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Advice about career change

Hi All,
I am currently working in IT; my job is not programming, it's mostly system design. I am really interesting about applying for a job as quant analyst, because I think it's closer to my personality and my interests.

But now I am trying to understand what can I do to improve my CV in order to be able to convince the HR departments of financial firms that I am the right candidate. I've always loved scientific disciplines. As a background, I am an Ivy League educated engineer with a significant number of papers published during my PhD about algorithms and their applications, mostly theoretical.

Could you possibly share your comments and/or opinion about my situation?
Hi All,
I am currently working in IT; my job is not programming, it's mostly system design.
What kind of system? Do you know any programming language?
It seems everyone who is in IT, loves scientific, now loves to be quant analyst. That means you need to differentiate yourself from the crowd. I can't tell you how but you definitely should find out a niche where your background and training is most applicable.
Have read any book/guides in this field yet?