C cstassen Joined 5/20/08 Messages 102 Points 28 8/14/08 #61 Try working on it more! Or at least try to check the other solution through!
I IlyaKEightSix Joined 6/6/08 Messages 1,194 Points 58 8/14/08 #62 Odd, even, odd, even, odd, even, odd, even... That's how.
C cstassen Joined 5/20/08 Messages 102 Points 28 8/15/08 #63 One could say that the process is "a deterministic markov chain" - you only need the information about the prior guy to determine the "expectation"
One could say that the process is "a deterministic markov chain" - you only need the information about the prior guy to determine the "expectation"