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Georgia Institute of Technology - MS in Quantitative and Computational Finance

GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Results

I'm curious about that, too, although I don't see any point to be worried about having no news.
I talked to Pam Morris at Georgia Tech and she told me decision would be released this week. Apparently they wanted to make admission decision after viewing everyone's application. They would have released decisions earlier but apparently the system has been down.
Has anybody received offer from GaTech? I can see on the Tracker 2 people have received admits. What about others? My application status still says "Action Dept/Decision Pending"
I received an informal email admission on the 30th of March. However, my application status on BUZZPORT still says "Action Dept/Decision Pending" as well. I wouldn't be too worried about not hearing anything back from them yet; it doesn't seem like they're sending mass emails to all applicants like other schools do.
Do we have to submit the financial documents along with the application form or can we wait till we get an admit before submitting the documents?
Do we have to submit the financial documents along with the application form or can we wait till we get an admit before submitting the documents?
I guess they have mentioned on the website that we need to submit financial document along with the application...as they wont process the application without financial document..
I guess they have mentioned on the website that we need to submit financial document along with the application...as they wont process the application without financial document..
I did not submit any financial document along with the application that time. And I ever send email to demko@math.gatech.edu and gradinfo@gatech.edu to check my application status, no one answer me. Which email address do you use to contact this program? I am not sure whether they will process my application....
Before submitting my application, I had emailed them to ask whether its absolutely necessary to submit financial documents along with the online application. This is what they replied : -

"You may wait to submit financial documents until, and if, you are admitted to the program".
Before submitting my application, I had emailed them to ask whether its absolutely necessary to submit financial documents along with the online application. This is what they replied : -

"You may wait to submit financial documents until, and if, you are admitted to the program".
Thanks a lot!:)
Qunli , Did Georgia tech respond to your queries? Is there anyone who applied through the Math department who got an admit? My buzzport says " No decision has been made "
I received my admission letter two weeks ago. It was a readmission since I already have a grad degree from Tech so it may have been processed differently.
I am applying for georgia tech quant finance, but i see the tuition fee is so high for non residents. Please an any one tell me the chances of getting financial aid like an assistantship.
I contacted the Graduate Admissions Coordinator at Ga Tech and he said that they do not provide assistantships for first year QCF students. With out-of-state tuition, room and board, and other living expenses you're looking at about $55,000 for the first two semesters. There are about 50 students in the QCF program so I would imagine that if assistantships are provided during the second year that they would be highly competitive.
I contacted the Graduate Admissions Coordinator at Ga Tech and he said that they do not provide assistantships for first year QCF students.

I contacted them after I was accepted (mid-May) and they said the same thing.