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University of Chicago - MS in Financial Mathematics

Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

Hello guys, I have received an email from UChicago, saying my application is now under review. Have you received the same email before your decision?
I emailed them today and they said mine is under review and that’d id hear back by March 10th. Idk if that’s the same as y’all
Yes, they mailed everyone. I confirmed the same with three separate peers who have applied and are waiting for their decisions.
Any updates? I really want a decision instead of a refund on Thursday. LOL
I believe the ones got offer now all got a scholarship as well, for those will not get scholarships, they will come all at once. Also, last year the tracker says 23 were admitted, only 6 admitted according to the tracker this year. Thus I believe there are 3/4 to come. Please get relaxed, as uchicago offers 381 admission last year according to Risk.net, representing a 28% admission ratio (comparable to NYU Tandon in terms of admission rate)