not all organisations take this approach. Don't see pacemaker/medical software in this way any time soon.
  104. Daniel Duffy

    MSc. Theoretical Physics or Computer Science

    physics / pure maths backgrounds: IMO more experience with numerical+applied maths is much better. And real programmng (I don't mean coding) skills.
  105. Daniel Duffy

    MSc. Theoretical Physics or Computer Science

    "I found my Theoretical Physics (TP) program at Edinburgh fantastic: It was incredibly tough going, but as Daniel Duffy mentioned had little or nothing to do with finance." Maths is useful in finance, TP uses maths ==> TP is useful in finance? Just asking. BTW what stuff from TP was most...
  106. Daniel Duffy

    Seeking education advice for an older quant aspirant

    Thanks for the feedback. Regarding courses, there are various options depending on what your requirements are. We can discuss by email if you like. There is also a student discount scheme. I am also the originator of QN C++ course that I recommend if you wish to learn C++ for your job.
  107. Daniel Duffy

    Seeking education advice for an older quant aspirant

    Would the average Dutch national want to emigrate to Australia? It's so far away. Just saying.
  108. Daniel Duffy


    What happens if someone has to modify or debug this code?
  109. Daniel Duffy


    int xx = 2; int yy = xx++*++xx; int xx2 = 2; int yy2 = --xx2-++xx2; std::cout << "yy, yy2: " << yy << "," << yy2 << '\n';
  110. Daniel Duffy


    Code is undocumented :-)
  111. Daniel Duffy

    Compulsory pension insurance for USA - check whether Uncle Sam plunders you like Vater Staat does

    I am beyond retirement age and no plans to retire (BTW I can't be fired). Looking back on many gov schemes (at least one was officially PONZI) I can say without reservation that they are out to fleece me,
  112. Daniel Duffy

    Compulsory pension insurance for USA - check whether Uncle Sam plunders you like Vater Staat does

    And when you get a pension, it is taxed with your other income.
  113. Daniel Duffy

    HELP! Optiver QR Question

    This is a great exercise; put on your thinking cap! First, you have to understand the problem. After understanding, make a plan. Carry out the plan. Look back on your work. How could it be better?
  114. Daniel Duffy

    Looking for a study mate

    KKOP is excellent, also for PDE. One of the best! For the rest, I cannot say; it is a combination of > 20 books, articles and my own work down the years ;) piques my interest the most My forthcoming PDE/FDM does it all :coffee:
  115. Daniel Duffy

    Looking for a study mate

    What;'s the goal/rationale in studying this book? there are 100s of books on PDE, many are focused on wave/hyperbolic equations. It's looks OK (feels a bit 60s, nothing wrong with that) but is typically what 2nd year applied maths undergrads do. And ODE -> PDE -> comp finance is a better path...
  116. Daniel Duffy

    Looking for a study mate

    Do you have the link to Strauss, please?
  117. Daniel Duffy

    Suggestion for a probability theory book

    This book looks kind of interesting as an application area of probability.
  118. Daniel Duffy

    Suggestion for a probability theory book

    In an attempt to predict the future, a good knowledge of probability and measure could be a prerequisite for Functional Analysis and Machine Learning applications. Would Leonhard Euler be a C++ programmer were he alive today? Imagine implementing Euler's method?
  119. Daniel Duffy

    Financial Instrument Pricing Using C++

    Sure :-)
  120. Daniel Duffy

    Suggestion for a probability theory book

    Quasar is not the first to have issues with understanding measure theory and its applications to finance. My understanding of the mismatch between theory and practice is caused by: 1. Authors tend to be pure mathematicians who seem to have little interest in/knowledge of the applied and...
  121. Daniel Duffy

    MSc Theses on Machine Learning and Computational Finance

    ODE Gradient Systems for Optimisation in Finance and Machine Learning, new Perspectives ODE Optimisation, initial remarks Daniel J. Duffy 2021-9-24 ** More to come.. a lot of research opportunities .. Few are acquainted with these techniques. We include some references on methods to solve...
  122. Daniel Duffy

    Suggestion for a probability theory book

    Maybe book by Sean Dineen?
  123. Daniel Duffy

    Suggestion for a probability theory book

    Cheap at half the price, is it serious .. 25.95 Euro for a chapter???? BTW wasn't this topic already discussed here several times?
  124. Daniel Duffy

    Corporate serfs and tax donkeys

    You don't say.
  125. Daniel Duffy

    Corporate serfs and tax donkeys

    You mean, like these Illinois lads?
  126. Daniel Duffy

    Too late to switch focus to FE?

