CFA Level I

I will be starting my MS FE this Fall.
Was wondering how a level 1/2 CFA will help me when I graduate. Does it add value to my degree or affect my career placement?
Does anyone have an idea of what the range for a passing score is on the CFA Level I exam?
Does anyone have an idea of what the range for a passing score is on the CFA Level I exam? I just took the mock exam and got a 60%. The exam is next week, so I am trying to figure out whether I should even sit for it.
I believe its around 70%. I suggest you to take it, you are not going to do any better by not taking it.
Aditya is right, it's around 70%. It's not officially disclosed but the rumor is that no one who has scored 70% or more has ever failed. Again, just a rumor. Check out'll find lots of information on the exam.
I believe, its section by section score that matters.. 2 or 3 sections with below 70 do not matter at all.. but many in 50s would be disaster
I guess u can put your time to better use than CFA if you are not going into analysis kind of stuff which would b a MSF or MBA thing anyways.. MFE n CFA .. umm not so much
Hi!! Can anyone suggest me the books that i need to read for CFA level I books....I tried to find it but it is so confusing what books are used.. Since I am from a mathematics background you can assume me that i have no background in finance...
The textbooks that you order from the CFA Institute when you register for the exam :)
I heard it depends on how the other ppl perform in the exams. A certain percentage of candidates will pass each exam, so if most ppl do worse than you, you'll be fine for sure.
you receive a mark of x<50% , 50%<x<70%, or x>70% for each would not be a stretch to assume that if you received a mark of 70% (therefore in the highest marking bracket) on every section you would pass..that being said dont worry what the passing mark is and just do the best you can and good luck , I write it myself on Saturday
MPS is set after the exam and whosoever gets more than that passes..... No criteria of sectional cut off or fixed percentage of people to pass.....
Also note that the ethics section is weighted more heavily per question than the rest of the sections.
I don't think Ethics is weigted more heavily.... Level 1 has more weights in FSA .... level 2 in FSA and equities and Level 3 in PM...

Some people do have an opinion that you can't score less than 50 in ethics and pass the exam....but i have seen people getting less than 50 in ethics and passing the level.... CFAI clearly says that it is the MPS that determines whether you pass or fail....nothing else...
Perhaps "weighted" more heavily is a bad choice in words. If you are on the margins of your score, they will sometimes use your ethics score to put you over the edge (or throw you overboard). I have read this many times, but by all means check out the analystforum and do the research separately, it would be irresponsible to just take one persons word on something like that. I did find the same thing mentioned
Perhaps "weighted" more heavily is a bad choice in words. If you are on the margins of your score, they will sometimes use your ethics score to put you over the edge (or throw you overboard). I have read this many times, but by all means check out the analystforum and do the research separately, it would be irresponsible to just take one persons word on something like that. I did find the same thing mentioned
Rather than looking hither and thither as suggested above , it's always best to hear directly from horse's mouth......

Even I used to listen to such statements during my CFA exam days as "ethics is a must to pass"....but my experience with the three levels of exam say it's all hearsay..Though folks at schweser in their video classes suggest that ethics helps to pass if you are on borderline.......Give it your best shot and "Nothing else matters ".... :) All the best to all the test takers for this sunday's exam
Can someone tell me if the toughness level of questions can be expected to be same as the mock test provided by the CFA ??
Yes...Mocks are highly representative.....Btw , we already have a thread running for CFA L 1......

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