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Carnegie Mellon University - MS in Computational Finance

CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

me. I haven't received invites.
I checked the tracker yesterday, and saw a few admits who had interview dates on 2/27. I also know of a prev admit who had his interview a few days before the deadline. I don’t know if these are exceptions, but wanted to share the data.
I checked the tracker yesterday, and saw a few admits who had interview dates on 2/27. I also know of a prev admit who had his interview a few days before the deadline. I don’t know if these are exceptions, but wanted to share the data.
Thank you. Can't do much but wait I guess.
Hey guys! Is there anyone having some ideas about the difference between NYU campus and Pittsburg campus? I know that NYU campus will have online courses, but the location is really good.