Masters degree advice

I'm currently looking around for Mathematical Finance programs and would like to know what I am competitive for.

Flag Ship State School
Major: Math
Minors: Chem
Overall GPA: 3.7
Major GPA: 4.0
GRE Q: 170
The Math courses I have taken are: Calc 1-3, ODE's, Linear Algebra, Intro Statistics, Numerical Analysis, Real Analysis, Probability Theory, Financial Derivatives 1 and 2, Abstract Algebra, Applied Analysis (PDE's).
In addition I know Python, R, C++, and Matlab.
I have not taken any Business or Finance courses from the Business school. All the Finance stuff I know is from Financial Derivatives 1 and 2 from the Math Department, but to be fair it covered quite a bit. We used Derivative of Markets by McDonald. I'd really like to learn Stochastic calculus and processes, Time Series Analysis, and Measure Theoretic Probability.

I'd like to know how I fair and any advice you all might have.
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