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CMU MSCF Commuting to NYC from Stamford, CMU MSCF

I was curious about the part time program at CMU in NYC. How many classes is it per week? Is there anyone on this forum who attends this program or knows someone who does. I also wanted to know if it is possible to commute from Stamford to attend the program.
I can answer the second part of your question. Yes, it is possible to commute from Stamford to NYC.
Pretty sure there is a train to the Grand Central Station.
And, if you don't find an answer here and want to learn more about the program, you can visit their campus after Jan 16th and there is an open house on Jan 26th, you can register through the website.
The part-time students take 2 courses a term, one night/week for each courses. They use mini-semester which is about 7 weeks long.
I know many students in the program so if you have any specific question, I can pass them up.

Visiting their open house is a good idea. It gives you a chance to road test the commute both ways.
Thanks everyone, I am not in Stamford currently but there is a possibility that I will move there. I am assuming that there are people who commute given that there quite a few hedge funds in Stamford/Greenwich. Andy, do you know any one who commutes from Stamford, or commutes a similar distance. It will be quite helpful.

The part-time students take 2 courses a term, one night/week for each courses. They use mini-semester which is about 7 weeks long.
I know many students in the program so if you have any specific question, I can pass them up.

Visiting their open house is a good idea. It gives you a chance to road test the commute both ways.
Yeah the Stamford train goes into Grand Central. There is the Accela and the regular Metro-North train. People commute in from New Haven to Grand central which is about 1:40 hrs each way on the train.
I suppose Stamford is about 30 - 40 mins outta NYC.
Thanks everyone, I am not in Stamford currently but there is a possibility that I will move there. I am assuming that there are people who commute given that there quite a few hedge funds in Stamford/Greenwich. Andy, do you know any one who commutes from Stamford, or commutes a similar distance. It will be quite helpful.

I was interning at a hedge fund in white plains until few weeks ago. It was a 45 minute commute from GC station. I am now working for their office in the city. The commute was not bad. I would usually read WSJ on the train or listen to podcasts, or do work on my laptop. Just need to make sure you make it on time to the station considering if you're late to a train that JUST gets you on time, you're usually late to work by 20-30 minutes guaranteed.
So is it possible to take classes in CMU part time while working in Stamford. I mean the commute is 1.5 hrs and I am not sure what the class timings are at CMU.

I was interning at a hedge fund in white plains until few weeks ago. It was a 45 minute commute from GC station. I am now working for their office in the city. The commute was not bad. I would usually read WSJ on the train or listen to podcasts, or do work on my laptop. Just need to make sure you make it on time to the station considering if you're late to a train that JUST gets you on time, you're usually late to work by 20-30 minutes guaranteed.
So is it possible to take classes in CMU part time while working in Stamford. I mean the commute is 1.5 hrs and I am not sure what the class timings are at CMU.

A good friend of mine lives around there working for a brokerage company and goes part-time to my program. He does it. You need to leave early which may or may not be okay with your boss.