COMPARE cornell mfe vs lse mfin

I'm trying to decide between cornell's mfe program and lse's mfin program. I am still waiting on some other decisions, but this is where I am at at the moment. Yes, while I understand it is like comparing apples and oranges as they have two completely different focuses. But still, with the big picture in mind, ie: securing placement after graduation, which would you guys on quantnet recommend. From what I've been hearing, Cornell grad's have been having a tough time securing employment after graduation because of the large supply of financial engineering students as well as the numerous top notch programs in the US. While, I am not so updated about masters in finance programs in europe in general, it is my perception that LSE is one of the premiere mfin program's in europe and would be considered top of the barrel there so to speak.
Where do you want to work post graduation?? This might help you answer your question..
Finapple, when did you receive a response from Cornell? Are you listed on the tracker? I'm asking because I haven't received any response from Cornell yet and it has been several months now.
I believe where you want to work should be your primary driving force in making this decision. Otherwise if you are good you will find a job ( I hope :) ). Also looking at the big picture as you say is good but, have in mind that really the programs are extremely different and you should figure out what you want to study. Studying and devoting time to something you don't enjoy is not the thing you want to encounter ;)
@bronson I heard last thursday (the 10th).

Honestly the thing is i'm open to either city. i've been to both london/hk and new york and they're both cities that i believe i would be extremely happy living in. I've heard LSE actually has pretty high placement in asia especially HK, as there are not many top schools around there that produce students that can speak english (not to be mean), and the uk has a pretty close connection with hk. that would definitely be a plus for me if i was able to get a job in hk after graduation. but i mean ny, london, hk are all wonderful cities in their own way, and i feel you can't go wrong with any one of them

in terms of what i want to study, i feel i would really enjoy the intellectual rigor of the mfe. As I majored in finance as an undergrad(with a math minor if that means anything), and i felt like the finance courses in general were kind of 'soft' if that makes any sense. i'm interested in quant finance in general, but it seems a lot of the mfe career path is geared more towards risk and support roles(obviously there is also quant trading and the such but it seems like a pretty even split) and mfin is geared more towards traditional front office type roles as well as other things such as asset management and management consulting. and if that is the case, i think would enjoy a career as a latter as opposed to a more support oriented career. i may be way offbase with this, and if so correct me if i'm wrong.

but i guess what i just wanted to know was if there was a clear cut choice between them. because obviously they have are very different - mfe vs mfin, nyc vs london, cornell vs lse.
but just to compare if i was to choose between studying harvard vs studying at say my local community college. even though they may have diff programs and diff locations... i think there would be a general consensus to which option i should choose there..
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