Chances with degree from Denmark

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Hello Quantnet!
I'm currently studying a undergrad computer science degree from Aarhus university in Denmark, and my plans is to take a phd after that in Machine learning/algorithms.

But i wanna hear if there is any chance, that i could get a quant role in a tier 1 investment bank or hedge fund with a degree from Denmark?

Would it be better to try to get into a ivy-league or similar university after my undergrad and maybe take a masters in mathemathics or CS and then forget about the phd?
One of the senior quants at B of A /Merrill has a degree from Denmark. This is from his NYU bio. I co-teach a course with him.

Leif Andersen, Instructor since 2004. Leif holds an MSc in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from Technical University of Denmark; an MBA from University of California at Berkeley; and a PhD in Finance from Aarhus Business School. He currently heads the rates, FX, and credit quantitative research groups at Banc of America Securities. Before that he spent 9 years at General Re Financial Products, working in a variety of financial markets. Leif has published many papers in academic and industry journals, and won Risk Magazine's 2001 Quant of the Year Award.
No doubt there is some very talented and skilled people from Denmark in the industry, but when you read job advertisements almost everywhere, they require degrees from top tier universities, and i'm not sure how Danish universities rank in these "tiers".

For me it could be pretty good to finish my education in Denmark. If i do that i have no debt, and i live very well right now. But if there is a way bigger chance to get into quant roles if you have a Ivy-league degree or something similar, i find it "stupid" to waste time studying in Denmark, if it's almost impossible to land the jobs i want.
No doubt there is some very talented and skilled people from Denmark in the industry, but when you read job advertisements almost everywhere, they require degrees from top tier universities, and i'm not sure how Danish universities rank in these "tiers".

The hell with those "requirements." Concentrate on getting your free first-class technical education in Denmark. Then look around. If you know your stuff, you will get job offers. Don't be seduced by the siren song of these bullshit ads.
PhD is FREE even in the most prestigious universities in the USA. In USA, as a PhD student, you will not have to pay any tuition and also the university will give you a stipend of approximately $30,000 per year.
There is nothing to stop you from getting a free Bachelor degree in Denmark and then getting a FREE PhD at a top-ranked university in the USA.
The only real difference is that in USA, the PhD takes 5 - 7 years to complete, whereas in Europe, you get the PhD degree in three years.
The hell with those "requirements." Concentrate on getting your free first-class technical education in Denmark. Then look around. If you know your stuff, you will get job offers. Don't be seduced by the siren song of these bullshit ads.
Good man.
I think a PhD directly after the bachelor is the same everywhere. I also takes 5-7 years in Denmark if you come directly from a bachelors degree.

But thanks everyone. You are probably right about the requirements. If i just got a good education from Denmark and know my shit, the jobs should be available for me also.

I have another question about the PhD.
Would a topic like Machine learning be a good topic, or is to specialized? Most of the math is probably not something you gonna use directly in the industry.
I think a PhD directly after the bachelor is the same everywhere. I also takes 5-7 years in Denmark if you come directly from a bachelors degree.

But thanks everyone. You are probably right about the requirements. If i just got a good education from Denmark and know my shit, the jobs should be available for me also.

Honestly do you want to work for a company which values form over substance?
I think, as long as the quality of your work is good and is a right fit for the job you will get your chances.

I have another question about the PhD.
Would a topic like Machine learning be a good topic, or is to specialized? Most of the math is probably not something you gonna use directly in the industry.
going to sound like a broken record, do a PhD in quantitative finance if your only goal is to go into finance, if you have other interests: compromise and do the machine learning degree but make sure you do internships every summer, try to take (computational) finance courses etc... and you should be fine.
Thanks. I'm really interested in Machine Learning but also Quantitative finance. I think i will stick to my Machine learning plan, and then take some extra courses which are finance related. Getting a job where i could imply machine learning with finance would be the dream.
I am currently studying financial engineering and my master's research project is on applications of machine learning to finance (wavelet networks). This research project I am conducting is for a bank's financial market division. Send me a PM if you want any details. I would be glad to help!
I am currently studying financial engineering and my master's research project is on applications of machine learning to finance (wavelet networks). This research project I am conducting is for a bank's financial market division. Send me a PM if you want any details. I would be glad to help!
It is so great of you to offer a hand to new members to the field. We need more contribution from senior members like you.
I am currently studying financial engineering and my master's research project is on applications of machine learning to finance (wavelet networks). This research project I am conducting is for a bank's financial market division. Send me a PM if you want any details. I would be glad to help!

Thank you very much for the offer. I would really like to read the paper, when you're finish with it, if that is possible.
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