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Calling all NYC MSF grads! Where are you?


Older and Wiser
Professor Jim Liew asked me to post this for all graduates out there:
I'm very curious to catch-up with all the NYC MSF students that have since graduated. Where did you go? What are you doing these days? How did your life end up? Looking back, was school really worth it? Please do drop me a line (Email: kliew1@jhu.edu or jliew@stern.nyu.edu) as I'm going to be teaching at NYU Stern -- Hedge Funds Strategies over the summer. It would be nice to catch-up over a cup of coffee.

Kindest regards, Prof Jim Liew

PS. Who knows maybe I'll start-up teaching that stat arb/quant course in NYC again! Remember where you had to apply and we would meet-up across locations in NYC, but this time I think I'll throw in a twist! ;)