






In the west we are so in love with Diversity. I wonder when the Diversity fraudulent mutant mindset will hit Asia. You laugh at the similarity of people in Japan but it is a peaceful nation with a long standing culture.

In case my point is not clear, Diversity is the disease. Familiarity, commonness, etc, is not. Diversity destroys culture, familiarity creates and maintains culture.

@0.6 The Dutch judoka Peter Adelaar (2 m 13 cm!) lost his wallet twice on the Tokyo underground and recovered it twice. It was a while back..
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In the west we are so in love with Diversity. I wonder when the Diversity fraudulent mutant mindset will hit Asia. You laugh at the similarity of people in Japan but it is a peaceful nation with a long standing culture.

In case my point is not clear, Diversity is the disease. Familiarity, commonness, etc, is not. Diversity destroys culture, familiarity creates and maintains culture.

I wouldn't mock Japan was being a comformist society (it's actually not, that's just a stereotype) but I would say that Culture is not stuck in time even in Japan. I would also argue that diversity creates a richer culture, it's visible in the US. It may not be valuable to some but it's there for anybody interested. Even Japan is notorious in appropriating foreign culture, that's quite the departure from "familiarity, commonness".

There is some sort of romanticization of japan as a peaceful place. That's a blanket statement: we would need to define what is meant by peaceful. As always once you start digging you quickly see things aren't what they seem. Japan is a highly patriarchal society, its treatment of women and minorities (i.e. Koreans) are, on top of my head, characteristics which don't align with what I think of a "peaceful" society. I mean it's a pandora box, and lots can be said about what makes a society better but statements such as "diversity is the disease" aren't grounded in reality.
I wouldn't mock Japan was being a comformist society (it's actually not, that's just a stereotype) but I would say that Culture is not stuck in time even in Japan. I would also argue that diversity creates a richer culture, it's visible in the US. It may not be valuable to some but it's there for anybody interested. Even Japan is notorious in appropriating foreign culture, that's quite the departure from "familiarity, commonness".

There is some sort of romanticization of japan as a peaceful place. That's a blanket statement: we would need to define what is meant by peaceful. As always once you start digging you quickly see things aren't what they seem. Japan is a highly patriarchal society, its treatment of women and minorities (i.e. Koreans) are, on top of my head, characteristics which don't align with what I think of a "peaceful" society. I mean it's a pandora box, and lots can be said about what makes a society better but statements such as "diversity is the disease" aren't grounded in reality.

you're a fool. i dont know how you have been raised but it's people like you who have led (and continue to - fools be fools) to the destruction of the west.


^ how's that diversity for you? it's certainly 'visible' to me.

i shouldn't waste my time replying but what the hell, fools sometimes listen. once you start digging things aren't as they seem? try being in the soviet union, libya, syria, yugoslavia and try to start 'digging' - you'll have your teeth removed and your fingers cut away. but we westerners need to understand everything is relative - our highly patriarchal society - we demean the blacks, minorities and women (asians? do they count?). to me a peaceful society is one where men can wear skirts, women can have moustaches and there is total equality! diversity creates such a rich culture. But why do all these Islamic terrorists keep cutting our heads off? It's because of our highly patriarchal society - we need to check our privileges.. we are such a disgrace.

Let's see what Diversity leads to.

French president - Macron - no kids
German chancellor - Merkel - no kids
UK prime minister - May - no kids
Italy prime minister - Gentiloni - no kids
Holland prime minister - Rutte - no kids
Sweden prime minister - Lofven - no kids
Luxembourg prime minister - Bettel - no kids
Scotland first minister - Sturgeon - no kids

And the super slown

President of EU commission - Juncker - no kids

Now let us compare...

Muammar Gaddafi - 8 sons, 2 daughters
Bashar al Assad - 3 kids
Putin - 2 kids
Trump - I don't know how many he has but at least 5

Getting it yet? Probably not
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