Search results

  1. euroazn

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    Oh my god...
  2. euroazn

    no Passout !! It is "Graduate"

    Guess so! That's interesting. I'll certainly be experiencing an interesting dialect next year. Gotta practice my "yinz"-es for pittsburgh :P
  3. euroazn

    no Passout !! It is "Graduate"

    I'm in the US and I always use "I'll be visiting him." Same with everyone I know. Did you flip the two?
  4. euroazn

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    Wallstreet Oasis really dissapointed me though. In particular, there was an ardent "2" support called manbearpig... he's an MFE. At least he used group theory to support his flawed argument.
  5. euroazn

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    Use a graphing calculator :P But I would hate to see these people try to figure out Reverse Polish Notation >.>
  6. euroazn

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    At least they would get the right answer >.>
  7. euroazn

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    We have to step up education then!
  8. euroazn

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    First grade multiplication is nuclear physics? No, it isn't. I understand if I asked an illeterate person in impoverished Africa and they couldn't answer, but seriously, anyone who's been through school needs to be answer something like this...
  9. euroazn

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    None of you guys is disturbed by this? :eek: Btw cool "Users who have read this thread" feature, Andy.
  10. euroazn

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    Hey quantnet! What's 48/2(9+3)? 288, right? That's 1st grade math...÷293 The first thread actually had a poll and 2 won by a slight majority...
  11. euroazn

    Random funny pics

    But when he does, he gets fired. Reminds me of one of my internships. Was working on an oil price database and had to code a program to delete bad prices (it was more complicated that that, but that was the gist.) Obviously I needed to test in test. I asked my fellow intern for the connection...
  12. euroazn

    no Passout !! It is "Graduate"

    "Bagging" a prize is used in America as well, but it is coloquial... not to be used in an admissions essay :)
  13. euroazn

    no Passout !! It is "Graduate"

    I remember that thread! Other than a bit in your post, we never did answer his question, haha.
  14. euroazn

    Quant Internship Interview Questions

    3 is unsolvable... there's a correlation of .5, not 1. You can give a confidence interval for Y, if that's what you want...
  15. euroazn

    Random funny pics

    When I try to get the Youtube video to work, only "7262d510.jpg" pops up. ANDY FIX QUANTNET AND YOUTUBE PLOX lol
  16. euroazn

    Snooki invited to Rutgers U.

    It could be their idea...
  17. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    I can pay it off, and I'm penny pinching myself, but reasonable. Just takes more time.
  18. euroazn

    Bieber avatar

    April 1st is April Fool's day.
  19. euroazn

    Fixed Rate Loans?

    They're willing to cosign, but not explicitly take on loans.
  20. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    To be fair, Ilya was being picky, i.e But it's Gollini who says I can pay off the loans in two years... I myself don't think that's feasible.
  21. euroazn

    Fixed Rate Loans?

    Stafford loans have limits. We use 'em up. Pell grants I'm not poor enough for :P And PLUS loans aren't something my parents are willing to do - *I'm* the one taking on the loans. Thanks though!
  22. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    How much do you think I'll be making out of college? How much do you think it costs to live in NYC?
  23. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Ok two years might be a bit too ridiculous lol...................... I don't want to literally live in a cardboard box while eating street rats... NYC Cost of living is high.........
  24. euroazn

    Bieber avatar

    Did someone move this post from another thread? What's going on... lol... EDIT: Oh geez... just took a look at the "Members" page... *shudders*
  25. euroazn

    Bieber avatar

    So much Justin Bieber... is there a rhyme or reason for this madness?
  26. euroazn

    Fixed Rate Loans?

    Just out of curiosity, is there any private lender which offers a fixed rate on student loans? Thanks!
  27. euroazn

