You can believe all you want, it won't make it reality. Look, I'm sorry you got rejected. But honestly, I'm not here to be your therapist. Sorry.
You neither have to be sorry nor did I ask you to be my therapist if that's the vibe you were getting!
You can believe all you want, it won't make it reality. Look, I'm sorry you got rejected. But honestly, I'm not here to be your therapist. Sorry.
i have no connection to baruch whatsoever but you need to man up. seriously, this is not the industry for you if you need everything to go your way. a trader that's right 51% of the time (assuming all bets are equal) will be fine. but you can't throw a hissy fit temper tantrum like a three year old the other 49% of the time as you've done here. if everyone with perfect grades/GREs was offered admission to the top programs, the programs would not have enough seats for the admitted students. someone said it above, but there could very well be a reason you weren't rejected that can't be disclosed. i believe (at least with most programs) that you waive the right to review your recs, so it's very possible that someone wrote that you're a pompous arse (sorry andy) who feels things should be handed to him on a silver platter. that would be (is?) a pretty big red flag.
Lyosha I would ask a simple question. Would you like to share your experience of the Baruch program? and the opinion of your batch if possible.
I do not know if you read the entire thread but Lyosha pretty much said the same thing and I proved through a "no brainer" contradiction that this can't be the case!
1. So, think a bit before you post. Just don't ramble up a few words and post senselessly.
2. Yes, I do have admits from other schools that I'd expect the average person to believe it to be more prestigious than Baruch MFE. The only issue with some of these admits is cost. And guess what douche, I've got admits from programs where I've used at least one reco from all the people whose recos I used at Baruch MFE!
3. I'm not posting with the intention of cribbing about the fact that I did not get in. In fact I stated that rejection means little to me and I am posting it in the interest of transparency. I do not know if you're mentally incapable of comprehending basic English but if you are, I request that you read the posts more carefully.
I don't want to argue with you
and I can't care less of what you think.
This statement is invalid given the Baruch MFE admission philosophy. Do a bit of research before you start pulling stuff out of your butt!
Its not fair to compare Columbia OR to Baruch specially at QN.. Go outside talk to people and don't be surprised if they answer you what is Baruch... I would not think twice selecting columbia out of the two.
In NY this would never happen.
I don't know you; why would I believe you? All I can tell you is that with my current job search I have encountered:Believe me it happens in NY also... Not everyone in NY reads Quantnet....
I know people from OR at Columbia and most of them I meet have already 2-3 internships offer at places like AIG GS etc. Brand name and standard of Columbia is so good in the industry that no one from the university needs to fly half way around the world to get you interview. You will get intvs just by the virtue of having Columbia on your resume.
is how everyone needs to constantly reiterate how great it is and/or put other programs down in order to lift Baruch.
You don't think when CMU or Princeton were starting out they advertised or posted statistics? Are you kidding me? Baruch is a CUNY school so nothing special, but the MFE program is very very new and is in a whole new league. So it needs some media yeah. If Columbia was a CUNY school and came out with their MFE, they wouldn't advertise or brag about winning competitions? Seriously?
Also side note, I never ever put down any other school and never will. I have never been to them and as such am in no place to judge.
"Baruch" has never crushed any opinions. If they had please provide proof here. I personally have never said anything negative about a single other school ever. You're basing your information on what a few students posted some time or another?There's a difference between advertising and crushing all dissenting opinions.
"Baruch" has never crushed any opinions. If they had please provide proof here. I personally have never said anything negative about a single other school ever. You're basing your information on what a few students posted some time or another?