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University of Chicago - MS in Financial Mathematics

Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

Thank you to everyone who has provided all kinds of information here in this forum. It is really helpful.:thumbsup:
Congratulations!!! I wonder that when did you get the offer? Did you receive an email or just check the application system by chance? Thanks!
Hi, I just recieved my acceptance late last night (India Time). Did we start a chat group (whatsapp/discord) for admitted students ?
One of my recommendation letters was submitted one week after Jan 14. Will I still receive a decision tomorrow?
One of my recommendation letters was submitted one week after Jan 14. Will I still receive a decision tomorrow?
One of mine was submitted on the last week of Jan . I emailed them regarding the same and Meredith confirmed that I'd receive my decision by tomorrow. So I guess the same would hold for you