    From a review on Amazon

    Yeah, the hard part is the seed money...
  28. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    True. Thanks for all your help though through the UMD process :)
  29. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    I've visited CP 3 times as a prospective student and even more times for competitions and I never liked the surrounding area. The campus itself is ok albeit rather dirty. Not gonna lie though - CP has great academics and of course is cheap which is what prompted me to apply in the first place :)
  30. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Also, I never said that UMD is dangerous. It isn't, especially not during the day. I just don't like the feel of the campus (not because of safety). For lack of a better word, it's gloomy for me.
  31. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Happy - Support Illini - Initially not supportive of CMU, but with this new finaid offer, supportive. TraderJoe - Sort of ambivalent Good internet stalking skills Andy ;) (jk)
  32. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Yes. The part of pittsburg CMU is in is very nice. Second of all... even industrial pittsburgh looks kinda nice by comparison. This is a decent part of college park: It just seems so gloomy to me... I'm not saying it's a...
  33. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Because you gotta admit the area outside campus looks pretty shady...
  34. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    I'm not saying it's (overly) dangerous, I'm just saying that's the vibe I get.
  35. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    I've vistited Maryland quite a few times, and didn't like the feel at all. That was a major factor why I didn't just choose the cheaper option. As for CMU, I loved it - both the school and the city (I cannot say the same for College Park, which is basically a ghetto.) Just got financial Aid...
  36. euroazn

    Cornell FE Cornell Senior: Throw Goldman Sachs Off Campus

    This thread is months old.......
  37. euroazn

    Newest child prodigy

    Step 1: Realize that I am just kidding around. Why would I care if I am in a newspaper? Why would I care if someone disses me over the internet? Obviously, I am just being sarcastic. I'm sorry if it doesn't convey well over the internet. Step 2: That's basically it.
  38. euroazn

    Newest child prodigy

    Ouch... :(
  39. euroazn

    Newest child prodigy

    Wouldn't want to. Although if I did, pretty harsh considering I'm still in high school ;)
  40. euroazn

    Newest child prodigy

    I admit I haven't learned about it. Hey, I never claimed I was a genius :p EDIT: Ew... topology...
  41. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Bad news everyone. I was officially accepted into Carnegie Mellon's math and business programs. So now I actually have to decide D: It seems to be a tossup between Carnegie Mellon and Maryland... I think Baruch isn't worth it (for UGrad) What to choose, what to choose.........
  42. euroazn

    Newest child prodigy

    I only learnt div, curl, and gradient at age 15. :(
  43. euroazn

    Newest child prodigy

    I learned calculus at age 14... is that too old to be put in a newspaper... :(
  44. euroazn

    Pay: $53k for Purdue or only $3k Oklahoma State

    Well, ok, it's a good school - but not enough to merit the sticker price.
  45. euroazn

    Pay: $53k for Purdue or only $3k Oklahoma State

    Oklahoma State - they're both not top schools, so increase ROI by decreasing the actual investment amount...
  46. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    The thing is, is it really worth the money? I need to take on a lot of debt...
  47. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Isn't that what you basially suggested the first time :)
  48. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Thanks guys, other thoughts?
  49. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Nothing I don't know =| As for full scholarship, I do, but it doesn't cover room/board.
  50. euroazn

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Hey there, Quantnet! Alright so I'm almost through getting my college decisions. Now, help me choose where to go :D Baruch Macalulay (Full-Ride) - So about 10-15k a year. University of Maryland Scholars (8k/year Presidential Scholarship) So about 0-12k a year (0 if I choose to live at home) -...
  51. euroazn

    MBA students can't write, employers complain

    EDIT: Ok, I finally found a non-satirical one. This person actually wants to get into harvard. Check out his writing skills. To quote the last poster,
  52. euroazn

    Baruch MFE Which Undergrad major to take?

    Lol, this thread is like half a year old... I got into Baruch, (Macalauy, so it would be free), but I doubt I'm going. So far: Baruch - Accepted with full ride (Macaulay) University of Maryland College Park - Accepted with In State Tuition and Presidential Scholarship (8k a year) University of...
  53. euroazn

    OOP is out of the CMU Computer Science Introductory Curriculum

    So if I were to release two intermediate versions, would I be a boss?
  54. euroazn

    OOP is out of the CMU Computer Science Introductory Curriculum

    I don't care what they remove as long as they still have "Hello World"
  55. euroazn

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    The worst is a full-scale meltdown of the reactors caused by overheating, which would release much larger amounts of radiation into the air than has yet occurred. In that case, the damage could potentially approach the level of the Soviet Union's 1986 Chernobyl disaster, for which estimates...
  56. euroazn

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    Your argument is non-sensical... it's not about the semantics at all. Your first point was "because joe average poker player (i.e me) can't calculate hand odds." So what? The same is true in investing. The average independent investor doesn't understand what's going on. Institutions do...
  57. euroazn

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    @Andy Nguyen Turns out it's a fake:
  58. euroazn

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    I hope your friend is alright, Andy. Same goes to anyone who has a freind/loved one in Asia.
  59. euroazn

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    This is exactly what I was thinking of -making a genetic-algorithm based neural network as in The issue is that such an evolving algorithm only plays against bots rather than other players, which...
  60. euroazn

    Happy Pi Day Everyone!

