You are going about it the wrong way. It's black on white for you, and you're clearly reading the sentences, but somehow you're not comprehending the meaning of "any number of applicants who satisfy the admission standards of the program". This means that: 1. Anyone qualified gets admitted 2. If you are not admitted, that means you are in some way not qualified. You wonder out loud how you can be so accomplished on paper yet get rejected. But then as backing you compare whatever college you went to to whatever college I went to. This shows a lack of comprehension of the sentence "any number of applicants who satisfy the admission standards of the program" because you clearly think that admission into the Baruch MFE program is a race, when the website clearly says it is not - it is a qualification procedure.
Regardless of how you wanna spin it, I am convinced this whole admission philosophy is a sham! It is basically an ingeniously nefarious way to suck in potential applicants' 135 USD as application fees by having them believe they have a semblance of a chance when most of them quite frankly do not and it also helps you to beef up your admission statistics besides the increased revenue.
I was told by one of the members of the Admissions Committee that they were looking to interview ~100 applicants for round 1 and ~50 for round 2. Now, why would he indicate that they are assessing applications with a preconceived interview 1 and interview 2 slot size
if it weren't true?! And if it is true, it is in direct contradiction with the Baruch MFE admissions' policy as they claim it! Essentially given your admission policy, a hypothetical scenario where, say, all 700 applicants apply, go through 1st round of interviews and go through 2nd round of interviews and accept the offer to create a batch size of 700 should have a finite non-zero positive probability. But, this is most certainly not the case.
Moreover, I've been directed towards another forum called unfortunately after my first round interview, a Chinese education forum, where all the questions asked in Interview 1 and Interview 2 are available in great detail with perfect solutions. Also, one interviewee was so snobbish that he wrote the equivalent of : "If you don't understand the question since the interviewer has a weird accent, just answer the questions in the order I've written since he asks the questions in the same order!"
Regardless of whether this is actually true or not, this is retardedly hilarious! The questions moreover haven't even changed over the years! This is ridiculous! Are the admission committee members naive or just downright lazy?!! I did not pay 135 USD to sign up for this biased ludicrous application review process!
Additionally, since the expansion of pre-MFE classes, the probability of getting admitted not-through-pre-MFE route has dropped by my back-of-the-envelope estimates to somewhere in the 2-3% range.
Consider this :
As per the Baruch MFE website, I believe the right way to interpret the admissions philosophy is that if you have completed all the prerequisites with a minimum of B (this is how they describe the requirements of a satisfactory application), have satisfactory communications skills, are a good fit to the program and do well on the interviews, you should be offered admission. Correct me if I am wrong!
Now, do you really believe that of all the applicants who apply, only 2-3% of the applicants satisfy the above conditions (given that in the case of an applicant who can understand Mandarin/Cantonese, the probability that they do well on the interviews ~1 if they do a bit of research!) If yes, have you completely lost it ?