HULL Alternative?

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Is there a good alternative to Hull's Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives? I'm currently reading and not getting the point (how do the topics relate to M&A, PE, Markets, etc). Much of the math seems full of assumptions, and not a lot of explanation as to how the equations were derived. I probably need a primer before reading Hull if anyone could recommend. I took a look at the "master list", but it's a mile long. Is there any one book or collection of books any of you would read instead?
If he can't understand Hull, he won't be able to understand McDonald either. Also, his question about the relationship to M&A and PE suggests an ignorance of what derivatives even are. The poster is either writing frivolously or needs to work through a basic calculus text.
I'm currently reading and not getting the point (how do the topics relate to M&A, PE, Markets, etc).
Maybe this would be a better read?
I probably need a primer before reading Hull if anyone could recommend.
Maybe this primer will hep
I took a look at the "master list", but it's a mile long. Is there any one book or collection of books any of you would read instead?
It depends on what you want to do. The master reading list gears towards MFE/quant type, not people who would be working in IBD.
Have you seen the Goldman Sachs reading list?
Thanks for the suggestions and links, the book by Stefanica looks pretty good, going to try that. Really interesting mergers site, thanks for the tip!
For the chapters on options, perhaps Natenberg's Option Volatility & Pricing is a good substitute.
i recently i bought neftci's principles of FE. and wow, and by that i mean WOW. its the most ingeniously written book out there. truly is the gist of financial engineering. he covers options very well in that btw. but goof is interested in IB, PE, M&A etc. Stefanica's book won't teach him anything like that. goof would probably be interested in books like corporate finance or "Essentials of Investments" etc.
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