Search results

  1. Joy Pathak

    Recession is coming...

    Mostly see that people still talk about programs/etc on this forum.. figured I would try to get a different discussion going. thoughts? market is definitely pricing like late 2019 recession but market has been wrong.
  2. Joy Pathak

    A salary question

    Would fresh graduates from MFE programs ever be open to getting 50-60K in salary(Almost no bonus but cost of living is 30% of NYC) at a NON NYC location front office job with the upside of becoming a trader in 2-3 years and larger compensation thereafter. Curious what current students or recent...
  3. Joy Pathak

    R to Excel

    Hey guys Maybe a trivial question but... Anyone know a way I can call functions from specific packages into excel? I am trying to see if I can call functions from this package: GitHub - imanuelcostigan/dataonderivatives: Easily source publicly available data on derivatives in excel/vba. Is...
  4. Joy Pathak

    How i became a quant?

    I will be on the Panel at the next How I became a quant panel at NYU on Friday. It is organised by International Association of Quantitative Finance. Come by and say hello if you are around!
  5. Joy Pathak

    Net Basis time series?

    Anyone have any net basis (treasury bond/futures) time series lying around by any chance? Any maturity will do. Bloomberg is of no help.
  6. Joy Pathak

    Quantnet Meet up?

    Hey all, just curious if people were down to meet up ? I will be DJing at a lounge in New York City.. East Village. lounge&fb=1&gl=us&hq=nightingale lounge&hnear=0x89c2a164b2c7bc0b:0x8743868b9c34b76e,Stamford...
  7. Joy Pathak

    JPM Corporate Challenge?

    Anyone from here going?
  8. Joy Pathak

    Yield curve non parallel shifts - spline

    bob Hey bob.. what could be some issues when you do non parallel shifts on a curve that is built using cubic spline interpolation or any spline interpolation.
  9. Joy Pathak

    Fewer Perks and More Work for Wall St.’s Summer Interns Wall Street interns have gone from pampered to pummeled. In better days, college-age interns at the nation’s largest investment banks, known as summer analysts, were treated like young royalty. But...
  10. Joy Pathak

    CDX IG vs HY

    So what could be possible reasons for IG index to be more volatile than HY ? Annualised volatility (historical-since inception) is higher for IG. Even during crisis it's higher. Any thoughts ? The general understanding is that HY would be more volatile. bob
  11. Joy Pathak

    IAFE conference?

    Anyone going to it Mon/Tue?
  12. Joy Pathak

    Cramer vs Cramer

    If anyone noticed that Jim cramer just went crazy on twitter a few minutes ago... this is why....
  13. Joy Pathak

    Review 'A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering' Second Edition

    As many of you know Dr. Dan Stefanica released the second edition of his best seller book, ‘The Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering’. When I heard that Dr. Stefanica would be personally signing every copy of the first set of shipments I went ahead and got myself the book and a...
  14. Joy Pathak

    business climate proxies?

    Whats are some good proxies(economic indicators) for the business climate? I need something that is reported monthly e.g S&P monthly returns can be used. Are there any others? Edit: can I measure liquidity in the bond market? e.g I can use market ask spread.. as proxies...
  15. Joy Pathak

    Best books of 2011

    Just curious if people have any recommendations for books. I recently got a kindle DX and literally have been addicted to reading from it for the past 2 weeks. Any suggestions? Wall Street related would be great. I like Michael Lewis type of books. I have read all his finance related books. It...
  16. Joy Pathak

    Where is the bottle-neck in trading?

    I went to a conference a few days ago whose main focus was Algo Trading and Execution. From what majority of the presenters and people I spoke to I gathered that the main bottleneck is in technology and not in the math/strategy. Everyone seems to be using the same strategy and the same...
  17. Joy Pathak

    S&P , US - Go!

    The markets are definitely getting hit pretty hard today. EUR/USD is low, treasuries are lower, all the indexes are taking a hit, gold spiked up along with silver. So anyone have any thoughts on the negative outlook for US credit rating? It's competitors have positive outlooks. Is S&P just...
  18. Joy Pathak

    Interview stories...

    Anyone have any interesting interview stories? Something outrageous. Any stress tests, psycholigical tests? etc. Or What is the most intense interview you have been to? 4 hrs 8 people 9 hours 20 people..etc 26 interviews over a period of 2 months. Just curious.
  19. Joy Pathak

    Quant Internship Interview Questions

    I thought I would toss some questions I got asked in an interview here since I guess most of the questions asked in the contest will probably be quant interview type questions... 1) The probability that bank will default in any single year is 10%. What is the probability that the bank will...
  20. Joy Pathak

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Questions...