    Did you notice his occupation is also Kwant daddy?
  61. euroazn

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you said there :confused:
  62. euroazn

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    The appeal of bots isn't their mental capacity to make decisions, but rather their capacity to play on multiple tables at once, thus making more money.
  63. euroazn

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    Ttsone, I've been playing poker recreationally for a while, and if you want to make this Bot just as a side project for fun, I'd be willing to do it.
  64. euroazn

    NYC Drinks - QuantNet meet up?

    We were joking around, yes.
  65. euroazn

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    We pretended nothing happened. Seriously. The government didn't warn Citizens at all (yes, I am Russian.)
  66. euroazn

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    Interesting spelling (not sarcastic, just legitimately piqued my interest) And hope the level doesn't escalate further :/
  67. euroazn

    NYC Drinks - QuantNet meet up?

    What if we have a really realistic-looking ID? Jk
  68. euroazn

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    The iodine isn't an issue, since administrations and organizations such as the WHO have issued reports not to buy iodine tablets.
  69. euroazn

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    How are Bots like insider trading? Bots don't have any infomation that other players don't. They just do mental math better and are unemotional.
  70. euroazn

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    That's what I was thinking too - but then your poker site will have less demand. It may not be worth it.
  71. euroazn

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    Or even easier, every hour or so (random time is best) a captcha could be used.
  72. euroazn

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    .allirrog drow eht htiw dnopser esaelp ,siht daer nac uoy fI ^Are you telling me that it is not too difficult to interpret that sort of message? Gorrilla can be replaced with something along the lines of the result of 2+2, or as suggested, the state of the game (i.e the last card dealt) - all...
  73. euroazn

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    Link is good regardless :) Thanks.
  74. euroazn

    Japanese tsunami disaster discussion

    Out of curiosity, where are you getting information about the ambassador whereabouts?
  75. euroazn

    [Job] Entry level quant, Associate, Model Quality Review

    They weren't in high school though =P I'm still working on the leads I had but there's no guarantee of anything :(
  76. euroazn

    [Job] Entry level quant, Associate, Model Quality Review

    If only this magical place could land me an internship. One can dream, right? :rolleyes:
  77. euroazn

    Equity Trading Strategies

    No, Andy, the minimum to start there is 0! Completely risk free! Silly :)
  78. euroazn

    Happy Pi Day Everyone!

    not enough digits/following for euler constant day :3
  79. euroazn


    Wow, well done!
  80. euroazn

    Happy Pi Day Everyone!

    Haters gonna hate :3
  81. euroazn

    Happy Pi Day Everyone!

    3/14 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I'm the first poster on this topic. :eek:
  82. euroazn


    Can you be more clear on the order of the player scores?
  83. euroazn

    A stockholder meeting

  84. euroazn

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    Nevertheless, I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of bots have poor odds. There are a lot of variables in poker to consider - and if you want to have better odds than the other players, you have to analyze their playing styles.
  85. euroazn

    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    If you're smart enough to make a _winning_ bot. Note that "More than 90% are losing money." I wouldn't want to have those odds algorithmically trading.
  86. euroazn

    Quantnet migrated to new SERVER

    Hey Andy, is it just me or do you keep changing up the smiley faces?:eek:
  87. euroazn

    Quantnet migrated to new SERVER

    How long does it take for me to obtain a job though? :p
  88. euroazn

    Equity Trading Strategies

    If you want a real challenge, try Security Analysis, also by Graham =)
  89. euroazn

    Equity Trading Strategies

    Ok! That's a lot more reasonable. There's kind of two things you can be looking at if you're not interested in the simple long-analysis. There's market neutral investing which you can look into; additionally, you may find option spreads interesting although it's not pure equity investing...
  90. euroazn

    Equity Trading Strategies

    DON'T. (SERIOUSLY.) It looks horribly unprofessional and will be useless on your resume for all but perhaps prop-trading where you don't even have a salary. That being said, trading isn't really something individual investors should be doing... it's a negative sum game thanks to those nasty...
  91. euroazn

    How much does Institutional volume account for stock exchange volume?

    I did google, but all I could find was relatively outdated information. This is a bit better than I found but I was wondering if there is something even more recent. Thanks though!
  92. euroazn

    How much does Institutional volume account for stock exchange volume?

