COMPARE Boston Univ Vs Rutgers Univ Placement and Location

Administrators, please do not delete this thread. I do know that other threads exist, but they are not very specific. I guess this will help.

Boston does not publish placement stats, but recently I have found that Rutgers have a placement of 100%.

Andy and others, what do you guys think about BU and Rutgers. Also, which is a better location Boston or NJ (close to Wall St.)
Review of Boston U Program

There is a review of Boston U's program. Check it out. Hope it helps.

Regarding Rutgers 100% placement, just make sure how the statistics was done. The university sends out surveys and the people who reply back are included in the statistics. If someone doesn't return they aren't counted in the survey. It is possible they might have used similar system. Call and ask.
Is this published in any Rutgers official media...this came up on QN a while back and was attributed to hear say / erroneous information

but recently I have found that Rutgers have a placement of 100%.
Rutgers Placement Statistics-Sort off

This is from a person who posted on another forum.

"Rutgers does a survey of their graduates to produce the placement number.

If someone got a job, they are more likely to return the survey.
If someone doesn't have a job, they aren't going to return the survey and write that they are still unemployed.

Then Rutgers don't include the students who didn't return the survey in their final number. That's how they come up with 100% placement number.

This info is from a recent Rutgers MSMF grad who is still looking for a job."
* Graduates who do not respond to placement inquiries are not counted in our placement totals.

I'm unclear about the size of their class so can't make much out of the way they word the announcement. If X is the total number of 2009 graduates, then Y is the number of those who return the survey. Obviously X > Y
We know Y-2 have jobs. We don't know what is (X-Y). If this number is large enough, it could change the result dramatically.

Mathematically speaking, the placement is (\frac{Y-2 + having.a.job(X-Y)}{X})
So, do you guys think Rutgers is better than Boston in terms of placement OR just pure bluff!

How about Boston Univ and Rutgers reputation in terms MSMF program.

And how about Boston vs New Jersey (being close to Wall St.) as a city in terms of financial market.
I was at BU for 1 semester and I absolutely hated it. The quality of teaching was sub par, the professors seems disinterested, especially the program director. All the professors are just professors; none of them, it seems, worked a day in the industry. In my opinion, their understanding of finance goes only as a far proofs and theorems. I've been told the program has undergone some changes since I withdrew (December 2008) but I suspect it s mostly just window decoration. Ultimately, the decision is yours, but I urge you against attending BU.
Great review Sanket! Thanks a lot.

So after attending 1 semester did you leave for another University. If you don't mind me asking, which university did you go for.

What are your opinions about Rutgers
Great review Sanket! Thanks a lot.

So after attending 1 semester did you leave for another University. If you don't mind me asking, which university did you go for.

What are your opinions about Rutgers

I don't know anything Rutgers.

After leaving BU, I left applied and subsequently enrolled at Baruch.
I recommend that you get in touch with the BU Admissions office to find out more about the program next year. They will be able to discuss with you at length the changes in the program. Since moving from the Arts & Sciences department to the School of Management (Business School) last year, significant changes have been made, and will continue to be made. Mr. Patel's comments are not accurate as he has not been with the program since December 08, when the shift to the Business School was made.

In regards to placement rates at Boston University, the past focus has been on internship placements. Last year 93% of students completed a summer internship. The other 7% had several interviews but ultimately it comes down to the individual to convince an employer to hire him or her. The largest change in the program involves a third semester in the fall, so that students can complete an internship, then have the fall to try to leverage that experience into a full time position.

As a disclaimer, I am currently in the program and would be happy to answer any questions about it. I can be reached at

-Trevor Middleton
Mr. Patel's comments are not accurate as he has not been with the program since December 08, when the shift to the Business School was made.

That's a fair point - the transition to the School of Management was in process when I withdrew. For the sake of the current and future student, I hope the changes have been for the better.

Forget internships, what were placement for last year's graduates? Or the year before, for that matter? I find it rather curious that the University doesn't disclose these statistics and other statistics.
I said it before and I'll say it again. It's a buyer market and people need to wake up to that new reality.
There is absolutely a waste of time to ask for placement statistics here or anywhere if the schools decide not to make it public.

I'll go a step further and propose a boycott of programs that do not want to make its info transparent to prospective students. Just think of what you could do if nobody applies to those programs.

