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  1. R

    Anyone interviewed with GSAM lately?

    Equity Strat position. I heard the interview is pretty different from typical desk quant interview (heavier on stats/econometric). Does anyone has experience with them? also, seems like they are doing pretty bad last 2-3 years. Is it a good time to join them? (I'm a risk quant in HF with 3y exp)
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    Back Office IT to Quant/S&T

    I kind of make it now. although not in trading yet, I'm now working as hedge fund quant in risk modeling from one year BB IT. I think I'm in a much better position now if I want to do investment analysis and portfolio management in the future. It is not that difficult but the difference between...
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    Career Path for Quant in Risk Modeling?

    We don't use VaR or market standard models but mostly stress and scenario test plus our own factor models. Most of them are proprietary so I can't share the ideas :)
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    Career Path for Quant in Risk Modeling?

    Hi, I'm now working as a quant in risk modeling team of a top tier HF (Not a quant fund). Main responsibilities are modeling and analyzing the risk for entire fund incl equity/distress bond/MBS. All models we use are developed in house from scratch. My career goal is to become a portfolio...
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    CMU MSCF Reject after CMU MSCF interview

    Do I need a MFE degree if I already work as quant? I think MBA is a better choice
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    CMU MSCF Reject after CMU MSCF interview

    Which forum i posted? :) MSCF
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    CMU MSCF Reject after CMU MSCF interview

    Really weird. Did good in interview and my referral prof also says "extremely surprise" (he is one of prof in MSCF Steering Committee). But it is fine for me. Ironically, I got a quant offer from a top hedge fund on the same day. Don't know whether I should happy or not :)
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    UCB MFE Anyone get UCB MFE admission with one interview?

    Thanks. I think i will get CMU offer because I got interview and did it well. Do you think I can use that to push them?
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    UCB MFE Anyone get UCB MFE admission with one interview?

    I saw some updates in tracking system. Do anyone get admission with just one technical interview?
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    North Carolina State University Financial Mathematics program

    I attended NCSU's MFM and think this is a good evaluation. As mentioned, biggest plus is the cost, especially for in-state students. I paid one semester what one class costs in a private school. One drawback is the program is taught by academic mathematicians/statisticians so some coursework may...
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    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    OK. Thanks for sharing. Then we should be fine. I heard usually they would conduct a final behavior interview for those qualified people but didn't hear anyone get it this year. Probably they change their policy a bit.
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    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    How many interviews have u had? Did you have non-technical interview?
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    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    How many interviews have u had? Did you have non-technical interview?
  14. R

    OOP is out of the CMU Computer Science Introductory Curriculum

    CMU CS kids don't need a course to learn C++. Professors only teach them how to think in abstract way. Writing code is considered as lowest requirement.
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    What do I do?

    They said in email they only want students with pure math background? That's not possible. Not school would do that. If you are guessing the reason, you can stop now because that doesn't help at all. I guess you may not have enough failures in your life and feel excuse about the bad result. For...
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    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    Paul, did you get an email saying you get admitted or an email saying decision is available (and you know it in that system)?
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    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    I mean tomorrow or next Mon. Someone I know called school and got this answer.
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    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    OK. Then it seems I still get chance.
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    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    I know one guy got admitted 1 week after submission in March. School said result will be sent out late this week or Monday next week. Did anyone get admitted already?
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    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    When were your two interviews? Both technical or one behavior?
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    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    I did interview in early March with alumni (technical). Not getting any response since then. Anyone got updates?
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    Columbia MFE I just noticed that Columbia MSFE posted the emplyoment stats from the last two years

    I don't think career service can post graduates' job placement info without survey or permission, even though they may know the data without survey
  23. R

    MSF or MFE?