    Hey guys... A few of you have got admission at Baruch MFE and I am sure you have questions about the program. Please feel free to post ANY question you have here, and myself or current students/alumni will more than love to answer your questions. I have got messages from most of the admits I...
  21. Joy Pathak

    Anne Hathaway and Warren Buffett...? Anne Hathaway and Warren Buffett have recently been linked in the media—though not romantically, thank god. No, this linkage is purely statistical. Dan Mirvish over at Huffington Post spotted the following unusual data blip: Whenever Anne Hathaway's name appeared...
  22. Joy Pathak

    NYU Stern - Masters in Risk Management - another new program

    Just ran into this in an ad online... A new Masters degree related to Quant finance for executives in risk management. It's a unique module system based curriculum.
  23. Joy Pathak

    How to get your dream quant internship?

    It has been a little while since my last post. I have been very busy with interviews and the recruiting season. It has been quite a ride. I have interviewed with several firms as I had mentioned in my last post. I have narrowed down my offers to the firm I will be doing my internship at. It is a...
  24. Joy Pathak

    NYC Drinks - QuantNet meet up?

    Would NY and NY area MFE students and Quantnet members be interested in a meet up in the city to just hang out,talk shop and network? Post here if you would be interested in getting together for some drinks on the weekend (fri or sat). Does not have to be this weekend. We can probably figure out...
  25. Joy Pathak

    Forbes billionaire List - Investors version
  26. Joy Pathak

    How to get a Quant Internship? - Questions?

    Hey guys... I got lots of good responses from one of my last posts... I have decided to do another one regarding Internships. I will interview two hiring managers from leading banks, one hedge fund hiring manager and two...
  27. Joy Pathak

    MBS market vs Interest Rate job

    Can anyone with knowledge comment on this... What do you think the future is for MBS market? Would it be good to get into this side of the fixed-income? What do you think of Interest rate derivatives... Is there a huge market for it? How does the future look? Especially IR options. I am...
  28. Joy Pathak

    Amazon Coupon

    I found a great amazon coupon. for $10 you get a $20 gift card. The Best Daily Deals in Washington, D.C. - $20 Gift Card The new semester is starting and I am sure everyone can use some discounts on books.
  29. Joy Pathak

    What is going to happen?

    Hey guys I thought I would make a thread where we can discuss what will happen to certain equities or whatever as we go further. Ex: BP oil spill. What kind of opportunities will this create for shorting BP, etc. I hope this lasts... Maybe we can make it sticky if this is successful. There are...
  30. Joy Pathak

    My study experience, MFE internship and job offers

    It’s been a while since my last post. It has been quite the semester. I am currently visiting my parents and girlfriend in Canada during our winter holidays. I figured I would take the time to talk about my first semester in the Baruch Financial Engineering program. The first semester included...
  31. Joy Pathak

    Black Swans of 2011 ?

    PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM THE BLACK SWANS OF 2011 US Congress Blocks Bernanke’s QE3 As we move into the second half of 2011, politicians and pundits increasingly succeed in putting the Fed in the hot seat for having been the critical enabler of the US housing debacle and resulting bank...
  32. Joy Pathak

    War Time : N Korea attacks S Korea

    North, South Korean forces trade fire; 2 South Korean marines dead -
  33. Joy Pathak

    Interesting Paper on CDO Tranche modelling

    Using the criteria of the rating agencies, the authors tested how wide the AAA tranches created from residential mortgages can be. They found that the AAA ratings assigned to ABSs were not totally unreasonable but that the AAA ratings assigned to tranches of Mezz ABS CDOs cannot be justified...
  34. Joy Pathak

    5 Quick Ways to Bankrupt Yourself

    Five Quick Ways to Bankrupt Yourself - CNBC #5 was the most interesting for me and a valid fact. 5. Overestimating the value of an expensive degree. The more education you have, the higher your pay, right? Wrong. When people take out student loans, few do the math to see what the...
  35. Joy Pathak

    How to Prepare for Financial Engineering Programs, Part 2

    This is Part 2 of my popular post, How to prepare for Financial Engineering programs. I finished all my refreshers in the Baruch MFE program at the end of August but I have been very busy with the classes to actually finish this article. This post will include topics, books, information I...
  36. Joy Pathak

    Mystery of Disappearing Prop Traders - Michael Lewis

    The Mystery of Disappearing Proprietary Traders: Michael Lewis - Bloomberg In the run-up to the vote on the financial overhaul bill, the big Wall Street banks squashed an attempt by Senator Carl Levin to pass a simple ban on any form of proprietary trading. A Senate staffer...
  37. Joy Pathak