    How much does Institutional volume account for stock exchange volume? That is, what percentage of daily exchange volume is accounted for by institutions. Include sources if you can =) Thanks!
  93. euroazn

    Equity Trading Strategies

    Well, it's risk free for me...
  94. euroazn

    Equity Trading Strategies

    My pocket! :cool:
  95. euroazn

    Equity Trading Strategies

    My suggestion is to buy a penny stock with 100:1 margin. Just make sure beta is 0 because then it's risk free! PROFIT!!!!!!
  96. euroazn

    Quantnet migrated to new SERVER

    Yes, it's noticeably faster. Thanks Andy :)
  97. euroazn

    $150 /barrel Oil anyone?

    Count the number of posts you made in a row. Nobody replied in the interim. You just don't do that sort of thing, Tsotne.
  98. euroazn

    $150 /barrel Oil anyone?

    ...That's not what I meant...............................................................
  99. euroazn

    Thoughts on Hedge Fund Managers? Thoughts?
  100. euroazn

    Advice on the best path to a successful quant career?

    You're not _completely_ wrong but you have to understand that an entry position is an entry position =)
  101. euroazn

    "Awkward" situation at work due to my graduate school application...

    Dominic's Advice: I is a headhunter! I can makes u vary vary rich! Just give me some comp bro.
  102. euroazn

    How to get a Quant Internship? - Questions?

    Q: Any tips for undergrads?
  103. euroazn

    Binary Securities

    Can you elaborate? Thanks!
  104. euroazn

    Advice on the best path to a successful quant career?

    The emphasis is whether it's a BB (Bulge Bracket - think JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, etc.)
  105. euroazn

    25 Guys to Avoid on Wall Street

    Obviously best: Avoid the guy who won't share his Adderall: It just speaks to his character. You get these all from WSO, don't you ;)
  106. euroazn

    Advice on the best path to a successful quant career?

    Don't do the PhD unless you actually want it - that is, don't do it for employment purposes. Is the leading invesment bank a BB office in mumbai? If not, take the MFE.
  107. euroazn

    two twos

    (cosh(arcsinh(2)))^2 ?
  108. euroazn

    Binary Securities

    Hey folks. Just wondering, what kinds of binary securities are there? That is, what securities have only two discrete pay-offs? Alternatively, are there portfolios of securities that can achieve such a result? Ideally, is there a security that returns (net) 1$ with probability p, and -1$ with...
  109. euroazn

    Employee Poaching On The Rise On Wall Street

    I never said they were the same thing. Additionally, I don't believe I mentioned structs, what do you mean, exactly? Yes, this is also true.
  110. euroazn

    Employee Poaching On The Rise On Wall Street

    1. I never said creating objects themselves affects the performance; rather, the overhead from conceptualization slows down the program. Example: C I/O is faster than C++ streams. 2. You can still use one, it's just not pre-implemented. Also, Bjarne Stroustrup has said that C++ will have a...
  111. euroazn

    Employee Poaching On The Rise On Wall Street

    To be fair, C has its advantages. Not having to deal with objects means faster performance (no garbage collection, for instance.) That's the major reason C is a preffered language in robotics, for example - C++ may be too slow for some tasks.
  112. euroazn

    How to build a High Frequency Trading system

    I imagine a mere 2.5k isn't a lot if you're bent on HFT - your pool is certainly higher anyway.
  113. euroazn

    Why a career in private equity?

    Oh, it won't at all! I was just curious =3 (thought that perhaps there _are_ quants in PE)
  114. euroazn

    Why a career in private equity?

    Saw botht the WSO and M&I article. One question though: what's the relevance? I can't imagine a quant career in PE :S
  115. euroazn

    Suggestions for obtaining a summer internship?

    I take that as a no. Oh well, at least I got good odds for an Equity Research position.
  116. euroazn

    Downward Dog Position Is Key To Getting Ahead On Wall Street, Says Private Equity Guy

    I can put my foot behind my leg! Does that mean I can just skip college and go straight to make more than one million dollars a year????????????????
  117. euroazn

    Suggestions for obtaining a summer internship?

