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University of Chicago - MS in Financial Mathematics

Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

There's nothing here as well. Did anyone communicate with them? When were the admissions decisions made last year?
I saw a couple people just updated the tracker with acceptances. Has anyone received an email?
So confused at this point. They probably sent out some offers. Don't see any reason why anyone would try to trick us. Let's just relax and hope for the best.
Does anyone know for programs that release decisions in batches such as UChicago MSFM if later decisions mean that you are statistically less likely to be admitted? Is this the same across programs? What about specifically for UChicago?
I got admitted together with acceptance from Statistics program.
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has anyone heard back today? based on the tracker last year admits continued to roll in throughout the week following the first admits
if an application was submitted in round one, but had a rec letter arrive after the deadline, do you all think that application would be considered in round 1 or 2?