    Programming for Dummies: Dissastisfied, Some Wall Street Technologists Flee for Start-Up Life

    Programming for Dummies: Dissastisfied, Some Wall Street Technologists Flee for Start-Up Life | The New York Observer "I mean, no one was being held with a gun to their head and forced to work at Morgan Stanley," said Andrew Montalenti. "It was a very good job by any objective measure. But a...
  38. Joy Pathak

    How to Get a Quant Job, Advice from Wall Street Executives

    Whether you're looking for your very first job, switching carers, or re-entering the job market after an extended absence, finding a job requires two main tasks: understanding yourself and understanding the job market. I received several emails asking me for advice regarding quant jobs and...
  39. Joy Pathak


    I am going to put all the books we require in this thread right here. I will update as I get back information on the rest of the books. MTH 9814 - A Quantitative Introduction to Pricing Financial Instruments Required: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives (7th ed) John C. Hull MTH 9815...
  40. Joy Pathak

    P = NP Solved? So... P!= NP ?
  41. Joy Pathak

    Wall Street Journal or Financial Times?

    I am thinking of getting a subscription for a newspaper. I know I can read "everything" online, but the pleasure of reading from a newspaper is just something else. Any recommendations? Both are around 100ish mark per year. If there are newspapers outside this two that can provide me with...
  42. Joy Pathak

    Benoît Mandelbrot Interview... Questions?

    Hey guys... I am at it again... Benoît Mandelbrot (Benoît Mandelbrot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) has been kind enough to give me some of his time for an interview for my blog... please let me know if you guys have any questions.
  43. Joy Pathak

    India’s $35 Tablet Laptop

    Going for Cheap: Indias $35 Laptop - India Real Time - WSJ NEW DELHI—First the Nano, now the “Nano” computer. Tata won praise world-wide for developing the world’s cheapest car, an innovation designed to put millions of Indians behind the wheel. The Indian government Thursday unveiled a...
  44. Joy Pathak

    First Month in New York City

    So, it is officially one month since I have been in New York and it has been quite a month. In addition, I also finished my first refresher/course at Baruch. The course was primarily a C++ refresher taught by Alain Ledon, who is a graduate of the program, and VP at Bank of America/Merrill Lynch...
  45. Joy Pathak

    What Canada is doing right?

    What Canada is doing Right? - CNBC The Canadian economy is roaring forward A few reasons why Canadas economy is better than the U.S. economy | FP Posted | Financial Post Just coming back from Toronto today after a quick visit, it seems...
  46. Joy Pathak

    Book Reviews : A Student's perspective...

    As part of my blog here on QN, i will post book reviews that I find truly incredible or truly disastrous. They will all be from a student's perspective. I will post updates here as they come: First: Review: A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering | Quant Network
  47. Joy Pathak

    Review: A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering

    Paperback: 302 pages Publisher: FE Press (April 4, 2008) Amazon review This is my first review in a range of reviews I will be posting from the viewpoint of a student. The reviews will entail everything from books, to movies (if I have time to watch any), to that Café on 30th and 3rd. For me to...
  48. Joy Pathak

    Don't drink and Drive...err I mean Trade..

    How a broker spent $520m in a drunken stupor and moved the global oil price - Telegraph It's probably not uncommon for City traders to wonder how they burnt so much cash during a drunken night on the town. But Steve Perkins was left with a bigger black hole in his memory than most when his...
  49. Joy Pathak

    2010 IAFE Annual Conference Recap

    So yesterday I attended the International Association of Financial Engineers Annual Conference. It was truly an amazing event. Some of the greatest minds in the world presented. The speakers included, Andrew Lo, Richard Roll, John Hull, Mark Flannery, and many others. The event was held at...
  50. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Richard Roll -FE of The Year

    Richard Roll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Roll | UCLA Anderson School of Management Dr. Roll, Financial Engineer of the Year by IAFE, has been kind enough to give me some of his time for an interview. I will be interviewing him in person this Friday at the IAFE Conference at Goldman...
  51. Joy Pathak

    Light Speed Trading

    Logic Gates: The Next Phase Of High-Frequency Trading I thought companies were using logic gates already? Maybe not for this specific type of application I guess.
  52. Joy Pathak

    List of Wall Street themed movies

    Someone asked me the other day, “What’s a good trading movie?”. This gave me an idea to make a post about various Wall Street movies/TV Shows/documentaries I have seen and ones that have been recommended to me. I am sure there are more, but here is a short list. This list is for entertainment...
  53. Joy Pathak

    Affordable Cell Phone plans...

