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India NISM offers Certificate in FE and Risk Management (CFERM)

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India's National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) is planning to offer a 6-month Certificate in Financial Engineering and Risk Management (CFERM). This sounds very similar to CQF program.

Certificate in Financial Engineering and Risk Management (CFERM)

I know many applicants from India took certificate in Derivatives and such from this NISM (and others).

Thoughts on this course?
This is actually quite interesting. The derivatives markets in India have yet to reach the level of maturity of their western hemisphere counterparts. While certain aspects of risk management are more or less universal, I'd like to see how the idiosyncrasies of the Indian / eastern markets will factor into the specifics of what NISM will teach.
well i don't think it will stand to the CQF programme...Its new and faculties are not even comparable....
well i don't think it will stand to the CQF programme...Its new and faculties are not even comparable....

That goes without saying, doesn't it? I seriously doubt anyone is realistically expecting it to be on part with CQF...