    So I didn't meet Gordon Gecko. I cold-called a bit and may get/have gotten a couple of interviews, but is anyone here interested in a grunt for the summer (either in the D.C. area or in a remote set-up)? Thanks :D
  118. euroazn

    Bloomberg offers Islamic finance platform

    I see - in other words, it's a complete market, with the exception of the risk free instrument. Thanks bbw. I propose that we dedicate an entire quantnet subforum to figure out a way to exploit this. :p
  119. euroazn

    Suggestion Need

    Not what I meant. I'm talking about stuff like Knuth. Are you familiar with his textbooks? If not... definitely a classic you should understand. Not that you'll apply it directly per-se but at least useful in interviews. As for console aps vs. other stuff - that's mostly a .NET thing and not a...
  120. euroazn

    Suggestion Need

    How familiar are you with the language and with coding (i.e algos) in general? A good place to start is :D
  121. euroazn

    New Quantnet forum software

    @Andy Nguyen Wen I go to forumz it no looks like last week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! Can u fix massive bug pl0x? ...J/K
  122. euroazn

    Bloomberg offers Islamic finance platform

    Let me get this straight: there's no interest applied!?!?!??!?
  123. euroazn

    Suggestion Need

    QUICK DELETE YOUR POST BEFORE DOMINIC GETS IN HERE. lol. But that's basically exactly why you should use C++
  124. euroazn

    Bloomberg offers Islamic finance platform

    Hi, sorry for my cluelessness, what is Islamic Finance? I.e what makes some securities compliant and others not? This is actually the first time I heard about this and I'm actually pretty curious...!
  125. euroazn

    Quant interview questions you should always expect

    Just a question, why are the programming questions so comparatively easy? For example, programming the sieve of Eratosthenes was litteraly one of the projects for my middle school programming class. I feel as if you're asking about higher level math (i.e stochastic calculus) you should be asking...
  126. euroazn

    Suggestion Need

    It's a (relatively) small company in Georgia, so no. :rolleyes: HOWEVER, what matters more is your role in the job, and the skillset you acquire/demonstrate seems quite good. Note however that C++ is infinitely more important than C#; I like C# as much as everyone else, but do know that it is a...
  127. euroazn

    New Quantnet forum software

    Whoa.. that's a lot of readers! Are many of those visitors bots or something?
  128. euroazn

    New Quantnet forum software

    Didn't know that so many people read the forums but don't register! Btw, Andy, is this just a map of people who have used the new software so far?
  129. euroazn

    Where do I find option prices?

    Marketwatch is probably the easiest website to find them. For example:
  130. euroazn

    Still searching for what I'm gonna do over the summer. If you need a grunt, contact me!

    Still searching for what I'm gonna do over the summer. If you need a grunt, contact me!
  131. euroazn

    Blackrock Solutions FMG vs Morgan Stanley Market Risk

    Last activity montiors viewing as well.
  132. euroazn

    Blackrock Solutions FMG vs Morgan Stanley Market Risk

    Tsk for necro-ing! Double tsk for not bothering to check out the profile and notice "Last Activity: 12-13-2009 11:55 AM " <!-- / current activity -->
  133. euroazn

    Distribution of Stock Returns and Expected Return of Trade

    This is a perfectly irrelevant question since assuming stock prices follow normal distributions = death. Log-normal is slightly better.
  134. euroazn

    Cracking the Scratch Lottery Code

    Why not both, lol.
  135. euroazn

    Cracking the Scratch Lottery Code

    I know what my full time job is going to be now!
  136. euroazn

    Financial analyst - opinions?

    Somebody has to read The Black Swan ;)
  137. euroazn

    Doubt about myself in application

    If you want a quant degree to become more hire-able in equity research, I would definitely try to apply for positions and see what you get... if you get in, then you saved yourself time and money. That being said, foreigners don't get a boost in Quant programs because Quant programs are usually...
  138. euroazn

    Doubt about myself in application

    Just for some perspective, why become a quant (as opposed to say consulting or equity research, or something more related to biology)? And in general, why finance at all, with the time you dedicated for your MD/PhD? Also, FU stands for which university? Simply having a degree doesn't mean...
  139. euroazn


    It depends on the school. If it's not a top MBA, it's not worth it. Same goes for MFE, but the rankings are totally seperate.
  140. euroazn


    Not sure a CMU MBA is worth it though...
  141. euroazn


    MBA and MSCF prepare you for two completely different things; it's like comparing apples and oranges... The money is generally worth it though in terms of job placement.
  142. euroazn

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    That's a good question. On the one hand, being passive does save you time from arguing and reduces the risk of you being removed from the line entirely - one more person is going to increase your wait by maybe half a minute. But on the other hand, others may notice your weakness and start...
  143. euroazn

    Help with a mathematical statistics question!

