I'm sorry if that was confusing. I'm taking Calc II this Summer, and EDE and Linear Alg. combined Fall 2008. I'll also be taking multidimensional calc (I think this is considered calc III?) at the same time. The prereq. for EDE (& Lin. Alg.) is Calc II. I understand that it will be difficult, but I've planned out the path well in advance.
Ultimately I'll have ended with:
Spring 2008
Calc I (Done)
Summer 2008
Calc II
Fall 2008
Calc III
EDE + Linear Alg. combined
Spring 2009
These are the courses I have to choose from: Math@LSU Courses
CPeters, good luck with your spring semester. I think it will be your toughest, but it's good that you are progressively increasing your course load. That should help, because you're going to find things to be muchhh different than Calc I.
Good Luck!