    What kinds of specific roles did you have in those 17 years? Are you a decent programmer? How's the maths savvy? And .. what's the interest in finance?
  127. Daniel Duffy

    Profile Evaluation: Data Scientist with 6 years experience to Quant

    I (external) supervised quite a few MSc theses there until recently. Some very good students. See 2019 2020 Blogs on for several theses.
  128. Daniel Duffy

    Profile Evaluation: Data Scientist with 6 years experience to Quant

    Have you looked at University of Birmingham?
  129. Daniel Duffy

    GRE General or GRE Math

    Maths is not about doing exams and jumping through hoops. Maths is about learning and doing stuff.
  130. Daniel Duffy

    Is BSc Economics ok to become a quant?

    And good programming skills (C++, Python,..)
  131. Daniel Duffy

    Is BSc Economics ok to become a quant?

    fairly good undergraduate in economics contains enough math depends
  132. Daniel Duffy

    Is BSc Economics ok to become a quant?

    To be a "quant" a decent knowledge of maths and programming is needed. The "maths" in Economics is probably not enough.
  133. Daniel Duffy

    Where to go for undergraduate studies?

    Princeton has a good reputation.
  134. Daniel Duffy


    Yes, I'm in the lap of luxury. Maybe Boost Process (heavyweights tasks)?
  135. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

    Like judo = std::list<technique> technique == get it work -> get it right -> get it optimised
  136. Daniel Duffy


    Newbie question.. absolutely in C++11. threads, tasks and futures. Discussed in my C++ 2018 book and QN Advanced C++ course. Recommend doing some research. // Just got an 8-core machine today. What can I in heaven's name use it for...
  137. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

    I'm sure you will learn a lot here. Actually, I taught C++ to WBS finance students in 2019/early 2020. Good luck. // R (and Matlab!) is too simplistic for maths people. It is more of a tool for MBA. C++ and maths are a more natural mix.
  138. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

    Welcome. BTW did you have any exposure to C++ at Warwick?
  139. Daniel Duffy

    Bocconi new Bsc for a quant career

    6th word, 1st sentence?
  140. Daniel Duffy

    From Formula One to Quant positions.. How?

    You want to live life in the fast lane, what?
  141. Daniel Duffy

    Project ideas for a Computational Finance course

    You could start by basing the course on my numerous books in this area. BTW my PDE book will soon be published. I have lots of project suggestions. To date, I have been external supervisor for roughly 40 MSc thesis for UK/US universities...
  142. Daniel Duffy

    Transitioning into Quant Role from Academia

    "Quant role" is a wide concept.
  143. Daniel Duffy

    Confusing about the "hedge" term
  144. Daniel Duffy

    Online Mathematics Modules

    Given that I live in the UK (London) and the educational system is far behind the US one In what sense?
  145. Daniel Duffy

    Online Mathematics Modules

    I have originated the following (BTW I also originated Quantnet C++ courses). They are online, hands on and exams/certificate. There are focused on finance and have more depth and breadth than university offerings I give student prices.
  146. Daniel Duffy

    A good keyboard for office use.

    I used this for Basic in GE in a special room; it was deafening
  147. Daniel Duffy

    A good keyboard for office use.

    I use UNICOMP model M classic. It's great. I got from a quant... his colleagues found it too noisy, the keyboard, not the quant..
  148. Daniel Duffy

    ML Question

    OLS can tolerate observation errors in y only but not in x. If x has observation errors, then we need ODR
  149. Daniel Duffy

    Thalesian Webinar: Daniel J. Duffy: PDEs and FDM for Computational Finance

    here is the slide show of my talk next Wednesday.
  150. Daniel Duffy

    After first C++ certificate, Python or Advanced C++?

