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  1. C++ Certificate Enrollment is now open

    Hi Andy, is the enrolment still open? I may be able to join...
  2. Purchase of course material

    I really want to enrol c++ cert here oneday, but unfortunately im having lots of commitments for studies. Could you suggest me a time to enrol, given my circumstances as a phd student... Anyone enroled in c++ cert has similar situation like me? If you don't mind me asking, when did you take...
  3. Purchase of course material

    so no chance to buy the material? the problem i have here is that, there is no chance for me to finish the course in 16 weeks, given my schedule (thesis, teaching, phd coursework) is very very full. but i like those notes and video a lot as they are straight to the point, compare to the oop c++...
  4. Purchase of course material

    Hi Andy, I am not able to enrol officially as it seems no chance for me to take assessment. Because, as a PhD students, my time is strictly allocated to compulsory PhD coursework and seminars. But I do need C++ for my thesis urgently, so I wonder whether there is any chance I can purchase the...
  5. Level 1&2 Grading

    Hi, Stupid questions here again. I am going to work through the "free" version of Level 1&2 now. Will I be graded or not? When I become officially enroled in the course (after paid), do I still need to attempt L1&2 for grading purposes?
  6. Software needed

    Thanks, andy. I actually downloaded a VC2010 express version from here It probably doesn't have all the function. But will that be reliable enough to work with all levels in the course? I have found myself a...
  7. Software needed

    Thanks! I work with VC express on Video 1.1, it seems OK. But when would be the case "ISO image with complete Visual Studio Express " needed?
  8. Software needed

    Hi Andy, I did only, Download for Visual C++ Express Web installer: Installed already. Do I still need the following Download for ISO image with complete Visual Studio Express...
  9. OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    Questions still... 1. Does the option Terimal, g++, and vi cause me less trouble than using Xcode, for ongoing concern? 2. As a beginner who knows nothing about C++, I was told VC is still the best IDE to learn C++, and once become familiar with C++, then it would be quite easy to work with any...
  10. OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    Does that mean I need Linux, never use that before...(n) Could you elaborate a bit how " Terminal + emacs + g++" does the same job as VS2010? Sorry...I have vyvy little programming background, mainly used academic languages (matlab, R, mathematica) in the past 4 years....
  11. OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    Thanks Andy ! Shall I go through level 1,2 , and get WIN/V2010 set up before I pay for the course? It has been 4 year since I've done C and I haven't used it for long time.
  12. OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    How does that affect the marking then? What do I need to explain to them when submitting HW/other assessment ? Thanks
  13. OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    Thanks, Andy. With the class attendance, can I take it anytime? There is a huge time difference between US and Sydney and I cannot take them at standard US time, which is mid night here.
  14. OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    Hi Andy, Just wonder when is the next enrolment date? Is Window Visual C++ essential when taking online classes? I am a Mac user, can I work with XCode for the course? I am a new PhD student (MathFin) from Sydney, need C++ urgently for my project
  15. Fin Eng vs Actuarial vs Risk Mgt

    Enterprise risk management where you can specialise in the field of actuarial science. FRM is suitable for those who has a business background who do not know much math. If u have a strong enough math&programming background(especially math thou since first&foremost, understand the problem), I...
  16. Actuarial Science versus MathFin

    Hi all, I am a master of actuarial studies student in sydney (UNSW). 6 month ago I made a decision to study actuarial science instead of a GradDip in Maths for Finance. Partly because I was scared of the credit crisis and feel safer to land a job in insurance&risk mgmt. Now I wish to go back...
  17. Does Discrete Math Help?

    My other subjects are Operation Research Modelling; Inro to Sample Survey; Intro to Math Analysis and Multivariable Calculus. The last one is my core and it's all about the proof of theorem. Eventually I heard some support of doing nonFin-related math. I juz attend the 1st class and i luv...
  18. Does Discrete Math Help?

    Hi everyone, Im new. Just started a GradCert maths course to catch up some undergrad maths coursetafter graduated from UNSW Sydney Master of Finance_IB (Average:73/GPA:3.4=:cry:) this year. I also passed level1 CFA but not sure abt level 2 i did 2 months ago ( feel horrible....:cry:)...