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Advice Needed: Considering a Part-Time Master's in Finance for Career Progression

Hello everyone,

I'm currently working as a quant analyst at a global investment management firm in India for ~7 months now. I hold a B.Tech and M.Tech from an older IIT (although non-CS but related to Stats/Data Science). At my current workplace, there's a potential opportunity to be promoted to a junior quant researcher role within the next 2-3 years.

I'm contemplating pursuing a part-time Master's in Finance and seeking advice on whether it would significantly benefit my career trajectory. I have the option to pursue this degree in either London or Singapore due to the possibility of relocating to one of our firm's offices there and also get it sponsored. However, I have personal reservations about living abroad and anticipate returning to India within the next 3-4 years.

Would a part-time Master's in Finance from London or Singapore add substantial value to my career growth, especially considering my background? Additionally, how relevant and transferable would the knowledge and networks gained abroad be upon returning to the Indian market?

I'm open to insights, suggestions, or personal experiences from individuals familiar with the finance industry, particularly in India or those who've pursued similar educational and career paths. Your advice would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your guidance and perspectives!