    If I were in such a position in my career. I would do both C++ and Python are a good combination. It is an investment in your future career. If you make the time and have a few quid to spare it is what I would do.
  151. Daniel Duffy

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    Small remark on new(?) C++ behaviour. Interesting to see how legacy code reacts. Seems that the C++ compiler reacts differently these days to template protected data t; if you want to directly access t in derived class you must use this->t (BTW for concrete types you can get away with just...
  152. Daniel Duffy

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    float x = 0.1; x -= 0.1; double y = 0.1; y -= 0.1; std::cout << "x, y: " << x << "," << y << '\n';
  153. Daniel Duffy

    ML Question

  154. Daniel Duffy

    Advanced C++ and Modern Design Cert Testimonials

    And the right way to do OOP inheritance, no silly classes for cats and dog, woof(), miaow()
  155. Daniel Duffy

    Advanced C++ and Modern Design Cert Testimonials

    Unfortunately, self-taught or university style is sub-optimal in this case. In my case, I was the first C++ programmer in the Netherlands in 1989.
  156. Daniel Duffy

    Advanced C++ and Modern Design Cert Testimonials

    My rough guess is at least 8 hours per week is necessary. I am the originator so my estimate does not include the upper limit (in theory 24/7 :)). decent C+ background This could mean anything, big spread. Most institutes I've seen are far behind the QN C++ course (which is based on 30 years...
  157. Daniel Duffy

    Thalesian Webinar: Daniel J. Duffy: PDEs and FDM for Computational Finance

    25 August 2021 Thalesians Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and Finite Difference Method (FDM) for Computational Finance Daniel J. Duffy, Datasim In this talk we give an overview of the numerical solution of PDEs using finite...
  158. Daniel Duffy

    Blog: Articles on C++11 and Computational Finance (by Daniel J. Duffy)

    C++ Nostalgia. In the old days there was no string class. Here's how we did it. You can run the "1992" code. // // dynstr.hxx // // This class creates and manipulates variable length character strings. // // (C) Copyright Datasim BV 1992-1995 // // The information contained in this file is...
  159. Daniel Duffy

    Financial Instrument Pricing Using C++

    You are welcome. These 2 books together discuss it all PDE and FDM. BTW for 2018 C++ book, email me for source code when purchased.
  160. Daniel Duffy

    Financial Instrument Pricing Using C++

    The Quantnet C++ course is good preparation indeed. You won't have too many problems. Good luck! BTW you might like to know that my new PDE book will be published in a few months.
  161. Daniel Duffy

    Why Vasicek on discrete lattice is a bad model for pricing American option on credit prepayment?

    I have not tried it myself because in general PDE/Finite different models are much better. Having said that, lattice methods for American equity options are good. Is it not a barrier option?? I was told that Vasicek on a tree is a terrible choice of model implementation and that one should...
  162. Daniel Duffy

    C++ Multithreading in Boost

    Thank you. I wrote that article 10 years ago. The nice thing now is that threads (and tasks!) are supported in C++11 and porting code is more or less changing namespace boost to std.
  163. Daniel Duffy

    Theoretical Calculus worth the time?

    When students say "calculus" a question could be to explain (construction of) Riemann, Lebesque and {Riemann, Lebesgue} Stieltjes integration and compute them by hand on let's say the function f(x) = 4x(1-x) using pencil and paper. These are very concrete questions. Seeing how there are used...
  164. Daniel Duffy

    Free course: C++ 11 to 20, Comparing different function types: Function pointer, std::function, functor, lambda

    Unfortunately, it's the way you are saying it that gets me, It is incorrect and naive. But that's my experience and opinion. Try to tone it down a bit and be more factual. Anyhoo, no problem.
  165. Daniel Duffy

