Boston MSMFT Boston University MSMF

Applied and accepted for the phd in math fin as well. I actually applied last year but deferred, but starting this fall.
umnik, would you please share with us your comlete background (degrees, courses, grades, gmat-gre- toefl)
thank you
umnik, would you please share with us your comlete background (degrees, courses, grades, gmat-gre- toefl)
thank you

Easily. Msc in Maths, GPA 4.3/5, TOEFL 109, GRE - 167Q 154V 3.oA, Gre Subject in Maths 750, 4 years of different work experience (1 year in big 4, 1,5 years in strategy/ corporate finance - in industry, 1,5 years of bond trading) - coming to PhD in math finance.
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