    Another kid who wants to buy island in his early 30s. "I am far more interesting into trading, making real money and planning where to invest the money instead of research and I would like to have a job some day in which I can be close to the money and have managing function with being in...
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    CMU MSCF CMU NYC and Pitt campus

    But that's the reality. Most BB Bank only hire S&T analyst/associate in native English speaker pool because its strong demand of communication with coworker and clients. No matter how social you are, most Chinese can only land a quant job in NYC because quant position requires more analytical...
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    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    Agree. I can hardly understand what my interviewer said, even after studying and working in US for couple of years
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    CMU MSCF CMU NYC and Pitt campus

    Students in NYC definitely get more exposure to industry, assuming you are a social person. This is leading you to a NY offer. But the problem is most Chinese students have problems in landing S&T offer in NYC, due to language and culture barrier. So people who don't want to do quant choose S&T...
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    CMU MSCF CMU NYC and Pitt campus

    That's what I know from my credential source. And it only applies to Chinese community. Not sure about other students
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    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    Interviewed with alumni last Sun. No reply yet. All technical questions.
  29. R

    CMU MSCF CMU NYC and Pitt campus

    As far as I know, MSCF students at NYC got more NY offer, while students at Pitts got more asian offer (Asian students). It is difficult to say which one is better because most NY offers are quant while Asian offers are S&T
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    CMU MSCF CMU NYC and Pitt campus

    I studied in CMU Pitts before. Never wanna go back. Very boring city.
  31. R

    CMU MSCF Please comment on Quality of Live-video lecture at CMU NY campus

    The quality of video and sound are pretty good. And lecturer will go to NYC campus for lectures sometimes (I don't know the frequency).
  32. R

    Part-time or Full-time Top MFE?

    Thanks for the advice. That article is pretty useful.
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    Part-time or Full-time Top MFE?

    You mean I would end up in IT role even take full-time MFE like MSCF or Princeton Mfin?
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    2011 Princeton University

  35. R

    Part-time or Full-time Top MFE?

    Hi, I'm now working in a major IB as trading support for about 1 year (day to day support and build analytical/reporting spreadsheet for traders and MO). I have a CMU IT master already. Like many people, trading is the career I really want to pursue. So I want to pursue a MFE degree to develop...
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    Who Interviewed with MS EMG Credit Strategies or Similar Roles?

    CS Master, no math/stat degree. 1y working experience in Credit FO support and spreadsheet modeling. What kind of questions should I expect? Totally no clues now.
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    How do Tech guys expect to get for bonus in IB?

    The thread becomes interesting :) Anyway, thank you very much for all the knowledge/thoughts shared here. I start to realize how important that u have good mentors/friends on street is.
  38. R

    BlackRock or Credit Suisse?

    Thanks a lot! I appreciate it.
  39. R

    How do Tech guys expect to get for bonus in IB?

    Sadly, 6 figures salary is not even possible for a junior tech analyst in IB. So I supposed that I would be the lowest income people in NYC T_T ---------- Post added at 03:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 AM ---------- Thanks, GoIllini. Your thoughts are valuable to me. And I know...
  40. R

    How do Tech guys expect to get for bonus in IB?

    Hi, I am actually wondering that because there is usually an expected range for IBD Analysts, for example, 30-70K for first year analyst. Is there a similar range for first year tech analyst, let's say who work at front office (S&T)? I know the responsibilities are largely different depend on...
  41. R

    BlackRock or Credit Suisse?

    Thanks. So the correlation trading is similar to hedging and flow trading is just like high frequency trading, right?
  42. R

    BlackRock or Credit Suisse?

    Honestly speaking, I don't know what the correlation and flow is since I am not majored in Finance:) Could you give more insight about? What kind of tech position in credit derivatives is more promising if I want to do algorithm trader in some prop trading/hedge fund in future? Thanks.
  43. R

    Jane Street interview questions

    I got the same one. The correct answer is 0 which is break even. Any bid above 0 will be a lost in profit.
  44. R

    BlackRock or Credit Suisse?

    I also got offer from CS. My position is FO IT Analyst in credit derivatives group and I already accept the offer. Hope it is not so bad as someone mention here. Anyway, I believe it is a good start in finance as a CS background student.
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