Michigan MFE asking for revising advise

Oh! I din't know that. In fact, after I uploaded the SOP, the next page had options for uploading the Personal Statement and the Resume. So is Resume also optional?
About the R letter, I have submitted the email-ids and two of my professors have completed the process. So they did not complain about any problem. I don't know why exactly your recommender is not receiving the email. Make sure to ask them to check their spam mail, if in case the mail is being directed to spam.

P.S. Does the block where you fill in the recommenders info become green once you click on the option? If no, then I think something is wrong with the email id
Thanks, oh, there might be some problems with their emails. The email system of my university is not quite stable these days.
Resume should be uploaded, while the PS is not required. :)
Hey Yang, when I tried going to the next page of the application, the page reloaded saying that 'this field is required' for 'Personal Statement' . I guess I might as well prepare it.
Hey Yang, when I tried going to the next page of the application, the page reloaded saying that 'this field is required' for 'Personal Statement' . I guess I might as well prepare it.

Sorry for not replying timely~~
I emailed the ad office again, Carr told me to upload a file saying"PS is not required by the MFE program" to proceed. I did so, but I think it might help if you upload the PS. Anyway, you just provided more information about yourself, and this allowed them a better knowledge of you as a good candidate.
how is your application for U-Michi now?~
Best wishes to you for the application to the rest schools.
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