India's educational system

There is nothing inappropriate here. We could equally be discussing the many faults of the US's primary and secondary education system. In summary, don't be so defensive, or misinterpret what people are saying.
@andy: i dont see a point discussing such a topic.. as in just look back at what the original topic of discussion was.. was it really worth talking about? am sure quantnet has better goals to achieve and better information to impart to its members rather than talking about such silly things...

am not denying that any such thing that bBw mentioned can never happen, but why to generalize things based on just one (or may be few) event(s)... these situation may be a part of every education system am sure, its just that some are talked about and some are not...

and guys lets jus chill and settle things here rather than moving ahead and making an issue about things that might be offensive for some...

am sure Andy understands what am i trying to say.. thnx :)
@andy: i dont see a point discussing such a topic.. as in just look back at what the original topic of discussion was.. was it really worth talking about? am sure quantnet has better goals to achieve and better information to impart to its members rather than talking about such silly things...

Thats why this post is "off topic" mate, relax.

am not denying that any such thing that bBw mentioned can never happen, but why to generalize things based on just one (or may be few) event(s)... these situation may be a part of every education system am sure, its just that some are talked about and some are not...

Another incidence, my friend once told me that he had a teacher in his primary school who taught general science or something. She read from the textbook "Animals have fur to protect themselves from chill" and she made actions of a flying Eagle ('cheel' is Eagle in Hindi and she took chill as cheel) !!!!!! Also it should be 'from the cold' rather than 'from the chill'.. Thats the system and people buddy. There will be zillions of examples like these.
I read the WSJ in full and I think I know why many people take offense to this article.
The article is talking about very low-skilled graduates who would not be able to find a job on their own. The article also failed to mention the IIT school systems where supposedly the crop de creme graduates are. Many of Quantnet members are graduates from that group.

And this thread's title is a bit misleading when people are led to believe it's how the education in India is. It is just a partial picture. When the story writes about students from poor families going to one of the shady programs/uni and trying to find a job, it's not a pretty picture.
Its a very lopsided view of the education system. Although, if you were to take a numbers viewpoint, this is what its like by and large. Eventually, typical screening procedures take over and sadly, those that would cancel out x in the numerator and the denominator of the above example, will be filtered out. So in the end its all a non-issue.
No single example or incident can give a complete picture of anything, let alone something as complex as an education system of a big country.

I think this BigBadWolf guy has a big mental problem. Few days back he was making totally illogical and baseless statements about the Princeton program without qualifications. His previous statements give a better picture of him. I think he is just a sad old guy maybe working in an unimportant boring job, who is at the end of his professional career. Seems like he has a massive inferiority complex about his homeland. I think he is one of those immigrants whose only achievement in life has been immigration to the US.

All, ignore this guy as a old stale fart.
No single example or incident can give a complete picture of anything, let alone something as complex as an education system of a big country.

I think this BigBadWolf guy has a big mental problem. Few days back he was making totally illogical and baseless statements about the Princeton program without qualifications. His previous statements give a better picture of him. I think he is just a sad old guy maybe working in an unimportant boring job, who is at the end of his professional career. Seems like he has a massive inferiority complex about his homeland. I think he is one of those immigrants whose only achievement in life has been immigration to the US.

All, ignore this guy as a old stale fart.

Talk about ad hominem attacks. We're talking about educational systems in the Indian subcontinent, pal. We've critically discussed on this forum the Chinese and American systems more than once. Why is the Indian system taboo? Why the vehemence of the attacks on me if there isn't something rotten at the core of the system? Now, if you've nothing concrete to say on the subject matter of this thread, kindly stay out.
Please post request to Andy if you want BigBadWolf banned.

The thought police in action. No wonder critical questioning is verboten in India: it is mercilessly stamped out. Is this what you do with everyone who has a point of view dissimilar to yours? No wonder people in India never learn how to either entertain or debate with differing points of view.

I see personal anecdotal information here but no defence of Indian education at a systemic level.
i like cheese.

