Hedge Fund Data

Hey guys,

I am wondering if any of you know where I would be able to find past performance data on certain hedge fund managers? Or just simply fund managers?

Thank you very much.
BarclayHedge I think is a database I have heard of that has Hedge Fund data. I have heard of it pop up here and there in discussions. I don't know how good or bad it is.
HedgePlatform Community | RiskMetrics Group

You can get more granular information from Hedgeplatform offered by Riskmetrics. It is a good performance and risk aggregation tool for institutional manager and FoHF manager.

But different database has its own bias in terms of coverage. It is unlikely you will get a good aggregate overview of a particular strategy in any region anyway.

The more you pay, the higher the quality. If you are sovereign wealth fund, i am sure you can get full position transparency directly from any hedge funds.
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