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Chances of MFin application

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Just wanted to get some insight on my chances on applying to any top 10 mfin/mfe program specifically Princeton or MIT.

Background and education

I’m an Australian in my final year studying eco/phys with strong skills in python and R. I have a pretty poor average mark of 72 but that’s partially explained by extenuating circumstances in my first 3 years and I’ve maintained an average of 85 throughout my final year.

As for work experience
1x Fang Product Internship (2nd year)
1x Commodity focussed front office internship at a large bank (Japanese/French type bank)
Graduate role in trading at energy company

As per research, I had a project with my national bank outside of my degree but no piblications

Solid extracurricular activities though and a GRE of 336 with 170 quant

My only concern is my mediocre gpa and it’s affect on my chances
Welcome to QuantNet.
You will need to meet all the requirements for the programs you are interested in, mainly math. It may not something that you can fill quickly.
In any case, if you have met all the requirements, go ahead and apply to the top 10 programs.
Being an Aussie would be an asset for programs that want to diversify their student body.