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Math major, Math+CS double major, stat minor?

Options: Math major, math + CS double major, math major + stat minor.
If I only do math, I'd have more time to really understand the content. Math + CS double major is more rigorous, risking lower GPA.
How much CS knowledge does a quant trader really need to have? Not planning on pursuing mfe/phd.
Note: I am not a Quant Trader, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Ideally, the best combination would be Math and Computer Science with a stats minor. Math is the baseline skill that ALL Quant Traders will need regardless of specialty. For really any finance role, the analytical skills of a Math Major are invaluable. As a Quant Trader, your entire job will be based around working with computers and integrating your mathematical, statistical, and computer programming skills to trade securities, build financial models, and analyze vast amounts of financial data.

But the ideal is not always possible and that makes sense. If you know that you do want to go into Quant Finance then I would do the double major in Math and CS. The math and programming skills are the baseline for all quant jobs. While stats is EXTREMELY important, it's not as important as the latter 2.

That's at least my understanding of it.