And if you are going there, then enter it at your own risk and stop asking about the stats.
The main reason many universities don't put their Stats up is because they are just bad. I think it is a fair assumption that if stats are not publicly available then to assume they are not good and as Andy said enter at your own risk.

The real scary part is the ones that put up the Stats but do not explicitly underline the fine writing. E.G Rutgers Stats. Unless a university can put up the number of students in the class, and the number of students placed, and even maybe how many were international, etc it is hard to take any stats seriously. A random % rating is not alway sufficient. It could be that all students sent back surveys, it could be 3 students sent back surveys, there is no way of knowing.

When I called universities to ask about their placement stats I usually got pretty straight forwards answer. These ranged from "Sorry we donot keep stats" , to "They were ...% and %". Some also said the number of students placed and numbers not. CGU for example said that these many got jobs, but mostly in non-financial companies and government jobs and gave percentage of the class and # of students. Some say we have alot of international students so it's low.. Arizona said "many got finance related jobs in Phoenix area with more financial analyst and real estate, etc type of jobs and no wall-street positions"...etc etc etc

I think many universities do realize it is a buyers market and try their best to answer whatever you need and get you to come to their university. I think sometimes the best idea is to call to re-affirm the fact that the stats were bad indeed or ask what kind of placement services are provided ; what companies come to recruit, etc etc etc.
Ok Let me state some facts here about Rutgers.

I know only my batch mates which are from India so i can comment on their placement.

Dec 07/

1- Got job in Bloomberg and now working in some other financial company

Total 1

Dec08/ May 09 Graduates

1 - Working in hedge fund in Manhattan
2 - working in a financial companies in NYC/NJ Area
2 - Left for India ( 1 for personal reason and 1 could not find a job probably )
1 - Working in Software

Total 6

All of US did have opportunities to interview with Big Banks even when market was crashing left and right. I would say it all depends on you in the end how you do in your interview

Companies i know who interviewed:- Bloomberg, DB, Goldman, Barklays, Morgan Stanley to name a few. Not everyone knows but all these companies come to campus and Rutgers indeed have a lot of alumni working there and Rutgers have a strong name in the market.

I am sure people with US citizenships must have easily found jobs.

I am not sure about the current job scene at Rutgers.

I will not say it is a top notch program but it does provide opportunities and it all depends on you what you make of them..

If you have any more doubts post them here..
is this for Rutgers-MSMF? Do you know anything about Rutgers-MQF? I have been admitted by MQF program so I'm really curious.
I would have to respectively disagree with Sanket Patel's description of the Boston University Mathematical Finance program.

The program is rigorous and seems vastly improved from his description of the former program. Many students come from strong undergraduate schools and feed out into strong work positions.

While there are no job statistics I can say that students this semester have been interviewing with firms such as Goldman Sachs, State Street, Bloomberg, Jane Street, Ernst and Young, Oliver Wyman, and others.

If you have any further questions just pm me.
I would have to respectively disagree with Sanket Patel's description of the Boston University Mathematical Finance program.

The program is rigorous and seems vastly improved from his description of the former program. Many students come from strong undergraduate schools and feed out into strong work positions.

While there are no job statistics I can say that students this semester have been interviewing with firms such as Goldman Sachs, State Street, Bloomberg, Jane Street, Ernst and Young, Oliver Wyman, and others.

If you have any further questions just pm me.

As I said in a different thread, I hope the changes have been for the better. My opinions of the BU program are a result of what I experienced there during the Fall 2008 semester. The state of the program, that semester, was pathetic at best and I had no choice but to withdraw. It was the perfect storm - apathetic professors, rampant cheating, quality of teaching, lack of practical relevance of material being taught, quality of students...

That being said, it seems the program has undergone a makeover and hopefully the quality of the program has improved. In the end, though, I find it hard to believe the program can do a complete 180 in such a short time. If you're a current student, I'd love to hear more about this new and improved program.
Ok Let me state some facts here about Rutgers.

I know only my batch mates which are from India so i can comment on their placement.

If you have any more doubts post them here..

Quantbuff: Could you please share your profile with me as to what you are currently working at. It will really be helpful. I got accepted by Rutgers and Boston.
Yes this is for MSMF. I know a person in MQF who might be of help
PM me your email
Hello, I just received the admission of Rutgers MQF. I am eager to know more information about this school.Can you contact with the person in MQF ? And would you provide his or her MSN to me ? I hope to talk to him and really want to aquire some first-hand infromation.
Thank you very much!
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