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Job skills, which product is hiring?

Hello Everyone

I will graduate at this Dec. I hold two Master Degrees in Quantitative Finance and Applied Math. I had 4 months intern experience in trading floor. I am just wondering to know if it is really hard to find a junior quant or quant developer job in States now. I know most of ppls in this forum are working in street. Could you please give me some suggestions what kind of skills are very important in your daily work like programming, math ... and which areas are more likely to hire new graduates i.e. Equity, FX, Fixed Income ...? Many Thanks, have a good weekend!

I assume you know by now that each job position requires a very different kind of skillset. In general, good programming skill, fast learning and adaptability are very important.
In this market, banks will put more emphasis on risk management and less on risky area like exotic, derivatives products. Equity has always been hiring.
As a result, you likely will see more ads for risk position. There are still hiring in other areas but I see more contraction than expansion. At least, that's the short term forecast. A year from now is anyone guess.
If you did 4 months internship in a trading floor, you must have an idea of what kind of skill are needed. Where did you do your internship? what did you do?