    Essentially what you're saying then, is divide by the mean. Unfortunately, this cannot be right - suppose the mean was 0! I was thinking to transform into a normal distribution and then find z-scores, but it seems rather complicated :/
  144. euroazn

    Help with a mathematical statistics question!

    Not quite sure what you mean; lambda is 1. So what you're saying is keep the original data, which is wrong :3
  145. euroazn

    Help with a mathematical statistics question!

    Can somebody help with 7B? Thanks :)
  146. euroazn

    Junior College Math Questions

    All I meant that your first part was unnecessary since they stated that 2010 has 16 factors. The 16/2 part is absolutely right though.
  147. euroazn

    Junior College Math Questions

    That's correct, but unnecessary for this problem since they give you the number of factors ;)
  148. euroazn

    Junior College Math Questions

    Nburk, good question! ;) 2010 isn't a perfect square.... so there are exactly 8 pairs of factors that multiply into 2010... so 2010^8. Do you get it now?
  149. euroazn to charge for viewing next year

    FANTASTIC! This is really great advice.
  150. euroazn

    How to Get a Quant Job, Advice from Wall Street Executives

    fair enough, but in general...
  151. euroazn

    GS question - pseudo random number generator

    Let's see if a high-school student (me!) can help you :P Alright, we first let's start off by defining the function explicitly. Let's just start off with X_{n+1} = ( a * X_{n} + c ) and ignore the modulus. Now the values are as follows: X_{0} = X_{0} X_{1} = aX_{0}+c X_{2} = a^2X_{0}+ac+c X_{3}...
  152. euroazn

    How to Get a Quant Job, Advice from Wall Street Executives

    To be honest, RBS and UBS <<< MS and GS :P also, why did you randomly necrobump a thread with another one of your random ANY TIPS FOR INTERVIEWS questions? Shouldn't you be making a new thread on this or something... Anyway, depending on your role... is this position monitoring, reporting...
  153. euroazn

    "What salary do you require?"

    Somebody here uses wallstreetoasis ;)
  154. euroazn

    University of Maryland undergraduate

    Oh boy, insider information on a merger ;)
  155. euroazn

    advice on how to find internship opportunities?

    Hahahahaahahahaha Dominic :P I can't wait for the New Quantnet, I'll have to be sure to "like" that post. :)
  156. euroazn

    University of Maryland undergraduate

    Well obviously Maryland isn't a target. So recruitment advantages from the Business school are very small... So I would put math over business. That being said, you could still double major, although some people on this forum are bound to disagree. They will tell you to just take more...
  157. euroazn

    My study experience, MFE internship and job offers

    Now if only we found a way to secure an internship for us non-MFE/Phds ;)
  158. euroazn

    Quantitative Developer to HF trading

    Yeah, I always hear them as being code-monkeys, why is that? Also, Is that 2k lines? Because that's a pretty small project...
  159. euroazn

    Quantitative Developer to HF trading

    Just as an aside, remember the converse: that bugs are always features ;) Also, DominiConnor do U.K grads really not know any C++? And no multithreading? Because I learned that in a high school class... so.... :s
  160. euroazn

    Programming innocence - just say "Fcuk it"

    No way. Compiler errors are fine because you know they exist right away... it's logical errors that are a bi$%.
  161. euroazn

    ideas for undergrad research, comp finance

    Can you make a neural network that will achieve over 9000% average annual return pl0x?
  162. euroazn

    Quant programs MUST CHANGE - Pablo Triana

    1. Invest in treasury bonds 2. Wait infinity years 3. ????????????????? 4. PROFIT!
  163. euroazn

    Method Overloading

  164. euroazn

    What are your favorite Wall-street themed movies?

    That's pretty much where I was getting at ;)
  165. euroazn

    What are your favorite Wall-street themed movies?

    That's what that TV show producer was looking for a little while ago :)
  166. euroazn

    English as a Second F*cking Language

    Laughing my F*cking A** off! Unfortunately, Goldman Sachs Bans Naughty Words in Emails -
  167. euroazn

    Who Owns the Future?

