Any IPOD guru out there?

I'm thinking and thinking and thinking about getting an ipod that can hold everything for me and that has nice features in realistic sense. But I can't decide if I should get the 30GB ($299) one or the 60GB ($399). I can't sort out the "cost-benefit" equation for the two options yet. Please, plesae, if any one has any experience or advice, please let me know. Thanks!!!
PS. Oh, should I purchase online at the apple site or go to an actual store?
are you considering the video one? i ask bc you mentioned the 30 and 60 gig size. i have the 4GB Nano and i love it to death.

I actually have one mp3 player already. So, if I buy an ipod, I want it to have some really good features that my old one doesn't. I heard that you can read books and watch videos (even lectures) on ipod. I wonder if this is really a matured technology and if there is a good source market for those features (such as ebooks, audio books, and good quality videos/movies). How practical this really is?

Also, what do you love about your ipod the most?
For what is worth, I have a 30GB ipod and I listen to audio books all the time when I'm running... but I think any other MP3 player will do. The only advantage of the iPod is the iTunes store. There you can buy audiobooks, music, etc.

I don't know how all the other MP3 players interact with their respective stores though.

Do you also watch clips/videos on your ipod? Do you feel that 30GB is enough of capacity in terms of storage? And what about reading ebooks off the ipod screen?
Also, keep in mind that the larger Ipods (30 and 60 GB) use hard drives. sometimes these are susceptible to damage if you use them while moving a lot. I dont know about the video ones, but the Ipod Mini would always have this problem of easily damaged hard drive. i like the nano bc it is small and easy to use. i like how easily it works with itunes. i have read reviews for some competing devices that supposedly work well but like Alain mentioned, I dont know how well they interact with their respective music sites. If you think you will be watching a lot fo video and reading a lot of books then a video Ipod is great. Personally, I would not use my Ipod for that at this point in my life, so I just wanted a Nano for its size and ease of use.
My iPod doesn't support video so I don't know if 30 GB is good for videos.

Now, regarding the hard drive problem, it is a pain. The iPod will shut itself down if there is too much shaking to protect the hard drive. I used to run with the iPod attached to a fuel belt in my waist and after 4 or 5 miles the whole thing would shutdown. I use an arm band now and I don't have this problem as often.
The WSJ had an article today about how SanDisk is coming out with a competitively priced flash memory based MP3 player that will have 8GB of memory. Again, even if the device itself is great, it all depends on how easy it is to use and how it interacts will music and other files.
Baruch offers a 15% discount on Apple things so you might want to look into that. I believe its called Baruch online e-mall
I saw a similar report on as well. And you are right, Frank, it mostly depends on how the device can interact with other ends. It seems that more digging needs to be on the way.
My iPod is almost 4 years old (gen 1) and still going strong. I am holding out for a 'true' video iPod that I can show photos and watch video nicely. Rumor has it there will be a widescreen iPod released soon, where the screen takes up the whole iPod. But that company is very secret, so who knows when it will be released, maybe with that iPhone!
Bridgett said:
Hmmmm, woody, can you get the insider secret for me though? :smt115

I wish. I could make a lot of money if I knew this kind of info. But you can check out some of the rumor sites.

Which iPod you get really depends on how you'll use it. If you're planning on downloading a lot of movies, I'd get the 60gig. If you want to run with it, I'd get the Nano.

Does that Baruch discount apply to Apple computers?
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