    I am trying to get a good cell phone plan for New york. I have been searching online but have been just bombarded with super expensive plans ranging in the 50-70$ range WITHOUT data . Does anyone know of any good affordable plans where I can call to Canada from USA on nights and weekends as...
  54. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Dr. Steven Shreve of CMU

    Dr. Steven Shreve has been kind enough to offer me his time for an interview for my blog-QN. (Joy Pathak | Quant Network ) Anything anyone want to ask? Here is more about him. Yes, it is the same Shreve of the Stochastic Calculus books, and the same Dr...
  55. Joy Pathak

    2010 IAFE Annual Conference - June 18th

    The International Association of Financial Engineers presents -•- The 2010 IAFE Annual Conference So I am going to the International Association of Financial Engineering conference. It is on June 18th from 8:00am to 5:00pm in New York. John Hull, Andrew Lo, Richard Roll, are some of the...
  56. Joy Pathak

    Question for New Yorkers

    Just a question: What is a better deal... 1395 for a 550 sqare fet studio on Upper East Side around 90th and 2nd.. or 1425 for similar size on a much higher floor Riversirde drive and 83rd in Upper West Side ? Need to be able to get to Lower Midtown daily.
  57. Joy Pathak

    What do you want to know from a High Frequency Trader?

    Ben Van Vliet is quite a known person in the High Frequency Trading Field. He is often seen on finance tv shows and gives interviews on the topic of HFT. He is the keynote speaker at the HFT Leaders Forum in NYC. He also has several books written in...
  58. Joy Pathak

    To Oil or Not to Oil: Part One

    As someone who has worked in the oil industry I have always been truly fascinated by 'black gold'. The recent oil spill gave me the idea to possibly talk a bit about crude oil futures. In addition, I am currently working on a crude oil futures forecasting research paper as part of an independent...
  59. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    I went to taco bell and came back and saw dow dropped 1000pts before bouncing back. Dow touches below 10,000 - International Business Times I heard on another forum a rumor about a program sending 16b futures instead of 16m but NYSE is saying nothing happened. NYSE: No techical glitches...
  60. Joy Pathak

    How important is Java?

    I was just wondering if Java was a language that would be recommended for financial engineers? I interviewed for a position yesterday and one of the key projects was using Java programming to help develop a 'black-box' for a very well established market maker trading firm. I picked a...
  61. Joy Pathak

    Post Doc Position ? Anyone?

    Anyone interested in doing a post-doc position conducting research in financial economics/game theory/corporate finance? Send me a message. Need to have a PhD.
  62. Joy Pathak

    How I became a Quant? - Toronto

    How I became a quant Anyone going to it? Is it worth going to? Has anyone gone to it before? I don't mind doing a 4 hour drive upto Toronto tomorrow morning to attend it. There is a special recruiter session too. I am assuming it will be mostly for Toronto jobs? I want to go check out and...
  63. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    So.... I am thinking of building a new set of rankings due to the overwhelming response I have gotten through emails to compare programs for people. I might turn it into a full fledged paper too maybe...or something of that sort. I have got 3 volunteers who will help me collect data...
  64. Joy Pathak

    Want a Job in New York ? Move there.

    Moving to Where You Want to Find a Job - Nice piece of how companies have reduced their relocation programs and are hiring locally only basically. Some 58% of companies have reduced their corporate relocation programs, 27% have frozen such programs, and another 17% have eliminated...
  65. Joy Pathak

    Movie Futures Trading?

    First Business Network, LLC / Videos / Trading Movie Futures 03/30/10 Would trading box office receipts really be a sound investment?
  66. Joy Pathak

    Risk Latte's Certificate in Financial Engineering (CFE)

    Came across it on another forum... Risk Latte - CERTIFICATE IN FINANCIAL ENGINEERING (CFE) For Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo only I think... A CQF competitor?
  67. Joy Pathak

    How to prepare for Financial Engineering programs, Part 1

    I have received several emails from students about to start the program, regarding MFE preparation, so I figured I would talk about how I have been preparing for the onslaught of what Masters in Financial Engineering is all about. I decided to make the switch to finance at the end of 2009 during...
  68. Joy Pathak


    So I got tricked into eating snails last night at the keg steakhouse. They actually tasted pretty good. The snails were stuffed into mushroom caps. I don't think I would ever eat it again just because I know they are snails now. I have eaten caribou and elk meat before in Whistler...and it...
  69. Joy Pathak


    I saw lots of other websites doing this...and I thing this would be great for future and current students. Since it's results/decision season: Post in this manner: If something is not applicable please put ....N/A PROFILE: Type of Undergrad/Uni: Undergrad GPA: Type of Grad: Grad...
  70. Joy Pathak

    Chicago MSFM U Chicago looking for New Director

    Executive Director Prof Program in Financial Math - IL, Campus - Hyde Park | America's Job Exchange They are changing the structure and looking for a new program director.
  71. Joy Pathak

    LHC achieves something...