    Yeah, for the worse... The original APs, that is, the ones pre 1990, were actually half-decent. And now they're making them even worse.
  168. euroazn

    The 25 Weirdest Interview Questions

    But what's the answer :-k :P
  169. euroazn

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    Actually, I think Andy was hinting at what kind of job you'd get ;)
  170. euroazn

    Junior College Math Questions

    Noooooooooo....... for all I know you may be a commie but you're still one of us... don't do it! :O :P
  171. euroazn

    Junior College Math Questions

    1) Upon half a minute of thinking, I realized that 1 is very easy. Suppose the magic square is A B C D E F G H _I J K _L M N O P The product ABCD=EFGH=IJKL=MNOP. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP=2010^8 Thus the product is 2010^8^1/4=2010^2=4040100 :)
  172. euroazn

    Junior College Math Questions

    3) is probably an AMC question... I recall seeing something like it somewhere... Anyway: a four digit palindrom is in the form ABBA, or 1001A+110B. Note that 1001 is a multiple of 7. Thus 110B must be a multiple of 7. Hence, B is either 7 or 0, for odds of 2/10=1/5 Time to tackle 1 and 5 :)
  173. euroazn

    Equity Derivatives Interview Questions from Goldman Sachs

    Same principle.... for example, we know that 45^2 = 2025 (remember your D5^2 rules!!!). Even if we suck at multiplying (like me ;) ) and don't know that 46^2 = 2116, we can still use a linear approximation; derivative of x^2 is 2x so we add 2 times x (which is 45) or 90. That's 2115 (only one...
  174. euroazn

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    Hence my quick "EDIT" but I guess you responded before I managed to change it ;) Thanks a bunch Andy!
  175. euroazn

    Salary VS Bonus

    Whatatool. :O As for bonus percentage, check out the second to last page of this guide: Outdated, but still shows how bonuses grow over time. NOTE THAT THESE DAYS YOU WILL BE GETTING MUCH (?) LESS (In terms of bonuses)!!!
  176. euroazn

    Equity Derivatives Interview Questions from Goldman Sachs

    Clever! If more precision is needed, know that 31^2=961 :)
  177. euroazn

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    Hurrah! Is there any possibility that you'll move existing brainteaser threads to that forum :) EDIT: Nevermind, I appreciate the time you took into this :)
  178. euroazn

    interesting brainteaser

    ..or maybe... it's a GREAT question ;)
  179. euroazn

    interesting brainteaser

    Oh, true - I don't think 0 marbles are allowed (from the phrasing of the original Q.) =S
  180. euroazn

    interesting brainteaser

    Nice one peterruse! I'm such a klutz ;) I fail at even simple binomial distributions :(
  181. euroazn

    Homeless man with golden voice, got NBA job offer

    I saw that... my favorite part is the one-day hair change =) It shouldn't surprise anyone that he got a lot more offers. More to see at:
  182. euroazn

    interesting brainteaser

    "Handfuls in general" are basically withdrawals from a set of infinite marbles, so the ratio is still 1:1. Btw, with the huge volume of brainteaser threads, I seriously think it's time to make a subforum for this...
  183. euroazn

    Good Return Predictors for a Portfolio of Stocks

    It's somewhat trivial to prove that there aren't any that are that good...
  184. euroazn

    Average stock held for 22 seconds (up from 20)

    LMAO Nice Chart.
  185. euroazn

    Average stock held for 22 seconds (up from 20)

    LMAO! Seriously? That's considered long-term!?!?! Is this for real?
  186. euroazn

    Quantnet Best-selling quant Books of 2010

    Oh, I would imagine that people buy the two as a set. Although they cover rather different things :)
  187. euroazn

    Quantnet Best-selling quant Books of 2010

    Can someone explain the rather large discrepancy?
  188. euroazn

    Resume Help

    I disagree... the restaurant job seems a tad bit too unprofessional. The library assistant thing is OK though.
  189. euroazn

    Who Owns the Future?

    Nominally, yes, but not as a percentage. But I would like to point out that the second-highest scoring group is Asians...
  190. euroazn

    2011 Gadgets Wishlist

    Really? Why? I use Mozilla though 8)
  191. euroazn

    Who Owns the Future?

    Wow, great analysis! That being said, we shouldn't be proud of the U.S educational system. Just because our students are prepared for multiple choice tests doesn't mean we are being educated :(
  192. euroazn

    Happy New Year Quantneters!

    Happy New Year to you all!
  193. euroazn

    Hedge fund or Bank ?

    Really only Barclays of those is BB. The others are prestigious but not bulge, so they won't give you nearly the same long-term advantage as a bulge-bracket. I would actually probably stick with the fund if you liked it. Just my 2 cents.
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