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Columbia University - MA in Mathematics of Finance

Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN decisions...

Just curious for those who got admitted, did you guys receive any scholarship by any chance?
Nope. I believe Columbia doesn't give scholarships. Didn't see anything for the MFE or MAFN program, and it doesn't really make sense for the first-rounders to not get a scholarship but then for second-rounders to receive one. Not sure though.
Does anybody know that if I did not get accepted on the first batch, is there still chance that I get accepted later?
Does anybody know that if I did not get accepted on the first batch, is there still chance that I get accepted later?
Almost certainly. There is no way they've sent out all the offers for this year yet.
Almost certainly. There is no way they've sent out all the offers for this year yet.
Thank you! I see that most top programs sent out their first batch recently, and I haven't heard from any of them yet. I'm really anxious about it.
Hi @Andy Nguyen do you know how many / what % has been sent offers

Was also wondering is there a reason why it dropped on both QN and risk.net?
I wouldn't know about that specific info. Hopefully when we get MFAN official account here, they can answer it.
You can look at the numbers on our rankings and compare 2023 to 2024. I can't answer on behalf of Risk ranking but our methodology has not changed.
The deadline for this program is in May, so I'm assuming they are still very early in the process.
For those that have been accepted, did you guys notice any change in application status before ?