    Hadron Collider breakthrough as beams collide - Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider managed to make two proton beams collide at high energy Tuesday, marking a "new territory" in physics, according to CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. I want to go see the...
  72. Joy Pathak

    Financial Engineering stuff for Indian students

    Just wondering if there are many financial engineering programs in India. Many students want to get refresher courses/basic mathematical finance courses/etc. These might be some cheaper alternatives to taking online courses from columbia/berkeley and then applying to USA. 1) Here is a 3...
  73. Joy Pathak

    Regarding TN Visa Requirements?

    So I was just wondering if anyone knows how about to get a TN Visa in the financial engineering/quant analyst/quant (something)/trader type of roles? There are prescribed set of positions that you can apply for TN Visa...I was wondering if any Canadians had gone through and got TN Visa to work...
  74. Joy Pathak

    Recruiters for Internships?

    I was just wondering... Do students use recruiters for internships also? I know for full-time it is common, but what about for internships? I have had several internships in engineering before and just applied online and got in and so on. I thought maybe because recruiters are so common in...
  75. Joy Pathak

    All guys should show to this article to their girlfriends.

    Love, sex and the male brain - Really interesting article on the male brain. All that testosterone drives the "Man Trance"-- that glazed-eye look a man gets when he sees breasts. As a woman who was among the ranks of the early feminists, I wish I could say that men can stop...
  76. Joy Pathak

    No vacation = $456 Million dollar loss? -Former Merrill Lynch trader banned in UK

    Former Merrill Lynch trader banned in UK Mr Stenfors’ attorney, Ian Ryan, said his client received no personal gain from his actions. “It was completely out of character. It was extraordinary market conditions, he hadn’t had a holiday in a year-and-a-half and he was working 18-hour days,” he...
  77. Joy Pathak

    A question regarding Rent : Chicago

    Hey guys, So I found this amazing Studio apartment in Chicago. It's $710. IT's in the Near North side / Gold Coast area , two blocks from the John Hancock center and 3 blocks from the lake side beach. The price includes internet and all utilities. It's unfurnished. What do you guys...
  78. Joy Pathak

    Learning Python together

    Okay, so when I graduate from my MFE program seems like I need to know Python and C++ as a minimum.
  79. Joy Pathak

    Combining data from two different sheets?

    Hey guys, so I have a small problem. I have two excel sheets. One of them has company names and years... and a set of variables with data. I have another excel sheet with company names and years...and another set of data with years. Is there a way for me to combined these two sheets...
  80. Joy Pathak

    Advantages of going to Uni in Big Financial hubs - Chi/Nyc/SF/LA etc

    So I was wondering... What are some of the advantages or maybe disadvantages of going to universities located n major financial hubs like Chicago and NYC? People say.."great opportunity to network...etc".. What does that mean? Do you just see random people at Starbucks and say hi...I am...
  81. Joy Pathak

    Advice from previous MFE/Mfin Students on April to August Timeline

    I was just wondering on possible advice regarding what to do between the time we all accept offers by April ish, and begin programs sometime in August... What did you do? When did you secure housing? When did you move? What do you wish you'd done differently? Did you apply for loans and if...
  82. Joy Pathak

    Ban on Prop Trading or Bank Status...Volcker Rule / Companies / Banks - ‘Volcker rule’ gives Goldman stark choice ‘Volcker rule’ gives Goldman stark choice Goldman Sachs and other banks should give up their bank status if they want to avoid the ban on proprietary trading proposed by the White House, Paul Volcker, head of...
  83. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    So....I have heard all kinds of stories about this program. On the old threads here and other forums. Well good and bad. Good from american students at the uni and bad from international students. I went around doing some research to gain enough facts. What I have found is...they admit 100ish...
  84. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Morgan Stanley - Summer Internship- help?

    Hey guys, I got an upcoming interview with morgan stanley and was wondering if you guys could give me some possible insight into it? They did not give me any specific into what position it is for but I showed interest for trading positions so I am assuming analyst in Sales n Trading? I showed...
  85. Joy Pathak

    HELP with Courses - FE

    Hey guys, So I have admission to the MFE program at CGU(CLAREMONT GRADUATE U). I am still waiting for MF at Purdue and Vanderbilt. I will be starting in Fall 2010 regardless of where I go. Now, my final goal is to build a strong application to acheive a PhD in Finance admission at top school. I...
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