Buddy, I was doing you a favor by not replying, but since you asked for it;Lmao I kept it to factual and you have no response.
Firstly, fix your grammar before trying to call me out on semantics. Not only is your syntax egregiously bad, you still don't know the difference between their and there.
Second, you mentioned that "only JPM has hired there for two years in a row". As said before, multiple top firms have hired out of MFin for *three* years in a row, not just JPM. So not only is your statement not factual, but your reply is laughable.
As you may or may not know, hired =/= recruiting, but again why bother talking semantics with you?
Lastly, this isn't a ToysRus forum. Aren't you 25+ years old or something? "Lmao you have no response" suggests otherwise