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University of Chicago - MS in Financial Mathematics

Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

Thanks for everyone's new information. Seems admissions without scholarship began to be released. But I still have no ideas now about the orders by which they send emails --- seems no to be the submission date.
Thanks for everyone's new information. Seems admissions without scholarship began to be released. But I still have no ideas now about the orders by which they send emails --- seems no to be the submission date.
Are you 100% sure they are not giving out any scholarships in the next admissions they will be releasing?
Are you 100% sure they are not giving out any scholarships in the next admissions they will be releasing?
That's not what I meant. I just assume we can expect more ads without scholarship but I still know nothing about the admission pattern, including will there be more scholarships.
That's not what I meant. I just assume we can expect more ads without scholarship but I still know nothing about the admission pattern, including will there be more scholarships.
Ok I see. Do you know what's the min and max scholarship offers the program usually makes? like the range