(only because this abortion of a thread needs to end) actually not the thread, just the retarded banter. yes, i said retarded. it has nothing to do with being politically incorrect. the exchange IS retarded. by far the silliest i have seen around here. seems rather strange given the usual snr.
Did bbw edit out his "inappropriate" comments? I'm still searching for them. Bbw, don't edit comments man. :(
Maybe you have had the misfortune of meeting the worst of the students. I am currently studying in one of the very good public schools in US. I am Comp Science major and i know fellow Americans who are senior(comp science major) and dont know how to compile the C code.

That's a racist comment, completely inappropriate and you should be banned forthwith. Funny how only Americans can be game for criticism but no-one else. Also, for tight, elegant code, Americans are still among the best in the world. Now if you want to talk about ill-documented spaghetti code ....
Did bbw edit out his "inappropriate" comments? I'm still searching for them. Bbw, don't edit comments man. :(
Nope. This is his entire first post so I was puzzled to read others' complaints about "inappropriate/racist comments"
A good piece in the WSJ on India's educational system. Pakistan next door is exactly the same, incidentally. One professor at the NED University of Engineering (in Karachi) was trying to explain the limit as x ->0 of sin x/x. First he cancelled the x's in the numerator and denominator; then he asserted that sin = 1. I am not joking.
Did bbw edit out his "inappropriate" comments? I'm still searching for them. Bbw, don't edit comments man. :(

No, mate. Nothing's been deleted. Perhaps you're wondering, then, about the vituperative attacks on me, instructing Andy that I be banned, excommunicated, and placed under the interdict? Beats me. Then the opportunistic McGruber -- who knows bugger all about the Indian education system, but is still smarting from my arguing that Princeton is not really a quant training program -- jumps in with a purely personal attack.
Bidbadwolf, I must confess that the article is not particularly well written as it doesn't do justice to a topic as diverse as Indian education system (Andy did point this out). However there is no denying that the article is 'narrowly' true, and I see no reason for this surge of pseudo-patriotism, and requests to expunge his post.
@bigbadwolf, no one is smarting from your ridiculous and illogical comments about Princeton. Facts are facts....It is just sad that time and again you post irrelevant and insulting posts that have nothing to do with Quant finance and that you have been allowed to do that in the name of forum neutrality. I just don't understand what you get from this. You always try to be part of any informative posts from knowledgeable people like DominiConner and others but due to your intellectual limitations never contribute anything good. This is the pattern I have observed from your posts. I am not an opportunist. I just gave an example of your one of many idiotic posts and hope that they stop.
Bidbadwolf, I must confess that the article is not particularly well written as it doesn't do justice to a topic as diverse as Indian education system (Andy did point this out). However there is no denying that the article is 'narrowly' true, and I see no reason for this surge of pseudo-patriotism, and requests to expunge his post.

It's a large country so generalisation is fraught with hazard. IIT is the flagship institute and its graduates can be found in abundance in the US -- but that doesn't mean all Indian universities are even remotely at the same level. Instruction takes place in English -- a second language for most Indians. That is one problem. Underpaid lecturers mean corruption becomes possible. Or as we say in Urdu/Hindi, "Sub chaltha hey, yar." A culture of deference and respect means critical questioning becomes difficult. Underfunded education creates its own set of problems. I've yet to see anyone make substantive counterarguments.
It's a large country so generalisation is fraught with hazard. IIT is the flagship institute and its graduates can be found in abundance in the US -- but that doesn't mean all Indian universities are even remotely at the same level. Instruction takes place in English -- a second language for most Indians. That is one problem. Underpaid lecturers mean corruption becomes possible. Or as we say in Urdu/Hindi, "Sub chaltha hey, yar." A culture of deference and respect means critical questioning becomes difficult. Underfunded education creates its own set of problems. I've yet to see anyone make substantive counterarguments.

I think his comments are too immature for the forum and so is he.
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