Hi All,
First of all my profile
educations: undergrad in Computer engineering. MBA in Finance (Singapore). CFA Charterholder
experience: 4 years of experienc e in Tier1 US investment Bank ( in Hong Kong) in Valuations review
Now here is the problem, I am in ,honestly, middle office position wherein we review the valuation models developed by quants (in depth review and approval including the code review), review the booking & models of exotic & equity derivative trades by the equiy derivatives desk.
My quants skill are intermediate and programming skills are good due to my undergrad.
The issue is that although i am being paid abive average, I am getting increasingly frustrated by the fact that the growth is limited and i somehow just hate the fact that i am in middle office and not front office. My MBA colleagues have done much better and its their liuck that they got into front office trading, research etc kind of roles while I did not get the launching pad as of now.
I have recentlt tried a bit for internal transfer, have contacted head hunters in the region but this has not benefited much. I have a wife and kid to support.
Getting dishearted at the efforts, I came across one idea.
to get another masters (this time from a US Univ. with a "brand" and not NUS Singapore). I am confident that i can manage to get in if I need.
On this thought, please can you help me with the following two options and how would you see the pros and cons of each. Thanks a lot!! the ideal will be that I somehow get the front office job in quants, research, risk ec myself and dont have to do this. but thats not very easy to happen .
1. I leave my job, get a FT MFE from Haas, columbia or similar school. Costs 80-100k overall and i would have to take a loan. My wife and kid will have to initially go to my home country and would join me later towards the end of program. This is obviously expensive, risky (as i leave my job, split my family for time being etc). But then I will be on campus (btw i dont have any craving to be in US, if I land up a good well paying jon in asia, i would happily be in middle/far east or even London).
2. OK I have found this online CVN MSOR program in columbia. The fee and addmission criteria is the same. I will work toward getting a good GRE and then assuming that if I get a good score, do you think I can get in Columbia? This is the only online univ. which has a good brand name too. Now a few problems here. I will not be oncampus, I am not sure if just adding that degree on my resume will make it easir to get front office jobs , expecially outside US (offcourse i will try to market it)? secondly, its MSOR-finance but i plan to take all MFE elective and can write somethign like MSOR-Finance engineering on my resume , does this look ok? is this option worth the 50k us$ (that i somehow will manage to pay)? will it help me fulfill the goals? do you know people who took online columbia masters ? offcourse the interviewer will somehow come to know that I was doing onlike program (as i would be working at the same time as my program)? i plan to complete this in 2 years and assume that i will work hard, get good grades, manage it with my hectic jobs.
I am very confused and depressed these days and your input here can help me make this life changing decision. Thanks a lot!!
First of all my profile
educations: undergrad in Computer engineering. MBA in Finance (Singapore). CFA Charterholder
experience: 4 years of experienc e in Tier1 US investment Bank ( in Hong Kong) in Valuations review
Now here is the problem, I am in ,honestly, middle office position wherein we review the valuation models developed by quants (in depth review and approval including the code review), review the booking & models of exotic & equity derivative trades by the equiy derivatives desk.
My quants skill are intermediate and programming skills are good due to my undergrad.
The issue is that although i am being paid abive average, I am getting increasingly frustrated by the fact that the growth is limited and i somehow just hate the fact that i am in middle office and not front office. My MBA colleagues have done much better and its their liuck that they got into front office trading, research etc kind of roles while I did not get the launching pad as of now.
I have recentlt tried a bit for internal transfer, have contacted head hunters in the region but this has not benefited much. I have a wife and kid to support.
Getting dishearted at the efforts, I came across one idea.
to get another masters (this time from a US Univ. with a "brand" and not NUS Singapore). I am confident that i can manage to get in if I need.
On this thought, please can you help me with the following two options and how would you see the pros and cons of each. Thanks a lot!! the ideal will be that I somehow get the front office job in quants, research, risk ec myself and dont have to do this. but thats not very easy to happen .
1. I leave my job, get a FT MFE from Haas, columbia or similar school. Costs 80-100k overall and i would have to take a loan. My wife and kid will have to initially go to my home country and would join me later towards the end of program. This is obviously expensive, risky (as i leave my job, split my family for time being etc). But then I will be on campus (btw i dont have any craving to be in US, if I land up a good well paying jon in asia, i would happily be in middle/far east or even London).
2. OK I have found this online CVN MSOR program in columbia. The fee and addmission criteria is the same. I will work toward getting a good GRE and then assuming that if I get a good score, do you think I can get in Columbia? This is the only online univ. which has a good brand name too. Now a few problems here. I will not be oncampus, I am not sure if just adding that degree on my resume will make it easir to get front office jobs , expecially outside US (offcourse i will try to market it)? secondly, its MSOR-finance but i plan to take all MFE elective and can write somethign like MSOR-Finance engineering on my resume , does this look ok? is this option worth the 50k us$ (that i somehow will manage to pay)? will it help me fulfill the goals? do you know people who took online columbia masters ? offcourse the interviewer will somehow come to know that I was doing onlike program (as i would be working at the same time as my program)? i plan to complete this in 2 years and assume that i will work hard, get good grades, manage it with my hectic jobs.
I am very confused and depressed these days and your input here can help me make this life changing decision. Thanks a lot!!