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Diploma for Graduates in Mathematics - LSE

Hi everyone,

I have a economics bachelor and I'm currently doing a Msc in Finance.
My maths background includes:
- Single Variable Calculus (1 course)
- Multi Variable Calculus (1 course)
- Some Linear Algebra (half-course)
- Differential equations (self-study)
- Probability (1 course)
- Statistical Inference (1 course)
- Econometrics (1 course)

Next semester, I'll be doing a Stochastic Processes course, based on Ross.

I'm considering doing the following diploma to increase my math knowledge and perhaps to pursue additional education in the future (MFE or similar):

Is it usefull? Which courses should I choose from the second section? What is the relation between these courses and math topics like real analysis, complex, etc?

Thanks in advance.
I do not see any modules on Numerical Analysis.

The Linear Algebra module does not contain numerical linear algenra ..