    Proof of fixed-point theorem

    here's another great tip for Quasar and everyone The source of all great mathematics is the special case, the concrete example. It is frequent in mathematics that every instance of a concept of seemingly great generality is in essence the same as a small and concrete special case. Paul Halmos...
  166. Daniel Duffy

    Former Enron CEO, back in business with new energy investment firm

    Many politicians are like that..
  167. Daniel Duffy

    Proof of fixed-point theorem

    It's funny, but I can't remember ever getting good ideas sitting behind a laptop. Usually, ideas come at random moments and places. Like Eureka?
  168. Daniel Duffy

    Russian programmers

    Your interpretation of my words. I am asking a simple question. I am not taking about outsourcing, more about software products. I looked up Yandex .. it's registered in Schiphol (Amsterdam) as an NV (anonymous company) as we call it in NL. Turnover in 2014 was quite modest. I wouldn't call it...
  169. Daniel Duffy

    Free course: C++ 11 to 20, Comparing different function types: Function pointer, std::function, functor, lambda

    @ptf You also wrote this, which is a bit strange According to some research billions of dollars are due to fact of memory leak in C/C++, which requires very high skill on the developers. When it comes to quantitative finance, same thing. No matter how many good students you teach, they make...
  170. Daniel Duffy

    Free course: C++ 11 to 20, Comparing different function types: Function pointer, std::function, functor, lambda

    Which C++20 (trendy) syntax are you using? Most is C++11. Just saying. Please post the code as an attachment so that the QN members can experiment with the code. Many are up to speed with C++11 and beyond (including myself ):ninja:
  171. Daniel Duffy

    Proof of fixed-point theorem

    “The first rule of discovery is to have brains and good luck. The second rule of discovery is to sit tight and wait till you get a bright idea.” George Pólya
  172. Daniel Duffy

    Proof of fixed-point theorem

    relevant example Compute implied volatility using . Newton . Banach . Aitken Compare .. These in my 2018 C++ book.
  173. Daniel Duffy

    Proof of fixed-point theorem

    Even for M = 1.0e+9 etc. it will be a challenge for methods that use derivatives. It is like a boundary/internal layer problem SHGO is a global optimiser that finds all roots. It's very easy to use. from...
  174. Daniel Duffy

    Proof of fixed-point theorem

    For example. and 1) several roots, 2) no roots are possible.
  175. Daniel Duffy

    Proof of fixed-point theorem

    Another way to solve fixed point x = g(x) is to solve it as a least-squares minimisation problem min (x - g(x))^2. And use favourite optimiser.
  176. Daniel Duffy

    Proof of fixed-point theorem

    Do you already know C++11? or even C++03?(?) BTW C++17 is only a stepping stone to C++20. TBH I don't think you are ready. It's like judo white>yellow->orange->green->blue->brown->black and you in C++ terms? You can do all these algos in C. Or Python.
  177. Daniel Duffy

    Proof of fixed-point theorem

    A nice feature of fixed point/contraction theorems is they converge for any initial guess in contrast to say Newton's method.
  178. Daniel Duffy

    Does anyone know of any good online partial differential equations course? And my new PDE/FDM book for finance will be out on a few months (Wiley) My course is accredited by at least one major university. This course is the only...
  179. Daniel Duffy

    Proof of fixed-point theorem

    and experimentally.
  180. Daniel Duffy

    Proof of fixed-point theorem

    Now, the icing on the cake: solve x^2 = 2 by fixed point theorem and measure (monotonic!) convergence. Linear.
  181. Daniel Duffy

    Proof of fixed-point theorem
  182. Daniel Duffy

    Why banks need C++ developers more than ever

    I have created a video on C++20 here (BTW I am the originator of these courses) Blogs - Videos :: Datasim If you are serious, C++ Concepts are a big deal. Watch this space.
  183. Daniel Duffy

    Why banks need C++ developers more than ever Python has become a necessary language to learn if you want a job in finance. However, while students everywhere are becoming minor Python coders, the fact...
  184. Daniel Duffy

    Yahoo finance is not working

    so, a user error?
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